Paste this in the search box or use the URL that follows:
+(.MOBI|.CBZ|.CBR|.CBC|.CHM|.EPUB|.FB2|.LIT|.LRF|.ODT|.PDF|.PRC|.PDB|.PML|.RB|.RTF|.TCR) PUT EBOOK NAME HERE intitle:"index of" -inurl:(jsp|pl|php|html|aspx|htm|cf|shtml) -inurl:(listen77|mp3raid|mp3toss|mp3drug|index_of|wallywashis)
Paste this in the search box or use the URL that follows:
mos def intitle:"music" (mp3|aac|flac|wav) "Parent Directory" -htm -html -asp -php -listen77 -idmusic -airmp3 -shexy -vmp3
Paste this in the search box or use the URL that follows:
some cool movie (avi|mpg|wmv|mpeg|divx) "Parent Directory" -"Trailer" -torrent -serial -cdkey -web-shelf -asp -html -zoozle -jsp -htm -listen77 -idmovies -shexy -eucontest -0x7
But, if you want to become a google dorks expert.
you must need to watch this video -
here is the link => &
What You will learn from this video ?
*how google dorks works
*how to use google dorks for penetration testing
*how to use google dorks for security searching
*how much google dorks is powerful
*find vulnerable website using google dorks
*find someones information with google dorks
*how to use google dorks for information gathering
*database exploit with google dorks
*how to become a expert of google dorks searcher
*do mastering at google dorks
A thanks is more appreciate :)