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Created March 6, 2012 22:02
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CMA Strategy inheriting from base.Toolbox
class Strategy(base.Toolbox):
A strategy that will keep track of the basic parameters of the CMA-ES
:param centroid: An iterable object that indicates where to start the
:param sigma: The list of initial standard deviations of the distribution,
it shall be the same length than the centroid.
:param parameter: One or more parameter to pass to the strategy as
described in the following table, optional.
| Parameter | Default | Details |
| ``lambda_`` | ``int(4 + 3 * log(N))`` | Number of children to |
| | | produce at each generation,|
| | | ``N`` is the individual's |
| | | size (integer). |
| ``mu`` | ``int(lambda_ / 2)`` | The number of parents to |
| | | keep from the |
| | | lambda children (integer). |
| ``weights`` | ``"superlinear"`` | Decrease speed, can be |
| | | ``"superlinear"``, |
| | | ``"linear"`` or |
| | | ``"equal"``. |
| ``cs`` | ``(mueff + 2) / | Cumulation constant for |
| | (N + mueff + 3)`` | step-size. |
| ``damps`` | ``1 + 2 * max(0, sqrt(( | Damping for step-size. |
| | mueff - 1) / (N + 1)) - 1)| |
| | + cs`` | |
| ``ccum`` | ``4 / (N + 4)`` | Cumulation constant for |
| | | covariance matrix. |
| ``ccov1`` | ``2 / ((N + 1.3)^2 + | Learning rate for rank-one |
| | mueff)`` | update. |
| ``ccovmu`` | ``2 * (mueff - 2 + 1 / | Learning rate for rank-mu |
| | mueff) / ((N + 2)^2 + | update. |
| | mueff)`` | |
def __init__(self, centroid, sigma, **kargs):
self.params = kargs
# Create a centroid as a numpy array
self.centroid = numpy.array(centroid)
self.dim = len(self.centroid)
self.sigma = sigma
self.pc = numpy.zeros(self.dim) = numpy.zeros(self.dim)
self.chiN = sqrt(self.dim) * (1 - 1. / (4. * self.dim) + \
1. / (21. * self.dim**2))
self.B = numpy.identity(self.dim)
self.C = numpy.identity(self.dim)
self.diagD = numpy.ones(self.dim)
self.BD = self.B * self.diagD
self.cond = 1
self.lambda_ = self.params.get("lambda_", int(4 + 3 * log(self.dim)))
self.update_count = 0
def generate(self, population=None):
"""Generate a population from the current strategy using the
centroid individual as parent.
:param ind_init: A function object that is able to initialize an
individual from a list.
:returns: A list of individuals.
arz = numpy.random.standard_normal((self.lambda_, self.dim))
arz = self.centroid + self.sigma *, self.BD.T)
if population:
# Generate the individuals from the computed covariance matrix
# and replace the first lambda individuals of the population.
for ind, arzi in zip(population, arz):
ind[:] = arzi # This line does not allow ind to be of type array
return population
return map(self.individual, arz)
def update(self, population):
"""Update the current covariance matrix strategy and *population*.
:param population: A list of individuals from which to update the
parameters and where the new population will be
population.sort(key=lambda ind:, reverse=True)
old_centroid = self.centroid
self.centroid =, population[])
c_diff = self.centroid - old_centroid
# Cumulation : update evolution path = (1 - self.cs) * \
+ sqrt(self.cs * (2 - self.cs) * self.mueff) / self.sigma \
*, (1. / self.diagD) \
*, c_diff))
hsig = float((numpy.linalg.norm( /
sqrt(1. - (1. - self.cs)**(2. * (self.update_count + 1.))) / self.chiN
< (1.4 + 2. / (self.dim + 1.))))
self.update_count += 1
self.pc = (1 - * self.pc + hsig \
* sqrt( * (2 - * self.mueff) / self.sigma \
* c_diff
# Update covariance matrix
artmp = population[] - old_centroid
self.C = (1 - self.ccov1 - self.ccovmu + (1 - hsig) \
* self.ccov1 * * (2 - * self.C \
+ self.ccov1 * numpy.outer(self.pc, self.pc) \
+ self.ccovmu * * artmp.T), artmp) \
/ self.sigma**2
self.sigma *= numpy.exp((numpy.linalg.norm( / self.chiN - 1.) \
* self.cs / self.damps)
self.diagD, self.B = numpy.linalg.eigh(self.C)
indx = numpy.argsort(self.diagD)
self.cond = self.diagD[indx[-1]]/self.diagD[indx[0]]
self.diagD = self.diagD[indx]**0.5
self.B = self.B[:, indx]
self.BD = self.B * self.diagD
def computeParams(self, params):
"""Computes the parameters depending on *lambda_*. It needs to be
called again if *lambda_* changes during evolution.
:param params: A dictionary of the manually set parameters.
""" = params.get("mu", int(self.lambda_ / 2))
rweights = params.get("weights", "superlinear")
if rweights == "superlinear":
self.weights = log( + 0.5) - \
numpy.log(numpy.arange(1, + 1))
elif rweights == "linear":
self.weights = + 0.5 - numpy.arange(1, + 1)
elif rweights == "equal":
self.weights = numpy.ones(
raise RuntimeError("Unknown weights : %s" % rweights)
self.weights /= sum(self.weights)
self.mueff = 1. / sum(self.weights**2) = params.get("ccum", 4. / (self.dim + 4.))
self.cs = params.get("cs", (self.mueff + 2.) /
(self.dim + self.mueff + 3.))
self.ccov1 = params.get("ccov1", 2. / ((self.dim + 1.3)**2 + \
self.ccovmu = params.get("ccovmu", 2. * (self.mueff - 2. + \
1. / self.mueff) / \
((self.dim + 2.)**2 + self.mueff))
self.ccovmu = min(1 - self.ccov1, self.ccovmu)
self.damps = 1. + 2. * max(0, sqrt((self.mueff - 1.) / \
(self.dim + 1.)) - 1.) + self.cs
self.damps = params.get("damps", self.damps)
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