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Last active August 15, 2017 21:48
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GeneralScrollPane is not scolling.
lx := ZnClient new.
json_data := Array with:
(NeoJSONReader fromString: (lx get: '')).
sheet := SpreadsheetGridMorph new
hResizing: #spaceFill;
vResizing: #spaceFill;
withIndexCollect: [ :dict :yindex |
dict keys
withIndexCollect: [ :string :xindex |
cellStringAt: xindex @ yindex put: (dict at: string) asString;
cellSpacing: 31 + string size ] ].
scrollpane := GeneralScrollPane new.
pane := PanelMorph new
fillStyle: Color transparent;
hResizing: #spaceFill;
vResizing: #spaceFill;
layoutInset: 2;
cellInset: 2;
scrollpane scrollTarget: pane.
pane addMorph: sheet.
scrollpane scrollTarget: pane.
scrollpane changeScrollerTableLayout.
scrollpane openInWindow.
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