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Christina Koller cmkoller

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cmkoller / gist:7ccb2a2f9ec48ee71471
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Notes on CSS Frameworks

Example Code

CSS Frameworks

The aim of frameworks in general is to provide a common structure so that developers don’t have to redo it from scratch.

CSS frameworks:

  • allow for quicker and easier styling
  • provide a cohesive, semi-polished look right off the bat
  • are super easy to install!

Git Cheat Sheet

The first two lists here are a super condensced version to give you easy access to the commands you'll be using all the time. For a fuller walkthrough of how to set up your project and keep it updated, read on below!

First Time Around:

  • cd <project_directory>
  • git init
  • git add -A
  • git commit -m "<your comment>"
  • git remote add origin
cmkoller / gist:bdd82c49df57f78a02ae
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Setting up a Rails app

#Rails Set-Up Cheat Sheet

For a quick Rails set-up, check out the make_it_so gem! It will generate a Rails project with all this built in and more. (User authentication included!) However, if you're like me and prefer to step through the process on your own first, this is the cheat sheet to remember how to set things up!

Protip: Any time you would type rails generate in your command line, you can type rails g instead!

###Creating the app

In command line:

cmkoller / gist:23e9fc98484d12824736
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
Clinic: Atom Shortcuts

#Atom Shortcuts

##Opening Atom the Right Way

  1. Open iTerm
  2. cd into the right directory
  3. Type atom . to open the directory in Atom.

(DON'T just go opening a directory with every project you've ever done! It will seriously make your life so much more difficult!)

<% flash.keys.each do |type| %>
<div data-alert class="flash <%= type %> alert-box radius">
<%= flash[type] %>
<a href="#" class="close">&times;</a>
<% end %>
cmkoller / gist:2d037a672d8038efb18a
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
Apollo Ruby Install Walk-Through

Ruby Install Walk-Through

# Install chruby
brew install chruby

# Enable Auto-Switching current Ruby
echo "source /usr/local/share/chruby/" >> ~/.zshrc
echo "source /usr/local/share/chruby/" >> ~/.zshrc

1. Make sure you have ActiveRecord set up in your app

(Follow these steps if not)

2. Add gem 'omniauth-github' to your Gemfile

3. Bundle

4. Add the following code to server.rb:

Career Day Screencast Info

For your Career Day presentations, you are required to record a screencast to play in the background of your presentation.

How To:

You can record and edit the video with Quicktime, which should be pre-installed on your computer. To make a new recording, open quick time, and go to File > New Screen Recording.

What it should be:

Git Cheat Sheet

Setting up your app with Git

git init

git add -A

git commit -m "First Commit"

cmkoller / gist:bf435b2a9ffbf95b21b6
Last active September 14, 2015 15:14
App Workflow

How to Plan and Start Your Project

1. Make a "dream list" and a "do it now" list

When planning your app, you're going to have a lot of big crazy awesome ideas - which is super fun. Store those ideas somewhere. Every time you think of a new feature, write it down on that "dream features" list.

For actually starting, you need to pick a very small, core subset of those features and NOT let yourself develop beyond that until those starting features are all meeting your expectations.

Once you have your "dream list" fleshed out with all the ideas that have been floating around in your head, ask yourself what the core functionality of your app is. If you chip away as many pieces of your app as possible, what are you left with? That's what you should start with.