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Created July 3, 2018 02:42
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trigggrd evm bytecode decoder for list of list support
type EvmDecoder a
= EvmDecoder (Tape -> Result String ( Tape, a ))
type Tape
= Tape String String
dynamicArray : EvmDecoder a -> EvmDecoder (List a)
dynamicArray decoder =
hexToLength =
Hex.fromString >> ((*) 2)
EvmDecoder <|
\(Tape original altered) ->
take64 altered
|> hexToLength
|> Result.andThen
(\lengthIndex ->
String.slice lengthIndex (lengthIndex + 64) original
|> Hex.fromString
|> Result.andThen
(\dataLength ->
String.dropLeft (lengthIndex + 64) original
|> \newAltered ->
(Tape original newAltered)
|> arrayHelp [] dataLength decoder
|> (\( Tape o a, d ) -> ( Tape original (drop64 altered), d ))
staticArray : Int -> EvmDecoder a -> EvmDecoder (List a)
staticArray len dec =
EvmDecoder <|
arrayHelp [] len dec
arrayHelp : List a -> Int -> EvmDecoder a -> Tape -> Result String ( Tape, List a )
arrayHelp accum len (EvmDecoder decoder) tape =
case len of
0 ->
Ok ( tape, List.reverse accum )
n ->
decoder tape
|> Result.andThen
(\( tape, val ) ->
arrayHelp (val :: accum) (n - 1) (EvmDecoder decoder) tape
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