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Last active January 20, 2018 08:17
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elm-web3-contract on EtherDelta ABI
module Test exposing (..)
import BigInt as BI exposing (BigInt)
import Json.Decode as D
import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (decode, required)
import Json.Encode as E
import Web3.Types exposing (..)
import Web3
import Web3.Eth.Contract as Contract
import Web3.Eth as Eth
import Web3.Decoders as D
import Task exposing (Task)
abi_ : Abi
abi_ =
type alias Constructor =
{ admin_ : Address
, feeAccount_ : Address
, accountLevelsAddr_ : Address
, feeMake_ : BigInt
, feeTake_ : BigInt
, feeRebate_ : BigInt
accountLevelsAddr : Contract.Params Address
accountLevelsAddr =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "accountLevelsAddr()"
, data = Nothing
, params = []
, decoder = D.addressDecoder
admin : Contract.Params Address
admin =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "admin()"
, data = Nothing
, params = []
, decoder = D.addressDecoder
amountFilled : Address -> BigInt -> Address -> BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt -> Address -> BigInt -> Bytes -> Bytes -> Contract.Params BigInt
amountFilled tokenGet amountGet tokenGive amountGive expires nonce user v r s =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "amountFilled(address,uint256,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,uint8,bytes32,bytes32)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress tokenGet, E.encodeBigInt amountGet, E.encodeAddress tokenGive, E.encodeBigInt amountGive, E.encodeBigInt expires, E.encodeBigInt nonce, E.encodeAddress user, E.encodeBigInt v, E.encodeBytes r, E.encodeBytes s ]
, decoder = D.bigIntDecoder
availableVolume : Address -> BigInt -> Address -> BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt -> Address -> BigInt -> Bytes -> Bytes -> Contract.Params BigInt
availableVolume tokenGet amountGet tokenGive amountGive expires nonce user v r s =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "availableVolume(address,uint256,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,uint8,bytes32,bytes32)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress tokenGet, E.encodeBigInt amountGet, E.encodeAddress tokenGive, E.encodeBigInt amountGive, E.encodeBigInt expires, E.encodeBigInt nonce, E.encodeAddress user, E.encodeBigInt v, E.encodeBytes r, E.encodeBytes s ]
, decoder = D.bigIntDecoder
balanceOf : Address -> Address -> Contract.Params BigInt
balanceOf token user =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "balanceOf(address,address)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress token, E.encodeAddress user ]
, decoder = D.bigIntDecoder
cancelOrder : Address -> BigInt -> Address -> BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt -> Bytes -> Bytes -> Contract.Params ()
cancelOrder tokenGet amountGet tokenGive amountGive expires nonce v r s =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "cancelOrder(address,uint256,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint8,bytes32,bytes32)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress tokenGet, E.encodeBigInt amountGet, E.encodeAddress tokenGive, E.encodeBigInt amountGive, E.encodeBigInt expires, E.encodeBigInt nonce, E.encodeBigInt v, E.encodeBytes r, E.encodeBytes s ]
, decoder = D.succeed ()
changeAccountLevelsAddr : Address -> Contract.Params ()
changeAccountLevelsAddr accountLevelsAddr_ =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "changeAccountLevelsAddr(address)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress accountLevelsAddr_ ]
, decoder = D.succeed ()
changeAdmin : Address -> Contract.Params ()
changeAdmin admin_ =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "changeAdmin(address)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress admin_ ]
, decoder = D.succeed ()
changeFeeAccount : Address -> Contract.Params ()
changeFeeAccount feeAccount_ =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "changeFeeAccount(address)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress feeAccount_ ]
, decoder = D.succeed ()
changeFeeMake : BigInt -> Contract.Params ()
changeFeeMake feeMake_ =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "changeFeeMake(uint256)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeBigInt feeMake_ ]
, decoder = D.succeed ()
changeFeeRebate : BigInt -> Contract.Params ()
changeFeeRebate feeRebate_ =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "changeFeeRebate(uint256)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeBigInt feeRebate_ ]
, decoder = D.succeed ()
changeFeeTake : BigInt -> Contract.Params ()
changeFeeTake feeTake_ =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "changeFeeTake(uint256)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeBigInt feeTake_ ]
, decoder = D.succeed ()
deposit : Contract.Params ()
deposit =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "deposit()"
, data = Nothing
, params = []
, decoder = D.succeed ()
depositToken : Address -> BigInt -> Contract.Params ()
depositToken token amount =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "depositToken(address,uint256)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress token, E.encodeBigInt amount ]
, decoder = D.succeed ()
feeAccount : Contract.Params Address
feeAccount =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "feeAccount()"
, data = Nothing
, params = []
, decoder = D.addressDecoder
feeMake : Contract.Params BigInt
feeMake =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "feeMake()"
, data = Nothing
, params = []
, decoder = D.bigIntDecoder
feeRebate : Contract.Params BigInt
feeRebate =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "feeRebate()"
, data = Nothing
, params = []
, decoder = D.bigIntDecoder
feeTake : Contract.Params BigInt
feeTake =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "feeTake()"
, data = Nothing
, params = []
, decoder = D.bigIntDecoder
order : Address -> BigInt -> Address -> BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt -> Contract.Params ()
order tokenGet amountGet tokenGive amountGive expires nonce =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "order(address,uint256,address,uint256,uint256,uint256)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress tokenGet, E.encodeBigInt amountGet, E.encodeAddress tokenGive, E.encodeBigInt amountGive, E.encodeBigInt expires, E.encodeBigInt nonce ]
, decoder = D.succeed ()
orderFills : Address -> Bytes -> Contract.Params BigInt
orderFills a b =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "orderFills(address,bytes32)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress a, E.encodeBytes b ]
, decoder = D.bigIntDecoder
orders : Address -> Bytes -> Contract.Params Bool
orders a b =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "orders(address,bytes32)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress a, E.encodeBytes b ]
, decoder = D.bool
testTrade : Address -> BigInt -> Address -> BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt -> Address -> BigInt -> Bytes -> Bytes -> BigInt -> Address -> Contract.Params Bool
testTrade tokenGet amountGet tokenGive amountGive expires nonce user v r s amount sender =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "testTrade(address,uint256,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,uint8,bytes32,bytes32,uint256,address)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress tokenGet, E.encodeBigInt amountGet, E.encodeAddress tokenGive, E.encodeBigInt amountGive, E.encodeBigInt expires, E.encodeBigInt nonce, E.encodeAddress user, E.encodeBigInt v, E.encodeBytes r, E.encodeBytes s, E.encodeBigInt amount, E.encodeAddress sender ]
, decoder = D.bool
tokens : Address -> Address -> Contract.Params BigInt
tokens a b =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "tokens(address,address)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress a, E.encodeAddress b ]
, decoder = D.bigIntDecoder
trade : Address -> BigInt -> Address -> BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt -> Address -> BigInt -> Bytes -> Bytes -> BigInt -> Contract.Params ()
trade tokenGet amountGet tokenGive amountGive expires nonce user v r s amount =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "trade(address,uint256,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,uint8,bytes32,bytes32,uint256)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress tokenGet, E.encodeBigInt amountGet, E.encodeAddress tokenGive, E.encodeBigInt amountGive, E.encodeBigInt expires, E.encodeBigInt nonce, E.encodeAddress user, E.encodeBigInt v, E.encodeBytes r, E.encodeBytes s, E.encodeBigInt amount ]
, decoder = D.succeed ()
withdraw : BigInt -> Contract.Params ()
withdraw amount =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "withdraw(uint256)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeBigInt amount ]
, decoder = D.succeed ()
withdrawToken : Address -> BigInt -> Contract.Params ()
withdrawToken token amount =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "withdrawToken(address,uint256)"
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress token, E.encodeBigInt amount ]
, decoder = D.succeed ()
{- Cancel event -}
subscribeCancel : ( Address, EventId ) -> Cmd msg
subscribeCancel =
Contract.subscribe abi_ "Cancel"
onceCancel : Contract.Params (EventLog { tokenGet : Address, amountGet : BigInt, tokenGive : Address, amountGive : BigInt, expires : BigInt, nonce : BigInt, user : Address, v : BigInt, r : Bytes, s : Bytes })
onceCancel =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "Cancel"
, data = Nothing
, params = []
, decoder = cancelDecoder
decodeCancel : String -> Result Error (EventLog { tokenGet : Address, amountGet : BigInt, tokenGive : Address, amountGive : BigInt, expires : BigInt, nonce : BigInt, user : Address, v : BigInt, r : Bytes, s : Bytes })
decodeCancel response =
|> D.decodeString cancelDecoder
|> Result.mapError (\e -> Error e)
cancelDecoder =
decode (\tokenGet amountGet tokenGive amountGive expires nonce user v r s -> { tokenGet = tokenGet, amountGet = amountGet, tokenGive = tokenGive, amountGive = amountGive, expires = expires, nonce = nonce, user = user, v = v, r = r, s = s })
|> required "tokenGet" D.addressDecoder
|> required "amountGet" D.bigIntDecoder
|> required "tokenGive" D.addressDecoder
|> required "amountGive" D.bigIntDecoder
|> required "expires" D.bigIntDecoder
|> required "nonce" D.bigIntDecoder
|> required "user" D.addressDecoder
|> required "v" D.bigIntDecoder
|> required "r" D.bytesDecoder
|> required "s" D.bytesDecoder
{- Deposit event -}
subscribeDeposit : ( Address, EventId ) -> Cmd msg
subscribeDeposit =
Contract.subscribe abi_ "Deposit"
onceDeposit : Contract.Params (EventLog { token : Address, user : Address, amount : BigInt, balance : BigInt })
onceDeposit =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "Deposit"
, data = Nothing
, params = []
, decoder = depositDecoder
decodeDeposit : String -> Result Error (EventLog { token : Address, user : Address, amount : BigInt, balance : BigInt })
decodeDeposit response =
|> D.decodeString depositDecoder
|> Result.mapError (\e -> Error e)
depositDecoder =
decode (\token user amount balance -> { token = token, user = user, amount = amount, balance = balance })
|> required "token" D.addressDecoder
|> required "user" D.addressDecoder
|> required "amount" D.bigIntDecoder
|> required "balance" D.bigIntDecoder
{- Order event -}
subscribeOrder : ( Address, EventId ) -> Cmd msg
subscribeOrder =
Contract.subscribe abi_ "Order"
onceOrder : Contract.Params (EventLog { tokenGet : Address, amountGet : BigInt, tokenGive : Address, amountGive : BigInt, expires : BigInt, nonce : BigInt, user : Address })
onceOrder =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "Order"
, data = Nothing
, params = []
, decoder = orderDecoder
decodeOrder : String -> Result Error (EventLog { tokenGet : Address, amountGet : BigInt, tokenGive : Address, amountGive : BigInt, expires : BigInt, nonce : BigInt, user : Address })
decodeOrder response =
|> D.decodeString orderDecoder
|> Result.mapError (\e -> Error e)
orderDecoder =
decode (\tokenGet amountGet tokenGive amountGive expires nonce user -> { tokenGet = tokenGet, amountGet = amountGet, tokenGive = tokenGive, amountGive = amountGive, expires = expires, nonce = nonce, user = user })
|> required "tokenGet" D.addressDecoder
|> required "amountGet" D.bigIntDecoder
|> required "tokenGive" D.addressDecoder
|> required "amountGive" D.bigIntDecoder
|> required "expires" D.bigIntDecoder
|> required "nonce" D.bigIntDecoder
|> required "user" D.addressDecoder
{- Trade event -}
subscribeTrade : ( Address, EventId ) -> Cmd msg
subscribeTrade =
Contract.subscribe abi_ "Trade"
onceTrade : Contract.Params (EventLog { tokenGet : Address, amountGet : BigInt, tokenGive : Address, amountGive : BigInt, get : Address, give : Address })
onceTrade =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "Trade"
, data = Nothing
, params = []
, decoder = tradeDecoder
decodeTrade : String -> Result Error (EventLog { tokenGet : Address, amountGet : BigInt, tokenGive : Address, amountGive : BigInt, get : Address, give : Address })
decodeTrade response =
|> D.decodeString tradeDecoder
|> Result.mapError (\e -> Error e)
tradeDecoder =
decode (\tokenGet amountGet tokenGive amountGive get give -> { tokenGet = tokenGet, amountGet = amountGet, tokenGive = tokenGive, amountGive = amountGive, get = get, give = give })
|> required "tokenGet" D.addressDecoder
|> required "amountGet" D.bigIntDecoder
|> required "tokenGive" D.addressDecoder
|> required "amountGive" D.bigIntDecoder
|> required "get" D.addressDecoder
|> required "give" D.addressDecoder
{- Withdraw event -}
subscribeWithdraw : ( Address, EventId ) -> Cmd msg
subscribeWithdraw =
Contract.subscribe abi_ "Withdraw"
onceWithdraw : Contract.Params (EventLog { token : Address, user : Address, amount : BigInt, balance : BigInt })
onceWithdraw =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Just "Withdraw"
, data = Nothing
, params = []
, decoder = withdrawDecoder
decodeWithdraw : String -> Result Error (EventLog { token : Address, user : Address, amount : BigInt, balance : BigInt })
decodeWithdraw response =
|> D.decodeString withdrawDecoder
|> Result.mapError (\e -> Error e)
withdrawDecoder =
decode (\token user amount balance -> { token = token, user = user, amount = amount, balance = balance })
|> required "token" D.addressDecoder
|> required "user" D.addressDecoder
|> required "amount" D.bigIntDecoder
|> required "balance" D.bigIntDecoder
{- Contract Helper Functions -}
encodeContractABI : Constructor -> Task Error Hex
encodeContractABI { admin_, feeAccount_, accountLevelsAddr_, feeMake_, feeTake_, feeRebate_ } =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Nothing
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress, E.encodeAddress, E.encodeAddress, E.encodeBigInt, E.encodeBigInt, E.encodeBigInt ]
, decoder = E.hexDecoder
estimateContractGas : Constructor -> Task Error Int
estimateContractGas { admin_, feeAccount_, accountLevelsAddr_, feeMake_, feeTake_, feeRebate_ } =
{ abi = abi_
, gasPrice = Just (BI.fromInt 300000000)
, gas = Just 300000
, methodName = Nothing
, data = Nothing
, params = [ E.encodeAddress, E.encodeAddress, E.encodeAddress, E.encodeBigInt, E.encodeBigInt, E.encodeBigInt ]
, decoder = E.hexDecoder
deploy : Address -> Maybe BigInt -> Constructor -> Task Error ContractInfo
deploy from value constructor =
buildAndDeployTx : Task Error TxId
buildAndDeployTx =
estimateContractGas constructor
|> Task.andThen
(\gasCost ->
encodeContractABI constructor
|> Task.andThen
(\data ->
Eth.sendTransaction from
{ to = Nothing
, value = value
, gas = gasCost
, data = Just data
, gasPrice = Just 10000000000
, chainId = Nothing
, nonce = Nothing
failIfNothing : Error -> Maybe a -> Task Error a
failIfNothing error maybeVal =
case maybeVal of
Nothing -> error
Just a ->
Task.succeed a
waitForTxReceipt : TxId -> Task Error TxReceipt
waitForTxReceipt txId =
Eth.getTransactionReceipt txId
|> Task.andThen (failIfNothing (Error "No Tx Receipt still. Mining error. Network Congestion?"))
|> Web3.retry { attempts = 30, sleep = 3 }
returnContractInfo : TxReceipt -> Task Error ContractInfo
returnContractInfo txReceipt =
case txReceipt.contractAddress of
Nothing -> (Error "No contract address in Tx Receipt. This error should never happen...")
Just contractAddress ->
Task.succeed { txId = txReceipt.transactionHash, address = contractAddress }
|> Task.andThen waitForTxReceipt
|> Task.andThen returnContractInfo
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