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Last active November 26, 2022 16:09
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Convert HRRR smoke images to mp4
# Create animation from HRRR NW current smoke graphics.
# Considerably more accurate than with stitching forecasts.
# Domains available: full,NW,NC,NE,SW,SC,SE,GreatLakes,EastCO,SEA-POR,CentralCA,CHI-DET,NYC-BOS,DCArea,SouthFL,ATL,SouthCA,VortexSE
# Fields: int,sfc,1000ft,6000ft
start=2022-09-12 # 2022-08-21 <- oldest available date as of 2022-09-11
end=2022-09-12 # 2022-09-12
dateutils.dseq $start $end -f '%Y%m%d' | while read date; do
for hour in {00..23}; do
# slurp and toss serving page to bypass apparent hotlinking countermeasures (?)
#curl -s -o /dev/null "${date}${hour}&plot_type=trc1_${domain}_${field}&fcst=000&time_inc=60&num_times=49&model=hrrr&ptitle=HRRR-Smoke%20Graphics&maxFcstLen=1&fcstStrLen=-1&domain=${domain}&adtfn=1"
wget -O "${date}${hour}-trc1_${domain}_${field}_f000.png" "${date}${hour}/${domain}/trc1_${domain}_${field}_f000.png"
ln -sf ts-"${date}${hour}-trc1_${domain}_${field}_f000.png" $n.png
ls -1 20*trc1_${domain}_${field}_f000.png | while read d; do
stamp=$(date -d $(sed -E 's/([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}).*/\1-\2-\3T\4-00:00/' <<<$d) '+%b %d %H:00 %Z %Y')
convert -fill black -pointsize 20 -gravity NorthWest -draw "text 460,32 '$stamp'" $d ts-$d
# lazy helper for ffmpeg sequencing
#n=1; ls -1 ts-${date}${hour}-trc1_${domain}_${field}_f000.png | while read a; do ln -sf $a $n.png; ((n++)) done
anim=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M')-trc1_${domain}_${field}_f000.mp4
ffmpeg -framerate 12 -i %d.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 $anim
# cleanup symlinks for future runs
find -maxdepth 1 -type l -delete
echo -e "\n\nFinished: mpv -loop $anim"
mpv -loop $anim
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