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Last active August 19, 2021 12:54
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[Powershell] SharePoint 2016 Download Prerequisite Files For Offline Installer.ps1
Import-Module BitsTransfer
$destPath = "C:\SP16PreReqFiles"
$destPath = $destPath.TrimEnd('\')
function validatePath($destFolder){
## Check that the path entered is valid
If (!(Test-Path $destFolder -Verbose)) {
New-Item -Path $destFolder -ItemType Directory
function downloadFiles($urlList, $location) {
if ($location -eq "SPPR") {$destFolder = $destPath}
validatePath -destFolder $destFolder
$destFolder | Out-File "$destPath\SP16PreReqFilesPath.txt" -Force
ForEach ($url in $urlList) {
$destFileName = $url.Split('/')[-1]
$destination = "$destFolder\$destFileName"
Try {
If (!(Test-Path $destination)) {
Write-Host("Downloading " + $url)
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $url -Destination $destination -DisplayName "Downloading `'$destFileName`' to $destFolder" -Priority High -Description "From $url..." -ErrorVariable err
If ($err) {Throw ""}
Else {
Write-Host " - File $destFileName already exists, skipping..."
Catch {
Write-Warning " - An error occurred downloading `'$destFileName`'" | Out-Null
$counter = 0
if ($counter -lt 3) {
$counter ++
Write-Warning("Retrying Download in 3 seconds...")
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
downloadFiles -urlList $urlList -location $location
Else {
$counter = 0
return $destFolder
function getSPPRurls() {
$SPPRList = ("",
# Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP1 Native Client
# Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64)
# Windows Server AppFabric 1.1
# Microsoft Identity Extensions (Windows Identity Foundation v1.1)
# Microsoft Information Protection and Control Client
# Cumulative Update 7 (KB3092423) for Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server
# Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.6
# Microsoft ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server
# Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6
# Microsoft Information Protection and Control Client
# Visual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2012
# Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015
$destURL = downloadFiles -urlList $SPPRList -location "SPPR"
$bustedPOSH = !($destURL -is [string])
if ($bustedPOSH) {
Write-Host(" - Implementing PowerShell Bug Workaround...")
$destURL = $destURL.FullName
unzipSyncFiles -desturl $destURL
function unzipSyncFiles($destURL) {
$destURL = $destURL.Trim()
Add-Type -assembly ""
$zipBackUpPath = $destURL + "\"
$zipDestination = $destURL + "\SyncSetup_en.x64"
$path = $zipDestination + "\Microsoft Sync Framework\Synchronization.msi"
$destination = $destURL + "\Synchronization.msi"
if (Test-Path $destination) {
Write-Host(" - Synchronization.msi is already extracted...")
if (!(Test-Path $destination)) {
Write-Host(" - Extracting to: $zipDestination")
if (Test-Path $zipDestination) {
Write-Host("Removing Unzipped Folder from: $zipDestination")
Remove-Item $zipDestination -Recurse -Force
[io.compression.zipfile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipBackUpPath, $zipDestination)
Copy-Item -Path $path -Destination $destination
Write-Host(" - Synchronization.msi unzipped and moved to folder")
validatePath -destFolder $destPath
#SharePoint 2016 ISO Drive
$PreRequsInstallerPath= "E:"
#SharePoint 2016 Prerequisite Files Path
$PreRequsFilesPath = "C:\SP16PreReqFiles"
Start-Process "$PreRequsInstallerPath\PrerequisiteInstaller.exe" -Wait -ArgumentList " `
/SQLNCli:`"$PreRequsFilesPath\sqlncli.msi`" `
/idfx11:`"$PreRequsFilesPath\MicrosoftIdentityExtensions-64.msi`" `
/AppFabric:`"$PreRequsFilesPath\WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe`" `
/kb3092423:`"$PreRequsFilesPath\AppFabric-KB3092423-x64-ENU.exe`" `
/MSIPCClient:`"$PreRequsFilesPath\setup_msipc_x64.exe`" `
/wcfdataservices56:`"$PreRequsFilesPath\WcfDataServices.exe`" `
/odbc:`"$PreRequsFilesPath\msodbcsql.msi`" `
/msvcrt11:`"$PreRequsFilesPath\vc_redist.x64.exe`" `
/msvcrt14:`"$PreRequsFilesPath\vcredist_x64.exe`" `
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