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Last active December 26, 2015 19:03
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Ramer Douglas Peucker
// ____ __ __ ___ ________ _ ___ __
// / ___| \/ |_ _|__ / _ \| \ | \ \ / /
// | | | |\/| || | / / | | | \| |\ V /
// | |___| | | || | / /| |_| | |\ | | |
// \____|_| |_|___/____\___/|_| \_| |_|
* @method ramerDouglasPeucker
* @description Algorithm for reducing the number of points in a curve that is
* approximated by a series of points
* @param {Array} points an array of JSON objects
* @param {Float} epsilon, determine recursively simplification
* @param {Array} comparison_fields an array of keys which represent x and y
function ramerDouglasPeucker(points,epsilon,comparison_fields) {
var x = comparison_fields[0];
var y = comparison_fields[1];
function findPerpendicularDistance(p, p1,p2) {
// if start and end point are on the same x
// then the distance is the difference in X.
var result;
var slope;
var intercept;
if (p1[x] == p2[x]) {
} else {
slope = (p2[y] - p1[y]) / (p2[x] - p1[x]);
intercept = p1[y] - (slope * p1[x]);
result = Math.abs(slope * p[x] - p[y] + intercept) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(slope, 2) + 1);
return result;
var firstPoint = points[0];
var lastPoint = points[points.length-1];
if (points.length < 3) {
return points;
var index = -1;
var dist = 0;
var str ="";
for (var i=1 ; i<points.length-1 ; i++) {
var cDist = findPerpendicularDistance(points[i],firstPoint,lastPoint);
str += cDist+" ";
if (cDist > dist) {
dist = cDist;
index = i;
if (dist > epsilon) {
// iterate
var l1 = points.slice(0, index+1);
var l2 = points.slice(index);
var r1 = ramerDouglasPeucker(l1,epsilon,comparison_fields);
var r2 = ramerDouglasPeucker(l2,epsilon,comparison_fields);
// concat r2 to r1 minus the end/startpoint that will be the same
var rs = r1.slice(0,r1.length-1).concat(r2);
return rs;
} else {
return [firstPoint,lastPoint];
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