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Created November 23, 2018 01:50
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UI Page Jelly Example One
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<j:jelly trim="false" xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:g="glide" xmlns:j2="null" xmlns:g2="null">
<!-- NOTE the tag attributes VALUES must be wraped in a string: foo='bar' OR foo='${"bar"}' -->
<!-- JELLY set tag, Attributes "var,value" -->
<j:set var='jvar_somevar' value='100'/>
<!-- This is a comment -->
<p>This is html ${" and JEXL"} AND $[" SN JEXL!"]</p>
<p>Loop = ${jvar_somevar} </p>
<p>Loop(does not work!) = $[jvar_somevar] </p>
<br />
<j:set var='jvar_loop' value='0'/>
<!-- JELLY while tag, Attributes "test" -->
<j:while test='${jvar_loop lt 3}'>
<!-- Note: set tag ALWAYS requires var and value attributes -->
<!-- Doublecheck your varable names in a LOOP! -->
<j:set var='jvar_loop' value='${jvar_loop + 1}' />
<!-- $[SP] == html non-breaking space '&nbsp;' -->
<!-- Conditiona tags: if, choose, case -->
<j:set var='jvar_mytest1' value='true' />
<j:if test='${jvar_mytest1}' >
<p>I'm true</p>
<j:if test='${!jvar_mytest1}' >
<!-- I'm not rendered ! -->
<p>I'm false!</p>
<!-- build an array in Jelly-->
<g:evaluate> <!-- ServiceNow Jelly Extension -->
var colors = ['Red', 'Black', 'Blue','Brown','Yellow','Green'];
<!-- Iterate over over a COLLECTION -->
<j:forEach var='jvar_color' items='${colors}' >
<p>Color: $[SP] <span style="color:${jvar_color};">${jvar_color}</span></p>
<!-- build an array of OBJECTS in Jelly -->
var colors2 = [
{name: 'red', value: '#FF0000'},
{name: 'blue', value: '#0000FF'}
<j:forEach var='jvar_color2' items='${colors2}'>
<!-- notes the 'jelly="true" attribute. There is also a 'object="true" attribute -->
<g:evaluate jelly='true'>
var name =;
var value = jelly.jvar_color2.value;
<p>Color: $[SP] <span style="color:${value};">${name}</span></p>
<!-- g:evaluate tag executes JavaScript on the ServiceNow instance -->
<g:evaluate>"CM*** From Jelly!");
var auxdb = gs.getProperty('auxdb.db.url');
<p>Auxdb = $[SP] ${auxdb}</p>
var user = gs.getUser();
var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_user_has_role');
gr.addQuery('user', user.getID());
var roleIDs = [];
roleIDs.push('' + gr.role);
//"CM*** found: " + gr.role);
gr = new GlideRecord('sys_user_role');
gr.addQuery('sys_id', roleIDs);
<p>Hello ${user.getFirstName()} $[SP] ${user.getID()}</p>
<p>You have the following roles:</p>
<j:while test='${}'> <!-- to controle while -->
<p style="margin-left:15px">${}</p>
<!-- Assign the result of an evaluate to a JELLY varable -->
<g:evaluate var='jvar_cssSplit'>
//Last expression evaluated will be assigned to jvar_cssSplit
<p>CSS Form VSPLIT: $[SP] ${jvar_cssSplit}</p>
<!-- Note you can enter "reserved" XML charters like '&" so use ${AMP} or '&amp;amp;' -->
<!-- Note never use JEXL in an evaluate tag, unless it ALWAYS resolves to the same thing: ${AMP} -->
<!-- evaluate jelly='true' allow JELLY varables to be 'visiable' in the evaluate tag via '' pattren -->
<j:set var='jvar_inEval' value='Hello from a JELLY Varable!' />
<g:evaluate jelly='true'>
var fooBar = jelly.jvar_inEval;
<p>Just getting a JELLY varable in evaluate: $[SP] ${fooBar}</p>
<!-- Note:the evaluate tag will return a string to "var=" by default -->
<!-- Note: use object='true' to return an object(Java collection) in evaluate tag to use in forEach-->
<!-- Jelly Phase I cached per user: "Template", Jelly Phase II dynamic -->
<!-- j,g Phase I, j2, g2 Phase II -->
<!-- ${} Phase I, $[] Phase II -->
<!-- Variables -->
<!-- JELLY only knows about JELLY variables: jvar_foo -->
<!-- JavaScript can get a R/O COPY of JELLY variables via jelly='true' in evaluate tag-->
<!-- JEXL assumes JELLY if varable starts with "jvar_" ELSE JavaScript variable -->
<!-- Pass JavaScript Var to JELLY -->
<g:evaluate var="jvar_fromJS">
var foo = "I'm a JS Variable";
<p>JS to JELLY: $[SP] ${jvar_fromJS}</p>
<!-- Pass JELLY to JavaScript-->
<j:set var="jvar_jellyToJS" value="I'm a Jelly Variable"/>
<g:evaluate jelly="true">
var jellyToJS = jelly.jvar_jellyToJS;
<p>JELLY to JS: $[SP] ${jellyToJS}</p>
<!-- Watch for Phase Miss Match between tags and JEXL -->
<!-- Phase I: j,g use ${}, Phase II: j2,g2 use $[] -->
<!-- Copy Phase I var to Phase II -->
<g:evaluate var="jvar_phaseI_phaseII" copyToPhase2="true">
var specialInc = "I started in Phase I";
<p>Run in Phase II: $[SP] $[jvar_phaseI_phaseII] </p>
<br />
<!-- Server Side JS to Client Side JS -->
var y = Math.random() * 100;
var color = 'Green';
Hello, $[SP]
<a id='ack'> $[gs.getUser().getFirstName()] </a>.
$('ack').onclick = function(event){
var e = $('ack'); = '${color}';
<!-- -->
<br />
<input id="name" type="text" />
<input id="doit" type="submit" />
$('doit').onclick = function(event){
window.location = '${AMP}sysparm_name=' +
<g2:evaluate jelly='true'>
var incomming = (jelly.sysparm_submited != null);
<p>Return: $[SP] $[sysparm_submited] $[SP] * $[incomming] *</p>
<j2:if test='$[sysparm_submited]'>
<p>Hello: $[SP] $[sysparm_name]</p>
</j2:if >
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