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Clips of a fantastic Linux Kernel development tutorial, by Greg Kroah-Hartman.
So run off and install git on your Linux system using the package
manager you are comfortable with (personally, I use openSUSE, and a
simple 'zypper install git' does everything that is needed.)
Then start by cloning the main Linux kernel repository:
$ mkdir ~/linux
$ cd ~/linux
$ git clone git://
This will create the directory 'linux-2.6' within the linux/ directory.
Everything we do from here out will be within that directory, so go into
it to start with:
$ cd ~/linux/linux-2.6
Now that you have the raw source code, how do you build it and install
it on your system? That is a much larger task, one that is beyond this
article. Luckily a whole book has been written on this topic, "Linux
Kernel in a Nutshell", and can be found free online at:
if you don't want to purchase it.
So go and get your kernel configured and building, and then come back
here to figure out what to do next.
-- Git tips
Here are a few tips to use with git when working with the kernel source
tree. First off, never do your work on the same branch that Linus
pushes to, called "master". Create your own branch, and use that
instead. This ensures that any changes that are committed to Linus's
branch upstream, will be able to be updated by you without any problems.
To create a new branch called 'tutorial' and check it out, do the
$ git branch tutorial
$ git checkout tutorial
That's it. You are now in the 'tutorial' branch of your kernel
repository, as can be seen by the following command:
$ git branch
* tutorial
The '*' in front of the 'tutorial' name shows that you are on the
correct branch.
Now, let's go and make some changes to the kernel code.
-- What to change
Wait, you don't know what change you want to make to the Linux kernel
source tree? Everything is working just fine for you? Well, don't
despair, the Linux kernel developers need all the help they can get, and
have plenty of code in the tree that is just waiting to get cleaned up.
The code in the drivers/staging/ tree consists of a lot of drivers that
do not meet the normal Linux kernel coding guidelines. The code is in
that location so that other developers can help on cleaning it up, and
getting it merged into the main portion of the Linux kernel tree.
Every driver in the drivers/staging directory contains a TODO file that
lists the things that need to be done on it in order for the code to be
moved to the proper location in the kernel tree. The majority of the
drivers all contain the following line in their TODO file:
- fix issues
Let's look into what this means and how you can help out with this task.
-- Coding Style
Every large body of code needs to have a set of coding style rules in
order for it to be a viable project that a large number of developers
can work on. Numerous research studies have been made on this topic,
and they all conclude that having a common guideline makes a very large
It is not merely a matter of aesthetics that programs
should be written in a particular style. Rather there
is a psychological basis for writing programs in a
conventional manner: programmers have strong expectations
that other programmers will follow these discourse rules.
If the rules are violated, then the utility afforded by
the expectations that programmers have built up over time
is effectively nullified.”
– Soloway & Ehrlich
What this means is that once programmers get used to a common style, the
patterns of the code go away when it is looked at, and the meaning shows
through very easily.
The goal of any Linux kernel developer is to have other developers help
find problems in their code, and by keeping all of the code in the same
format, it makes it much easier for anyone else to pick it up, modify
it, or notice bugs in it. As every line of kernel code is reviewed by
at least 2 developers before it is accepted, having a common style
guideline is a very important thing.
The Linux kernel coding style can be found in the file
Documentation/CodingStyle in the kernel source tree. The important
thing to remember when reading it, is not that this style is somehow
better than any other style, just that it is consistent.
In order to help developers easily find coding style issues, the script
scripts/ in the kernel source tree has been developed.
This script can point out problems very easily, and should always be run
by a developer on their changes, instead of having a reviewer waste
their time by pointing out problems later on.
The drivers in the drivers/staging/ directory all usually have coding
style issues as they were developed by people not familiar with the
Linux kernel guidelines. One of the first things that needs to be done
to the code, is to fix it up to follow the correct rules.
And this is where you come in, by running the tool, you
can find a large number of problems that need to be fixed.
-- Specific rules
Let us look at some of the common rules that are part of the kernel
--- Whitespace
The first rule that everyone needs to follow is to use the 'tab'
character, and not use spaces, to indent code. Also, the 'tab'
character should represent 8 spaces. Following along with the 8
character tab indentation, the code should not flow past the 80
character line limit on the right side of the screen.
Note, numerous developers have complained about the 80 character limit
recently, and there are some places where it is acceptable to go beyond
that limit. If you find that you are being forced to do strange
line-wrapping formatting just to fit into the 80 character limit, with
all of your code on the right hand side of the screen, it is better to
refactor the logic to prevent this from happening in the first place.
Forcing an 80 character limit, also forces developers to break their
logic up into smaller, easier to understand chunks, which makes it
easier to review and follow as well.
So yes, there is a method to the madness of the 80 character limit.
--- Braces
Opening braces should be placed on the same line of the statement they
are being used for, with one exception as show below. Closing braces
should be placed back at the original indentation. This can be shown
with the following example:
if (error != -ENODEV) {
If you need to add an else statement to an if statement, put it on the
same line as the closing brace, as shown here:
if (error != -ENODEV) {
} else {
goto exit;
If braces are not needed for a statement, do not put them in, as they
are unnecessary:
if (error != -ENODEV)
goto exit;
The one exception for opening braces, is for function declarations,
those go on a new line as shown here:
int function(int *baz)
return 0;
With these simple whitespace and brace rules now understood, let us run
the script on some code and see what it tells us:
$ ./scripts/ --help
Usage: [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Version: 0.30
-q, --quiet quiet
--no-tree run without a kernel tree
--no-signoff do not check for 'Signed-off-by' line
--patch treat FILE as patchfile (default)
--emacs emacs compile window format
--terse one line per report
-f, --file treat FILE as regular source file
--subjective, --strict enable more subjective tests
--root=PATH PATH to the kernel tree root
--no-summary suppress the per-file summary
--mailback only produce a report in case of warnings/errors
--summary-file include the filename in summary
--debug KEY=[0|1] turn on/off debugging of KEY, where KEY is one of
'values', 'possible', 'type', and 'attr' (default
is all off)
--test-only=WORD report only warnings/errors containing WORD
-h, --help, --version display this help and exit
When FILE is - read standard input.
Some common options that we will be using is the --terse and --file
options, as those allow us to see the problems in a much simpler report,
and they work on an entire file, not just a single patch.
So, let's pick a file in the kernel and see what tells us
about it:
$ ./scripts/ --file --terse drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c
drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c:4: WARNING: line over 80 characters
drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c:486: WARNING: braces {} are not necessary for single statement blocks
drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c:489: WARNING: braces {} are not necessary for single statement blocks
drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c:587: WARNING: suspect code indent for conditional statements (8, 0)
drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c:743: WARNING: printk() should include KERN_ facility level
drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c:750: WARNING: kfree(NULL) is safe this check is probably not required
drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c:2028: WARNING: EXPORT_SYMBOL(foo); should immediately follow its function/variable
total: 0 errors, 76 warnings, 2028 lines checked
I've removed a lot of the warnings from the above output, as there was a
total of 76 of them, and they are all variants of the above ones.
As can be seen, the tool points out where the code has
gone beyond the 80 character limit, and where braces were used that they
were not needed, as well as a few other things that should be cleaned up
in the file.
Now that we know what needs to be done, fire up your favorite editor,
and let us fix something. How about the brace warning, that should be
simple to resolve.
Looking at the original code, lines 486-490 look like the following:
if (irq) {
printk(", irq %u", irq);
if (dma_chan) {
printk(", dma %u", dma_chan);
A simple removal of those extra braces results in:
if (irq)
printk(", irq %u", irq);
if (dma_chan)
printk(", dma %u", dma_chan);
Save the file, and run the checkpatch tool again to verify that the
warning is gone:
$ ./scripts/ --file --terse drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c | grep 486
And of course build the file to verify that you did not break anything:
$ make drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.o
CHK include/linux/version.h
CHK include/generated/utsrelease.h
CALL scripts/
CC [M] drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.o
Yes, it still builds, so all is good.
Great, you have now made your first kernel code fix!
But, how do you take this change, and get it to the kernel developers in
the format that they can apply it?
-- More git fun
As you edited this file within a git repository, your change to it is
caught by git. This can be seen by running the 'git status' command:
$ git status
# On branch tutorial
# Changed but not updated:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# modified: drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
This output shows that we are on the branch called 'tutorial', and that
we have one file modified at the moment, the ni_labpc.c file.
If we ask for git to show what we changed, we will see the actual lines:
$ git diff
diff --git a/drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c b/drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c
index dc3f398..a01e35d 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c
@@ -483,12 +483,10 @@ int labpc_common_attach(struct comedi_device *dev, unsigned long iobase,
printk("comedi%d: ni_labpc: %s, io 0x%lx", dev->minor, thisboard->name,
- if (irq) {
+ if (irq)
printk(", irq %u", irq);
- }
- if (dma_chan) {
+ if (dma_chan)
printk(", dma %u", dma_chan);
- }
if (iobase == 0) {
This output is in the format that the tool 'patch' can use to apply a
change to a body of code. The leading '-' and '+' on some lines show
what lines are removed, and what lines are added. Reading these diff
outputs soon becomes natural, and is the format in which you need to
send to the kernel maintainer to get the change accepted.
--- Description, description, description
The raw diff output shows what code is changed, but for every kernel
patch, more information needs to be provided in order for it to be
accepted. This "metadata" is as important as the code changes, as it is
used to show who made the change, why the change was made, and who
reviewed the change.
Here is a sample change that was accepted into the Linux kernel tree a
while ago:
USB: otg: Fix bug on remove path without transceiver
In the case where a gadget driver is removed while no
transceiver was found at probe time, a bug in
otg_put_transceiver() will trigger.
Signed-off-by: Robert Jarzmik <>
Acked-by: David Brownell <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
--- a/drivers/usb/otg/otg.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/otg/otg.c
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(otg_get_transceiver);
void otg_put_transceiver(struct otg_transceiver *x)
- put_device(x->dev);
+ if (x)
+ put_device(x->dev);
The first line of the change, is a one line summary of what part of the
kernel the change is for, and very briefly, what it does:
USB: otg: Fix bug on remove path without transceiver
Then comes a more descriptive paragraph that explains why the change is
In the case where a gadget driver is removed while no
transceiver was found at probe time, a bug in
otg_put_transceiver() will trigger.
After that, comes a few lines that show who made and reviewed the patch:
Signed-off-by: Robert Jarzmik <>
Acked-by: David Brownell <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
The term "Signed-off-by:" refers to the ability for the developer to
properly claim that they are allowed to make this change, and offer it
up under the acceptable license to be able for it to be added to the
Linux kernel source tree. This agreement is called the "Developer's
Certificate of Origin" and can be found in full in the file,
Documentation/SubmittingPatches in the Linux kernel source tree.
A brief summary of what the Developer's Certificate of Origin consists
of, is the following:
(a) I created this change; or
(b) Based this on a previous work with a
compatible license; or
(c) Provided to me by (a), (b), or (c) and not
(d) This contribution is public.
It is a very simple to understand agreement, and ensures that everyone
involved knows that the change is legally acceptable.
Every developer who the patch goes through, adds their "Signed-off-by:"
to it as the patch flows through the developer and maintainer chain
before it is accepted into the Linux kernel source tree. This ensures
that every line of code in the Linux kernel, can be tracked back to the
developer who created it, and the developers who reviewed it.
-- Creating our patch
Now that we know how a patch is structured, we can create ours.
First, tell git to check in the change that we made:
$ git commit drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c
git will fire up your favorite editor and place you in it, with the
following information already present:
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# Explicit paths specified without -i nor -o; assuming --only paths...
# On branch tutorial
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
# modified: drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c
Create a summary line for the patch:
Staging: comedi: fix brace coding style issue in ni_labpc.c
And then a more descriptive paragraph:
This is a patch to the ni_labpc.c file that fixes up a brace
warning found by the tool
Then add your Signed-off-by: line:
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
Then save the file and git will make the commit, printing out the
[tutorial 60de825] Staging: comedi: fix brace coding style issue in ni_labpc.c
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
If you use the command 'git show HEAD' to see the most recent change, it
will show you the full commit you made:
$ git show HEAD
commit 60de825964d99dee56108ce4c985a7cfc984e402
Author: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
Date: Sat Jan 9 12:07:40 2010 -0800
Staging: comedi: fix brace coding style issue in ni_labpc.c
This is a patch to the ni_labpc.c file that fixes up a brace
warning found by the tool
Signed-off-by: My Name <my_name@my_email_domain>
diff --git a/drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c b/drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c
index dc3f398..a01e35d 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_labpc.c
@@ -483,12 +483,10 @@ int labpc_common_attach(struct comedi_device *dev, unsigned long iobase,
printk("comedi%d: ni_labpc: %s, io 0x%lx", dev->minor, thisboard->name,
- if (irq) {
+ if (irq)
printk(", irq %u", irq);
- }
- if (dma_chan) {
+ if (dma_chan)
printk(", dma %u", dma_chan);
- }
if (iobase == 0) {
You are now finished creating your first kernel patch!
-- Getting your change into the kernel tree
Now that you have created the patch, how do you get it into the kernel
tree? Linux kernel development primarily still happens through email,
with patches being sent through email, and review happening that way.
First off, let's export our patch in a format that we can use to email
it to the maintainer who will be responsible for accepting our patch.
To do that, once again, git has a command 'format-patch' that you can
$ git format-patch master..tutorial
In this command, we are creating all patches that exist in the
difference from the branch 'master' (which is Linus's branch, remember
way back at the beginning?) and our private branch, called 'tutorial'.
This consists of only one change, our patch. It is now in the file
0001-Staging-comedi-fix-brace-coding-style-issue-in-ni_la.patch in our
directory in a format that we can send off.
Before we attempt to send the patch off, we should verify that our patch
is in the correct format, and does not add any errors to the kernel tree
as far as coding style issues go. To do that, we use the
script again:
$ ./scripts/ 0001-Staging-comedi-fix-brace-coding-style-issue-in-ni_la.patch
total: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 14 lines checked
0001-Staging-comedi-fix-brace-coding-style-issue-in-ni_la.patch has no obvious style problems and is ready for submission.
All is good, so it is safe to submit this change.
But, who do we send it to? Once again, the kernel developers have made
this very simple, with a script that will tell you who needs to be
notified. This script is called, '', and is also in
the scripts/ subdirectory in the kernel source tree. This script looks
at the files you have modified in the patch, and matches it up with the
information in the MAINTAINERS file in the kernel source tree that
describes who is responsible for what portion of the kernel, as well as
looking at the past history of the files being modified, in order to
come up with the names and email addresses of the people, and mailing
lists, that should be notified of this patch.
Running this script on our patch, results in the following:
$ ./scripts/ 0001-Staging-comedi-fix-brace-coding-style-issue-in-ni_la.patch
Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
Bill Pemberton <>
These are the addresses we need to send the patch to.
-- Sending an email
So, we should just bring up our favorite email client and send the patch
off to the list of addresses that told us about,
Wait, not so fast. Almost all common email clients do nasty things with
patch files, wrapping lines when they should not be wrapped, changing
tabs into spaces, eating spaces when they shouldn't, and all sorts of
other nasty things (can you say base64-encoded attachments?) Also, some
email servers are known for mangling patches even if you happen to send
the patch correctly. Exchange, Groupwise, and Lotus Notes have this
problem, so much so that most Linux kernel development teams at
companies that use these servers have been forced to set up a Linux
email server somewhere just to get patches out to the community in the
proper way.
For details about all of these common problems, and how to properly
configure a large number of email clients, take a look at the file,
Documentation/email-clients.txt in the kernel source tree. It will help
you out if you want to use your normal email client to send patches.
If after reading the email-clients.txt file, your email client still
does not work properly, git can again come to your rescue.
Git has a way to send patches created with 'git format-patch' out
through email to the developers who need it. The 'git send-email
command handles this all for us:
$ git send-email --to --to \
--cc \
--cc \
will send the patch we created to the proper developers and CC: the
proper mailing lists.
For details on how to configure 'git send-email' to work with your SMTP
server, or firewall, or anything else, see the man page:
$ git send-email --help
-- Now what?
Now that you have successfully created a patch and sent it off, what
next? The developer who you sent it to should respond by email in a few
days with either a nice, "thanks for the patch, I have applied it." or
possibly some comments for changes that you should make in order to get
it accepted. If you have not heard anything within a week, send it
again, don't be worried about being annoying, persistence is the key to
getting a busy kernel subsystem maintainer's attention.
So there you have it, the simple steps involved in creating, committing,
and sending off a Linux kernel patch. Hopefully this means that
everyone reading this article will soon send in their own kernel patch,
and after having fun doing that, continuing to contribute to the largest
software project in the history of computing.
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