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Last active June 16, 2019 12:44
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Save cmartello/7a458e3c6e0a7e20b20b653c7bd9e01a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"""This is a simple script I originally wrote for finding solutons in
the "wordscapes" program; it presents you with a series of letters
that you unjumble in various manners to form words which are
then arranged on an empty crossword puzzle.
Currently, it'll search a supplied dictionary for possible words, but on
my TODO list is to add functionality to seach for patterns and
lengths of words.
# it's a global, i know, this will change in refactoring
def cleanup(base_string):
"""Filters a provided string to be only the letters A-Z and changed
to capitals only."""
return''.join([x for x in base_string if x.isalpha()]).upper()
def load_dictionary(user):
"""loads up a dictionary as a list of sets. The index is the length
and the set contains all words of that length."""
words = dict()
allwords = set()
for letter in ALPHA:
words[letter] = set()
# open file, read words
for line in open(user, 'r'):
line = cleanup(line)
for ltr in ALPHA:
if ltr in line:
# we're done
return (words, allwords)
def search(letters, dictionary, length=0):
"""Searches a given dictionary (which is technically a set, but...) for
words that contain only the letters provided above or a subset thereof.
results = []
# filter out nonalphabetic characters
letters = cleanup(letters)
# from the set of all words, remove words that aren't possible to create
# that is, if a set of letters does not contain "P", "PUKE" will not be
# in the results set
results = dictionary[1]
for ltr in ALPHA:
if ltr in letters:
if ltr not in letters:
results = results - dictionary[0][ltr]
# reduce results by filtering out words that contain too many copies of
# some letters. example, if the query is "LEAP", then "EEL" would appear
# valid in the previous step, but is not a solution.
filtered = set()
for word in results:
valid = True
# trivially reject too long words as not being solutions
if len(word) > len(letters):
# we'll iterate over each letter in the word and a letter occurs more
# times in the result than the query, we'll skip past it.
for ltr in word:
if word.count(ltr) > letters.count(ltr):
valid = False
# if it didn't fail the letter count test, add it.
if valid:
# filter for maximum length if specified
limited = set()
if length > 0:
for word in filtered:
if len(word) == length:
return limited
return filtered
def main_loop():
"""Just a simple loop: enter query, get results."""
dictionary = load_dictionary('TWL06.txt')
while True:
query = input('> ').split()
if len(query) < 2:
maxlen = 0
maxlen = int(query[1])
for results in search(query[0].upper(), dictionary, maxlen):
if __name__ == '__main__':
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