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Created March 2, 2021 14:45
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A C++ Quiz App that demonstrate the use of map as data structure
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
int score =0, answer;
struct Question {
std::string text;
std::string options[4];
int correct_answer;
std::map <int, Question> data =
{0,{"Who is the author of C++?", {"Linus Torvalds", "Ada Lovelace", "Bjarne Stroustrup", "Brendan Eich"}, 3}},
{1, {"The year when C++ first appeared: ", {"2021", "1991", "2005", "1985"}, 4}},
{2, {"What is C++ most current version? (in 2021)", {"C++21", "C++20", "C++1", "C++17"},2}},
{3, {"Which one of the following is a valid extension for C++ file?",{".cpp", ".xml", ".ts", ".rs"},1}},
{4, {"C++ Author was born in:", {"Amsterdam, Netherland", "Stockholm, Sweden", "Madrid, Spain", "Aarhus, Denmark"}, 4}}
class Quiz{
void printQuestion(std::string options[4]){
for(int i = 0; i<4; i++){
std::cout << (i+1)<< ".- " << options[i] << std::endl;
void checkIsCorrect(int answer, int correct_answer){
if (correct_answer == answer)
{ score++;
std::cout << "Your selection is correct\n";
std::cout<< "Your selection is wrong. Correct answer is " << correct_answer << std::endl;
void start(){
std::cout << "Welcome to the Quiz App!!\n";
auto it = data.begin();
while(it != data.end()){
std::cout<< it->second.text<<std::endl;
std::cin >> answer;
checkIsCorrect(answer, it->second.correct_answer);
if(score ==5){
std::cout << "End of game. You got all " << score << " of them! Perfect Score!"<< std::endl;
std::cout << "End of game. Your final score is " << score << std::endl;
int main()
Quiz quiz;
return 0;
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