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Various methods using Alfresco's RegexQNamePattern to get associations
private static List<String> ASSOC_NAMES_TO_EXTRACT = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"imageRef","thumbnailRef"});
* Gets a list of associations of type my:imageRef and my:thumbnailRef, given an Alfresco node;
* Implementation is not optimal
* @param nodeRef The Alfresco NodeRef that contains the associations we want to extract
* @return a List of associations of type my:imageRef and my:thumbnailRef
public List<AssociationRef> getAssociations(NodeRef nodeRef) {
List<AssociationRef> associations = serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getTargetAssocs(nodeRef, RegexQNamePattern.MATCH_ALL);
List<AssociationRef> toReturn = new ArrayList<AssociationRef>();
// extract only my:imageRef and my:thumbnailRef assocs
for(AssociationRef association : associations) {
QName assocQname = association.getTypeQName();
if (ASSOC_NAMES_TO_EXTRACT.contains(assocQname.getLocalName())) {
return toReturn;
private static final RegexQNamePattern IMAGE_ASSOCIATIONS = new RegexQNamePattern(
* Gets a list of associations of type my:imageRef and my:thumbnailRef, given an Alfresco node;
* @param nodeRef The Alfresco NodeRef that contains the associations we want to extract
* @return a List of associations of type my:imageRef and my:thumbnailRef
public List<AssociationRef> getAssociations(NodeRef nodeRef) {
return serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getTargetAssocs(nodeRef, IMAGE_ASSOCIATIONS);
* I am assuming that your custom Alfresco contentModel defines the following namespace
* <namespace uri="http:/" prefix="my"/>
static final RegexQNamePattern ALL_MY_ASSOCIATIONS =
new RegexQNamePattern("^\\{http:\\/\\/alfresco\\/model\\/content\\/1.0\\}.*");

Various methods using Alfresco's RegexQNamePattern to get associations using:

  1. RegexQnamePattern.MATCH_ALL to get all associations
  2. Getting associations by name without a namespace
  3. Getting all associations in a particular namespace
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