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Last active September 18, 2019 09:07
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Movable, hierarchical boxes with MVU architecture using Elmish (triggered by this comment thread:
module Elmish.Boxes
open System
open Fable.React.Helpers
open Fable.React.Props
open Fable.React.Standard
module Domain =
type Point =
{ x: float
y: float }
static member (+) (p1, p2) = { x = p1.x + p2.x; y = p1.y + p2.y }
static member (+) (p, scalar) = { x = p.x + scalar; y = p.y + scalar }
static member (-) (p1, p2) = { x = p1.x - p2.x; y = p1.y - p2.y }
static member (-) (p, scalar) = { x = p.x - scalar; y = p.y - scalar }
static member (*) (p, scalar) = { x = p.x * scalar; y = p.y * scalar }
static member (*) (p1, p2) = { x = p1.x * p2.x; y = p1.y * p2.y }
static member (/) (p1, p2) = { x = p1.x / p2.x; y = p1.y / p2.y }
static member (/) (p, scalar) = { x = p.x / scalar; y = p.y / scalar }
type BoxId = Guid
/// Anchor relative to box upper left
type BoxRelativeAnchor = Point
type Box =
{ id: BoxId
upperLeft: Point
size: float
color: string }
module Box =
let create (center: Point) size color =
{ id = Guid.NewGuid()
upperLeft = center - (size / 2.)
size = size
color = color }
let moveBy dPos box =
{ box with upperLeft = box.upperLeft + dPos }
let resizeBy factor (anchor: Point) box =
let relAnchor = (anchor - box.upperLeft) / box.size
let resizedBox = { box with size = box.size * factor }
let relAnchorResized = (anchor - box.upperLeft) / resizedBox.size
let dPos = (relAnchorResized - relAnchor) * resizedBox.size
{ resizedBox with upperLeft = box.upperLeft + dPos }
type BoxHierarchy =
{ boxes: Map<BoxId, Box>
childToParent: Map<BoxId, BoxId> }
module BoxHierarchy =
let childIdsOf parentId hierarchy =
|> Map.filter (fun _ pid -> pid = parentId)
|> Map.toList
|> fst
let childrenOf parentId hierarchy =
|> childIdsOf parentId
|> List.choose hierarchy.boxes.TryFind
let rec withDescendantIds hierarchy parentId =
:: ( hierarchy
|> childIdsOf parentId
|> List.collect (withDescendantIds hierarchy) )
let topLevelBoxes hierarchy =
|> Map.filter (fun boxId _ -> not <| hierarchy.childToParent.ContainsKey boxId)
|> Map.toList
|> snd
let addBox box hierarchy =
{ hierarchy with boxes = hierarchy.boxes.Add(, box) }
let removeWithDescendants boxId hierarchy =
let toRemove = boxId |> withDescendantIds hierarchy |> Set.ofList
{ hierarchy with
boxes =
|> Map.filter (fun bid _ -> not <| toRemove.Contains bid)
childToParent =
|> Map.filter (fun childId parentId ->
not <| toRemove.Contains childId
&& not <| toRemove.Contains parentId
let setTopLevel boxId hierarchy =
{ hierarchy with childToParent = hierarchy.childToParent |> Map.remove boxId }
let move boxId newPos relativeAnchor hierarchy =
match hierarchy.boxes.TryFind boxId with
| None -> hierarchy
| Some box ->
let idsToMove = |> withDescendantIds hierarchy |> Set.ofList
let dPos = newPos - box.upperLeft - relativeAnchor
let updatedBoxes =
|> (fun _ box ->
if idsToMove.Contains then
box |> Box.moveBy dPos
else box
{ hierarchy with boxes = updatedBoxes }
let setRelationship childId parentId hierarchy =
{ hierarchy with childToParent = hierarchy.childToParent.Add(childId, parentId) }
let resize boxId factor absoluteAnchor hierarchy =
let idsToResize = boxId |> withDescendantIds hierarchy |> Set.ofList
{ hierarchy with
boxes =
|> (fun _ box ->
if idsToResize.Contains then
box |> Box.resizeBy factor absoluteAnchor
else box
module MvuModel =
type Model =
{ hierarchy: BoxHierarchy
mousePos: Point
dragging: (BoxId * BoxRelativeAnchor) option
undo: Model list
redo: Model list }
let init () =
let id1 = Guid.NewGuid()
let id2 = Guid.NewGuid()
let id3 = Guid.NewGuid()
let id4 = Guid.NewGuid()
{ hierarchy =
{ boxes =
{id = id1; upperLeft = { x = 20.; y = 20. }; size = 200.; color = "red"}
{id = id2; upperLeft = { x = 100.; y = 100. }; size = 50.; color = "green"}
{id = id3; upperLeft = { x = 400.; y = 400. }; size = 200.; color = "blue"}
{id = id4; upperLeft = { x = 500.; y = 500. }; size = 80.; color = "yellow"}
|> (fun b ->, b)
|> Map.ofList
childToParent = Map.empty.Add(id2, id1).Add(id4, id3) }
mousePos = { x = 0.; y = 0. }
dragging = None
undo = []
redo = [] }
let isDragging boxId model =
|> (fun (bid, _) -> bid = boxId)
|> Option.defaultValue false
let drop childId parentId model =
{ model with
dragging = None
hierarchy = model.hierarchy |> BoxHierarchy.setRelationship childId parentId }
let rand = Random()
let addRandomBox center model =
let size = rand.Next(40, 200) |> float
let color = String.Format("#{0:X6}", rand.Next(0x1000000))
let box = Box.create center size color
{ model with hierarchy = model.hierarchy |> BoxHierarchy.addBox box }
module MvuUpdate =
type Msg =
| PickUp of BoxId * BoxRelativeAnchor
| DropOnBox of BoxId
| DropOnEmpty
| CreateNew of Point
| Delete of BoxId
| Grow of BoxId
| Shrink of BoxId
| MouseMove of Point
| Undo
| Redo
let update msg model =
match msg with
| PickUp (boxId, relativeAnchor) ->
{ model with
dragging = Some (boxId, relativeAnchor)
hierarchy = model.hierarchy |> BoxHierarchy.setTopLevel boxId
undo = model :: model.undo
redo = [] }
| DropOnBox parentId ->
|> (fun (childId, _) -> drop childId parentId model)
|> Option.defaultValue model
| DropOnEmpty -> { model with dragging = None }
| CreateNew center ->
{ model with
undo = model :: model.undo
redo = [] }
|> addRandomBox center
| Delete boxId ->
{ model with
hierarchy = model.hierarchy |> BoxHierarchy.removeWithDescendants boxId
undo = model :: model.undo
redo = [] }
| Grow boxId ->
{ model with
hierarchy = model.hierarchy |> BoxHierarchy.resize boxId 1.1 model.mousePos
undo = model :: model.undo
redo = [] }
| Shrink boxId ->
{ model with
hierarchy = model.hierarchy |> BoxHierarchy.resize boxId (1./1.1) model.mousePos
undo = model :: model.undo
redo = [] }
| MouseMove newPos ->
{ model with
mousePos = newPos
hierarchy =
match model.dragging with
| None -> model.hierarchy
| Some (boxId, anchor) -> model.hierarchy |> BoxHierarchy.move boxId newPos anchor
| Undo ->
match model.undo with
| [] -> model
| head :: tail -> { head with undo = tail; redo = model :: model.redo }
| Redo ->
match model.redo with
| [] -> model
| head :: tail -> { head with redo = tail; undo = model :: model.undo }
module MvuView =
let rec boxWithChildren model dispatch origin box =
let dragging = isDragging model
div [
Key (string
Class "box"
OnMouseDown (fun ev ->
match ev.button with
| 0. -> (, model.mousePos - box.upperLeft) |> PickUp |> dispatch
| 1. -> Delete |> dispatch
| _ -> ())
OnMouseUp (fun ev ->
DropOnBox |> dispatch)
OnWheel (fun ev ->
if ev.deltaY < 0. then Grow |> dispatch
elif ev.deltaY > 0. then Shrink |> dispatch)
Style [
Width box.size
Height box.size
Top (box.upperLeft.y - origin.y)
Left (box.upperLeft.x - origin.x)
BackgroundColor box.color
ZIndex (if dragging then 2 else 1)
Opacity (if dragging then 0.7 else 1.)
// Never trigger pointer event (e.g. drop) on currently dragging box;
// let next layer trigger the event
PointerEvents (if dragging then "none" else "auto")
] [
|> BoxHierarchy.childrenOf
|> (boxWithChildren model dispatch box.upperLeft)
|> ofList
let view model dispatch =
div [
Class "main-container"
OnMouseDown (fun ev ->
match ev.button with
| 0. -> CreateNew { x = ev.pageX; y = ev.pageY } |> dispatch
| _ -> ())
OnMouseUp (fun ev -> ev.preventDefault(); dispatch DropOnEmpty)
OnMouseMove (fun ev ->
MouseMove { x = ev.pageX; y = ev.pageY } |> dispatch)
] [
div [
Class "instructions"
OnMouseMove (fun ev -> ev.stopPropagation())
OnMouseDown (fun ev -> ev.stopPropagation())
OnMouseUp (fun ev -> ev.stopPropagation())
] [
p [] [ str "Drag box to move" ]
p [] [ str "Drag box inside other box to set as child" ]
p [] [ str "Left-click empty area to create new box" ]
p [] [ str "Middle-click box to remove" ]
p [] [ str "Scroll box to resize" ]
button [
OnClick (fun _ -> dispatch Undo)
Disabled model.undo.IsEmpty
] [ str "Undo ("; ofInt model.undo.Length; str ")" ]
button [
OnClick (fun _ -> dispatch Redo)
Disabled model.redo.IsEmpty
] [ str "Redo ("; ofInt model.redo.Length; str ")" ]
|> BoxHierarchy.topLevelBoxes
|> (boxWithChildren model dispatch { x=0.; y=0. })
|> ofList
open Elmish
open Elmish.React
Program.mkSimple init update view
|> Program.withReactSynchronous "app"
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
<script src="__HOST__/libs/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="__HOST__/libs/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<body class="app-container">
<div id="app" class="app"></div>
html, body {
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
#app {
height: 100%;
.main-container {
height: 100%;
background-color: black;
.box {
position: absolute;
overflow: hidden;
.box:hover {
outline: 1px white solid;
.instructions {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
right: 0;
background-color: white;
width: 200px;
font-size: 12px;
font-family: sans-serif;
padding: 5px;
.instructions button:first-of-type {
margin-right: 10px;
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panicz commented Sep 18, 2019

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panicz commented Sep 18, 2019

Regarding running Racket in the browser, I was pointed to the following:

But I suppose I'd need to customize my app to make it happen

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