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The State of Smartphones in 2013: Part I of the new Ars Ultimate Guide
Enlarge / More phones than you can shake a phone at.
Andrew Cunningham
It's been just under a year since the last time we examined the state of the smartphone. The intervening months have brought us the expected annual hardware refreshes and software updates, but it's striking just how similar things are at a high level.
Apple and Samsung are still standing at the top of the field, and at the moment there's not a strong third-place contender in sales or in reach. HTC continues to be down on its luck despite the critical darling that is the HTC One. LG is still taking pages from Samsung's playbook, trying lots of odd ideas in an effort to differentiate. Microsoft is still struggling to improve Windows Phone 8's standing with consumers, developers, and hardware partners. All of this is more or less as it was a year ago.
OS X 10.9 Mavericks: The Ars Technica Review
Aurich Lawson / Thinkstock
After a dozen years and nine major releases, OS X has had a full life: the exuberance of youth, gradually maturing into adulthood, and now, perhaps, entering its dotage. When I am an old operating system I shall wear… leather?
The 2011 release of OS X 10.7 Lion seemed to mark the natural endpoint of the "big cat" naming scheme. But Apple couldn't resist the lure of the "cat, modifier cat" naming pattern, releasing OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion a year later. Perhaps it just wanted to give its cat nine lives.
The 10th major release, OS X 10.9 Mavericks, is named after an awkwardly plural California surfing spot, finally ending the feline dynasty. But what part of the operating system's existence is this? The afterlife?
cmenscher / fu_ascii
Created August 22, 2013 15:10
‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
cmenscher / gist:5864427
Created June 26, 2013 02:58
Updated code in CVViewController.m file in Cordova XCode project to disable scrollbars when scrolling.
// prevent webView from bouncing
// based on the DisallowOverscroll/UIWebViewBounce key in config.xml
if (!bounceAllowed) {
if ([self.webView respondsToSelector:@selector(scrollView)]) {
((UIScrollView*)[self.webView scrollView]).bounces = NO;
[((UIScrollView*)[self.webView scrollView]) setShowsHorizontalScrollIndicator:NO];
[((UIScrollView*)[self.webView scrollView]) setShowsVerticalScrollIndicator:NO];
} else {
for (id subview in self.webView.subviews) {
if ([[subview class] isSubclassOfClass:[UIScrollView class]]) {

Getting Started with NPM (as a developer)

If you haven't already set your NPM author info, now you should:

npm set "Your Name"
npm set ""
npm set ""

npm adduser

brew install
cmenscher / gist:4568146
Created January 18, 2013 20:18
This command will clear out the LaunchServices QuarantineEvents log, which is a log of every file you choose to download (i.e. "Save as...") in any browser in OSX. I recommend purchasing Lingon from the App Store and having this command run every day to keep it clean. (more info at…
sqlite3 ~/Library/Preferences/* 'delete from LSQuarantineEvent'
cmenscher / gist:4219227
Created December 5, 2012 20:31 — forked from tkersey/gist:1130675
Getting a Motorola SBG6580 into “Bridge” mode

found at:

Getting a Motorola SBG6580 into “Bridge” mode on TimeWarner Wideband

  1. Unplug coax cable from Motorola
  2. Hold down the white reset button on the back panel with a pen for 30s.  This resets all settings to factory defaults. The modem will be auto-reconfigured once you plug in the coax cable.
  3. When modem is back on plug in a computer with an Ethernet cable into the modem.
  4. Connect to and login with “admin” / “motorola”
  5. Now you will make some changes:
  • Wireless -> Primary Network -> Disabled
cmenscher / gist:3153239
Created July 20, 2012 21:09 — forked from panicsteve/gist:1641705
Form letter template for acquired startups
Dear soon-to-be-former user,
We've got some fantastic news! Well, it's great news for us anyway. You, on
the other hand, are fucked.
We've just been acquired by:
[ ] Facebook
[ ] Google
[ ] Twitter
cmenscher / hulu_on_touchpad
Created August 25, 2011 21:26
Working Hulu access for HP Touchpad
Working Hulu access for HP Touchpad
hexeditor, HxD
Palm webos sdk
usb cable, hint: it came with the tablet.
Turn on developer mode, google for help.