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Created January 24, 2019 15:40
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This script gets fed two files, one containing all the available lint-issues (as listed here copy-paste content with the exact formatting) and a lint.xml file which contains lint issues declared at an android project. The output is the lint issues that haven't yet been added to lint.xml
* Usage:
* Download kotlin as per instructions:
* $> kotlinc -script diff-lint.kts <file with all issues> <lint.xml with your configuration> <optional: outpuf filename, defaults to "output">
data class Issue(val title: String, val lines: MutableList<String>? = null)
if (args.size < 2) throw IllegalArgumentException("Not enough arguments provided, Provided ${args.size}, wanted at least 2")
val srcFile = args[0]
val lintFile = args[1]
val outputFile = if (args.size >= 3) args[2] else null
val androidIssues = parseAndroidIssues(srcFile)
val projectIssues = parseLintChecks(lintFile)
val remainingIssues: List<Issue> =
androidIssues.filter { issue -> projectIssues.none { it.title == issue.title } }
println("Calculated remaining issues: ${remainingIssues.size}")
* @return Issues as represented in Official [documentation](
fun parseAndroidIssues(fileName: String): List<Issue> {
val file = File(fileName)
val reader = file.bufferedReader()
val issues = mutableListOf<Issue>()
val lineSeq: Sequence<String> = reader.lineSequence()
var previousLine = ""
var currentIssue: Issue? = null
lineSeq.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
.forEach {
if (it.contains("---")) {
// Finish previous issue parsing
currentIssue?.let { issue -> issues.add(issue) }
// start parsing issue
currentIssue = Issue(previousLine.trim(), mutableListOf())
previousLine = it
currentIssue?.let { issues.add(it) }
return issues
fun parseLintChecks(fName: String): List<Issue> {
val file = File(fName)
val reader = file.bufferedReader()
val lineSeq: Sequence<String> = reader.lineSequence()
var lintChecks = mutableListOf<Issue>()
.filter { it.contains("<issue id=(.)+/>".toRegex()) }
.forEach {
Regex("\"\\w+\"").find(it)?.let { match ->
lintChecks.add(Issue(match.value.substring(1, match.value.length - 1)))
return lintChecks
fun List<Issue>.writeOutputToFile(fileName: String?) {
val file = if (fileName.isNullOrEmpty()) "output" else fileName
File(file).printWriter().use { out ->
out.println("=== Issues to be implemented ===")
this.forEach { issue ->
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