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Created October 4, 2021 15:08
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Installing/using Docker on MacOS without

Setup Docker for macOS without (the default GUI)

Since the Docker app for macOS is not free to use anymore for companies, I looked into running "bare" docker-machine. This runs the "Docker engine" (?) in a Linux VirtualBox VM, managed by docker-machine.


  1. VirtualBox
  2. Homebrew
    1. If installed, update your packages with brew update & brew upgrade
    2. Or install via Homebrew
  3. No (remove from ~/Applications)
  4. No ~/.docker folder


  1. brew install docker docker-machine docker-compose
  2. docker-machine create —driver=virtualbox default
    1. If that fails, open macOS system /Security & Privacy/
    2. Unlock if neccessary
    3. Press allow /Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager/ system extension
    4. Reboot
    5. Remove VM named default from Vm VirtualBox Mamager
    6. Remove ~/.docker folder
    7. Repeat step 2
  3. Profit?


  1. Docker Machine Overview | Docker Documentation
  2. Docker can’t connect to docker daemon - Stack Overflow


  • Applications can't access docker network out-of-the-box so a custom setup is required.
  • Port forwarding is not straight forward.
  • Application configs (database.yml and redis URLs) may require changes to support both and VirtualBox setup
  • Incompatible with M1 machines
    • Or more precisely, requires Docker Daemon API 1.40 or lower which does not support the platform: linux/x86_64 key/value in docker-compose
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