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Created December 30, 2019 01:32
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using Base64: base64encode
# From Base64 but copied here for readability
const BASE64_ENCODE = [UInt8(x) for x in ['A':'Z'; 'a':'z'; '0':'9'; '+'; '/']]
encode(x::UInt8) = @inbounds return BASE64_ENCODE[(x & 0x3f) + 1]
encodepadding() = UInt8('=')
base64 encodes arbitrary bits in a textual format that embeds up to 24 bits in blocks of 4 characters.
e.g. to convert 8 bits, you encode the first 6 as one character, then take the remaining 2 bits and treat them as the high bits for character 2 with the others filled with zero.
The final two characters are represented with padding ('=').
calculate required length.
allocate buffer
load each triplet into buffer
Could replace all use of unsafe_load and store with normal array indexing.
Create a Vector{UInt8} from a string with unsafe_wrap(Vector{UInt8}, str)
function encode_triple!(src::Ptr{UInt8}, dst::Ptr{UInt8}, n)
val(n) = unsafe_load(src, n)
enc(v, n) = unsafe_store!(dst, encode(v), n)
if n == 3
enc(val(1) >> 2, 1)
enc(val(1) << 4 | val(2) >> 4, 2)
enc(val(2) << 2 | val(3) >> 6, 3)
enc(val(3), 4)
elseif n == 2
enc(val(1) >> 2, 1)
enc(val(1) << 4 | val(2) >> 4, 2)
enc(val(2) << 2, 3)
unsafe_store!(dst, encodepadding(), 4)
elseif n == 1
enc(val(1) >> 2, 1)
enc(val(1) << 4, 2)
unsafe_store!(dst, encodepadding(), 3)
unsafe_store!(dst, encodepadding(), 4)
error("n must be in 1:3")
# Save a little time when you know you'll have a full triple (benchmarked)
function encode_triple!(src::Ptr{UInt8}, dst::Ptr{UInt8})
val(n) = unsafe_load(src, n)
enc(v, n) = unsafe_store!(dst, encode(v), n)
enc(val(1) >> 2, 1)
enc(val(1) << 4 | val(2) >> 4, 2)
enc(val(2) << 2 | val(3) >> 6, 3)
enc(val(3), 4)
# Only valid when pointer(src) isa Ptr{UInt8}
function b64enc(src)
dst = Vector{UInt8}(undef, ceil(Int, sizeof(src) / 3) * 4)
src_idx = 1
dst_idx = 1
while src_idx + 2 <= sizeof(src)
encode_triple!(pointer(src, src_idx), pointer(dst, dst_idx))
src_idx += 3
dst_idx += 4
if sizeof(src) >= src_idx
encode_triple!(pointer(src, src_idx), pointer(dst, dst_idx), sizeof(src) - src_idx + 1)
return String(dst)
# Tests
@assert b64enc("a") == "YQ=="
@assert b64enc("aa") == "YWE="
@assert b64enc("aaa") == "YWFh"
@assert b64enc("aaa") == "YWFh"
@assert b64enc("aaaa") == "YWFhYQ=="
const testdata = rand(UInt8, 1000);
@assert b64enc(testdata) == base64encode(testdata)
# Benchmarks
using BenchmarkTools
@btime b64enc($(repeat("a", 131072)));
@btime base64encode($(repeat("a", 131072)));
@btime b64enc($testdata);
@btime base64encode($testdata);
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cmcaine commented Dec 30, 2019

# Save a little time when you know you'll have a full triple (benchmarked)
# @inline is also benchmarked as a slight improvement.
@inline function encode_triple!(src::Ptr{UInt8}, dst::Ptr{UInt8})
    val(n) = unsafe_load(src, n)
    enc(v, n) = unsafe_store!(dst, encode(v), n)
    enc(val(1) >> 2, 1)
    enc(val(1) << 4 | val(2) >> 4, 2)
    enc(val(2) << 2 | val(3) >> 6, 3)
    enc(val(3), 4)

Providing a non-branching encode_triple! option for when n is 3 seems to help. Using @inline may also help, but could be measurement error.

The next potential improvement is aping some other libraries by reinterpreting the byte stream as a stream of 64 bit ints and maybe unrolling the loop some more.

Nice article on this:

And by the same talented person for SSE:

Worth noting that Java is very fast and at most packs three bytes into a 32 bit int. (if that's the relevant source).

So there's probably something else going on.

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