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Created August 3, 2012 04:21
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Handling multipart file uploads with goweb
package main
import (
// dummy error struct for pretty json export
type ControllerError struct {
Error error
type UploadController struct{}
Multi-part form named "file". This retrieves a binary file from
the request body and saves it to incoming/filename. You will
need to create the incoming directory in the same path as the
Because cx.Request is simply a net/http struct, we can work with
it accordingly. In this example, the "description" value is
taken and returned to the requestor.
Example - Upload the goweb source archive with HTTPie:
http -f POST localhost:8080/uploader description="goweb source archive"
This should store the file locally and return the following if
all goes well:
"C": "",
"D": "Uploaded: - goweb source archive",
"E": null,
"S": 200
func (cr *UploadController) Create(cx *goweb.Context) {
binpath := "incoming/"
file, handler, err := cx.Request.FormFile("file")
if err != nil {
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file)
if err != nil {
err = ioutil.WriteFile(binpath+handler.Filename, data, 0777)
if err != nil {
cx.RespondWithData("Uploaded: " + handler.Filename + " - " + cx.Request.FormValue("description"))
// make rocket go now
func main() {
goweb.ConfigureDefaultFormatters() // default to JSON
uploader := new(UploadController)
goweb.MapRest("/uploader", uploader)
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