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Last active March 27, 2019 10:45
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  • Save cmccormack/8d04d89bfd7e891ea1476ad8fbbb7c6a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Updating a PR branch with upstream

Fork and Clone the freeCodeCamp Repository

Fork the freeCodeCamp repository

  1. Go to the freeCodeCamp repository on GitHub:
  2. Click the "Fork" Button in the upper right hand corner of the interface.
  3. After the repository has been forked, you will be taken to your copy of the freeCodeCamp at

Clone your fork locally

  1. Go to your projects directory (e.g. ~/projects/)
  2. Run the following command to clone locally:
    • Clone into default directory freeCodeCamp (e.g. ~/projects/freeCodeCamp):
      • git clone
    • Clone into custom directory DIRNAME (e.g. ~/projects/DIRNAME)
      • git clone DIRNAME
  3. Enter project directory
    • cd freeCodeCamp OR cd DIRNAME

Set upstream repository to freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp

  1. Added upstream as to your remote repositories:
    • git remote add upstream
  2. Validate upstream was added properly:
    • git remote -v should output something like
    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)
    upstream (fetch)
    upstream (push)

Fix Merge Conflicts for Pull Request

Update the local copy of the upstream remote

  • git fetch upstream

Optionally download and install Github Hub

  • Github Hub
  • Greatly simplifies many of the git commands, especially useful when working with Pull Requests.

Switch to the PR branch (using git OR hub):


  • git fetch upstream refs/pull/PULLREQ_NUMBER/head:pr-PULLREQ_NUMBER
  • git checkout pr-PULLREQ_NUMBER


  • hub checkout

Rebase commits on top of upstream/master

  • git rebase upstream/master OR
  • git pull --rebase upstream master

Resolve commits, add your own commits, etc...

  • If there is a conflict and it has been resolved:
    • git add [filename]
    • git rebase --continue
  • If you get a message stating there are no changes you may need to use git rebase --skip
  • You do NOT need to add a merge commit when rebasing

(Optionally) squash commits

  • git rebase -i upstream/master
  • Editor should open allowing you to choose which commits to squash
    • Add pick before the commit you want to keep
    • Add squash before any commit you want to squash into the pick commit
    • Save and exit
  • Editor should open allowing you to choose which commit messages to keep
    • Delete any superfluous commit messages
    • Save and exit

Write commits to users PR branch (using git OR hub):


  • git push pr-PULLREQ_NUMBER:THEIR_BRANCH_NAME (may require -f flag)


  • hub push (may require -f flag)

Useful Aliases

Alias Purpose Shell Syntax
gcm Checkout master branch alias gcm="git checkout master"
gb Show current branches alias gb="git branch"
gf Fetch from remote repository alias gf="git fetch"
gfu Fetch from upstream remote repository alias gfu="git fetch upstream"
grb Rebase onto a provided branch alias grb="git rebase"
grbc Continue rebase after making changes alias grbc="git rebase --continue"
grbs Skip current conflict alias grbs="git rebase --skip"
grba Abort current rebase alias grba="git rebase --abort"
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