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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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SPARQL Query Alternative Country Names
# Get alternative names of all countries from geonames. The query should have been
# much simpler, but
# 1) It's hard (or impossible) to tell cities from countries in the geonames data
# 2) In dbpedia too many things are dbo:Country whereas they are not.
# This was minimally tested using <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX factbook: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX geonames: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
SELECT distinct ?dbp ?geo ?name {
# Get a list of countries according to CIA Factbook, fix factbook URI's
GRAPH <> {
?c a factbook:Country # ; rdfs:label "Anguilla"
BIND(IRI(REPLACE(str(?c), "", "")) AS ?fb) .
# Limit the number of countries if you get timeouts.
# LIMIT 10
# Get sameAs with geonames from dbpedia endpoint as the LOD Cache
# is miraculously incomplete.
?dbp a dbo:Country; (owl:sameAs | ^owl:sameAs) ?fb;
(owl:sameAs | ^owl:sameAs) ?geo .
FILTER(strStarts(str(?geo),"")) .
?geo geonames:alternateName ?name .
FILTER(lang(?name)="en" || lang(?name)="")
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