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Created September 29, 2017 23:07
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kubernetes redis source script sets current shell env vars for all redis_cluster and redis_sentinel_cluster nodes and the sentinel service IP
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# author: cmcc
# Usage:
# source $0
# Info:
# Print current pods in both the redis_cluster and the sentinel_cluster
# echo "$redis_cluster" | xargs
# echo "$sentinel_cluster" | xargs
: "${KUBECONFIG:?Need to set KUBECONFIG non-empty}"
# make sure aliases work in commands--especially remote ssh calls, etc:
shopt -s expand_aliases
export KREDIS="kubectl --namespace=redis"
printf "\nsentinel_cluster pods (cluster state mgmt):\n"
sentinel_cluster=$($KREDIS get po | grep redis-sentinel| grep -v "NAME" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs)
for sentinel_pod in $sentinel_cluster; do
printf "sentinel: $sentinel_pod "
$KREDIS describe pod $sentinel_pod | grep IP | awk '{print $2}' | grep -v 'v1:status.podIP'
printf "\nredis_cluster pods (master and slaves):\n"
redis_cluster=$($KREDIS get po | grep -v redis-sentinel | grep -v "NAME" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs)
for redis_pod in $redis_cluster; do
printf "redis: $redis_pod "
$KREDIS describe pod $redis_pod | grep IP | awk '{print $2}' | grep -v 'v1:status.podIP'
sentinel_service=$($KREDIS get svc | grep redis-sentinel | awk '{print $2}')
printf "\nNOW UPDATING ENV VARS if you've sourced this script correctly (source\n"
printf "\n'\$redis_cluster' ENV var should be set to:\n$redis_cluster\n"
printf "\n'\$sentinel_cluster' ENV var should be set to:\n$sentinel_cluster\n"
printf "\n'\$sentinel_service' ENV var should be set to:\n$sentinel_service\n"
printf "\n"
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