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Last active February 23, 2019 00:11
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Save cmbrown1598/052e7fc0354a01b529aede997da4c467 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#r "FSharp.Data.3.0.0\\lib\\net45\\Fsharp.Data.dll"
open System.IO;
open FSharp.Data
type BigOleFile = CsvProvider<"C:\\working\\sample.txt", "\t">
let writeData filePath stringLines =
File.WriteAllLines (filePath , Array.ofList stringLines)
Ok (List.length stringLines)
| e -> Error e.Message
let loadFile filePath =
// Shouldn't these be results to?
let folderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName filePath
let fileName = Path.GetFileName filePath
let getNewFileName v =
sprintf "%s%c%s_%s" folderPath Path.DirectorySeparatorChar v fileName
let toUpper c =
(char ((string c).ToUpper () ))
let inRange c1 c2 v =
v >= c1 && v <= c2
let groupByFirstCharacterOfIssueColumnName (row:BigOleFile.Row) =
match toUpper row.ColumnToGroupBy.[0] with
| x when inRange 'A' 'B' x -> "A-B"
| x when inRange 'C' 'D' x -> "C-D"
| x when inRange 'E' 'F' x -> "E-F"
| 'G' -> "G"
| x when inRange 'H' 'K' x -> "H-K"
| 'L' -> "L"
| _ -> "M-Z"
let stringifyLine (line:BigOleFile.Row) =
sprintf "%s" "redacted" /// blah blah redacted
let fileHeader = "" // redacted
|> Seq.groupBy groupByFirstCharacterOfIssueColumnName
|> Seq.iter (fun (groupByKey, groupedRows) ->
let newFileName = getNewFileName groupByKey
let res = writeData newFileName (fileHeader :: ((groupedRows |> stringifyLine) |> List.ofSeq))
match res with
| Ok m -> printfn "Wrote file '%s' with '%d' rows" newFileName m
| Error x -> printfn "Error writing file '%s'. Error text: %s" newFileName x
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