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Created September 21, 2015 07:11
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op "clone"
id "19"
id "19"
new-session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
session "03205e3c-324f-423a-ab8c-3bc3ab23f2dc"
status ("done")
op "clone"
id "20"
id "20"
new-session "f7a577d6-42cd-4ccd-be23-e403b45c8ba8"
session "3891a013-125d-4040-a7bd-5ab11261cd92"
status ("done")
op "describe"
id "21"
aux (dict
current-ns "promotable.core")
id "21"
ops (dict
apropos (dict)
classpath (dict)
clone (dict)
close (dict)
complete (dict)
complete-doc (dict)
debug-input (dict)
debug-instrumented-defs (dict)
debug-middleware (dict)
describe (dict)
eldoc (dict)
eval (dict)
format-code (dict)
format-edn (dict)
info (dict)
init-debugger (dict)
inspect-next-page (dict)
inspect-pop (dict)
inspect-prev-page (dict)
inspect-push (dict)
inspect-refresh (dict)
inspect-set-page-size (dict)
interrupt (dict)
load-file (dict)
ls-sessions (dict)
macroexpand (dict)
ns-list (dict)
ns-list-vars-by-name (dict)
ns-path (dict)
ns-vars (dict)
pprint-middleware (dict)
refresh (dict)
refresh-all (dict)
refresh-clear (dict)
resource (dict)
resources-list (dict)
retest (dict)
stacktrace (dict)
stdin (dict)
test (dict)
test-stacktrace (dict)
toggle-trace-ns (dict)
toggle-trace-var (dict)
track-state-middleware (dict)
undef (dict))
session "9719ce42-a63d-4140-8937-2b25ec746905"
status ("done")
versions (dict
clojure (dict
incremental 0
major 1
minor 7
version-string "1.7.0")
java (dict
incremental "0"
major "1"
minor "8"
update "60"
version-string "1.8.0_60")
nrepl (dict
incremental "10"
major "0"
minor "2"
qualifier ""
version-string "0.2.10"))
op "eval"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
code "(str *ns*)"
id "22"
id "22"
ns "promotable.core"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
value "\"promotable.core\""
id "22"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
status ("done")
op "eval"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
code "(when (clojure.core/resolve 'clojure.main/repl-requires)\n (clojure.core/map clojure.core/require clojure.main/repl-requires))"
id "23"
op "eval"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
code "(try\n (require 'cider.nrepl.version)\n (:version-string @(resolve 'cider.nrepl.version/version))\n (catch Throwable _ \"not installed\"))"
id "24"
op "init-debugger"
print-level 10
print-length 10
id "25"
id "23"
ns "promotable.core"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
value "(nil nil nil)"
id "23"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
status ("done")
changed-namespaces (dict
clojure.core (dict
aliases (dict)
interns (dict
* (dict
arglists "([] [x] [x y] [x y & more])")
*' (dict
arglists "([] [x] [x y] [x y & more])")
*1 (dict)
*2 (dict)
*3 (dict)
*agent* (dict)
*allow-unresolved-vars* (dict)
*assert* (dict)
*clojure-version* (dict)
*command-line-args* (dict)
*compile-files* (dict)
*compile-path* (dict)
*compiler-options* (dict)
*data-readers* (dict)
*default-data-reader-fn* (dict)
*e (dict)
*err* (dict)
*file* (dict)
*flush-on-newline* (dict)
*fn-loader* (dict)
*in* (dict)
*loaded-libs* (dict)
*loading-verbosely* (dict)
*math-context* (dict)
*ns* (dict)
*out* (dict)
*pending-paths* (dict)
*print-dup* (dict)
*print-length* (dict)
*print-level* (dict)
*print-meta* (dict)
*print-readably* (dict)
*read-eval* (dict)
*source-path* (dict)
*suppress-read* (dict)
*unchecked-math* (dict)
*use-context-classloader* (dict)
*verbose-defrecords* (dict)
*warn-on-reflection* (dict)
+ (dict
arglists "([] [x] [x y] [x y & more])")
+' (dict
arglists "([] [x] [x y] [x y & more])")
- (dict
arglists "([x] [x y] [x y & more])")
-' (dict
arglists "([x] [x y] [x y & more])")
-> (dict
arglists "([x & forms])"
macro "true")
->> (dict
arglists "([x & forms])"
macro "true")
->ArrayChunk (dict
arglists "([am arr off end])")
->Eduction (dict
arglists "([xform coll])")
->Vec (dict
arglists "([am cnt shift root tail _meta])")
->VecNode (dict
arglists "([edit arr])")
->VecSeq (dict
arglists "([am vec anode i offset])")
-cache-protocol-fn (dict
arglists "([pf x c interf])")
-reset-methods (dict
arglists "([protocol])")
.. (dict
arglists "([x form] [x form & more])"
macro "true")
/ (dict
arglists "([x] [x y] [x y & more])")
< (dict
arglists "([x] [x y] [x y & more])")
<= (dict
arglists "([x] [x y] [x y & more])")
= (dict
arglists "([x] [x y] [x y & more])")
== (dict
arglists "([x] [x y] [x y & more])")
> (dict
arglists "([x] [x y] [x y & more])")
>0? (dict
arglists "([n])")
>1? (dict
arglists "([n])")
>= (dict
arglists "([x] [x y] [x y & more])")
Throwable->map (dict
arglists "([o])")
accessor (dict
arglists "([s key])")
aclone (dict
arglists "([array])")
add-annotation (dict
arglists "([av name v])")
add-annotations (dict
arglists "([visitor m] [visitor m i])")
add-classpath (dict
arglists "([url])")
add-doc-and-meta (dict
arglists "([name docstring meta])"
macro "true")
add-watch (dict
arglists "([reference key fn])")
agent (dict
arglists "([state & options])")
agent-error (dict
arglists "([a])")
agent-errors (dict
arglists "([a])")
aget (dict
arglists "([array idx] [array idx & idxs])")
alength (dict
arglists "([array])")
alias (dict
arglists "([alias namespace-sym])")
all-ns (dict
arglists "([])")
alter (dict
arglists "([ref fun & args])")
alter-meta! (dict
arglists "([iref f & args])")
alter-var-root (dict
arglists "([v f & args])")
amap (dict
arglists "([a idx ret expr])"
macro "true")
ams (dict)
ancestors (dict
arglists "([tag] [h tag])")
and (dict
arglists "([] [x] [x & next])"
macro "true")
apply (dict
arglists "([f args] [f x args] [f x y args] [f x y z args] [f a b c d & args])")
areduce (dict
arglists "([a idx ret init expr])"
macro "true")
array (dict
arglists "([& items])")
array-map (dict
arglists "([] [& keyvals])")
as-> (dict
arglists "([expr name & forms])"
macro "true")
aset (dict
arglists "([array idx val] [array idx idx2 & idxv])")
aset-boolean (dict
arglists "([array idx val] [array idx idx2 & idxv])")
aset-byte (dict
arglists "([array idx val] [array idx idx2 & idxv])")
aset-char (dict
arglists "([array idx val] [array idx idx2 & idxv])")
aset-double (dict
arglists "([array idx val] [array idx idx2 & idxv])")
aset-float (dict
arglists "([array idx val] [array idx idx2 & idxv])")
aset-int (dict
arglists "([array idx val] [array idx idx2 & idxv])")
aset-long (dict
arglists "([array idx val] [array idx idx2 & idxv])")
aset-short (dict
arglists "([array idx val] [array idx idx2 & idxv])")
asm-type (dict
arglists "([c])")
assert (dict
arglists "([x] [x message])"
macro "true")
assert-args (dict
arglists "([& pairs])"
macro "true")
assert-same-protocol (dict
arglists "([protocol-var method-syms])")
assert-valid-fdecl (dict
arglists "([fdecl])")
assoc (dict
arglists "([map key val] [map key val & kvs])")
assoc! (dict
arglists "([coll key val] [coll key val & kvs])")
assoc-in (dict
arglists "([m [k & ks] v])")
associative? (dict
arglists "([coll])")
atom (dict
arglists "([x] [x & options])")
await (dict
arglists "([& agents])")
await-for (dict
arglists "([timeout-ms & agents])")
await1 (dict
arglists "([a])")
bases (dict
arglists "([c])")
bean (dict
arglists "([x])")
bigdec (dict
arglists "([x])")
bigint (dict
arglists "([x])")
biginteger (dict
arglists "([x])")
binding (dict
arglists "([bindings & body])"
macro "true")
binding-conveyor-fn (dict
arglists "([f])")
bit-and (dict
arglists "([x y] [x y & more])")
bit-and-not (dict
arglists "([x y] [x y & more])")
bit-clear (dict
arglists "([x n])")
bit-flip (dict
arglists "([x n])")
bit-not (dict
arglists "([x])")
bit-or (dict
arglists "([x y] [x y & more])")
bit-set (dict
arglists "([x n])")
bit-shift-left (dict
arglists "([x n])")
bit-shift-right (dict
arglists "([x n])")
bit-test (dict
arglists "([x n])")
bit-xor (dict
arglists "([x y] [x y & more])")
boolean (dict
arglists "([x])")
boolean-array (dict
arglists "([size-or-seq] [size init-val-or-seq])")
booleans (dict
arglists "([xs])")
bound-fn (dict
arglists "([& fntail])"
macro "true")
bound-fn* (dict
arglists "([f])")
bound? (dict
arglists "([& vars])")
build-positional-factory (dict
arglists "([nom classname fields])")
butlast (dict
arglists "([coll])")
byte (dict
arglists "([x])")
byte-array (dict
arglists "([size-or-seq] [size init-val-or-seq])")
bytes (dict
arglists "([xs])")
case (dict
arglists "([e & clauses])"
macro "true")
case-map (dict
arglists "([case-f test-f tests thens])")
cast (dict
arglists "([c x])")
cat (dict
arglists "([rf])")
char (dict
arglists "([x])")
char-array (dict
arglists "([size-or-seq] [size init-val-or-seq])")
char-escape-string (dict)
char-name-string (dict)
char? (dict
arglists "([x])")
chars (dict
arglists "([xs])")
check-cyclic-dependency (dict
arglists "([path])")
check-valid-options (dict
arglists "([options & valid-keys])")
chunk (dict
arglists "([b])")
chunk-append (dict
arglists "([b x])")
chunk-buffer (dict
arglists "([capacity])")
chunk-cons (dict
arglists "([chunk rest])")
chunk-first (dict
arglists "([s])")
chunk-next (dict
arglists "([s])")
chunk-rest (dict
arglists "([s])")
chunked-seq? (dict
arglists "([s])")
class (dict
arglists "([x])")
class? (dict
arglists "([x])")
clear-agent-errors (dict
arglists "([a])")
clojure-version (dict
arglists "([])")
coll? (dict
arglists "([x])")
comment (dict
arglists "([& body])"
macro "true")
commute (dict
arglists "([ref fun & args])")
comp (dict
arglists "([] [f] [f g] [f g & fs])")
comparator (dict
arglists "([pred])")
compare (dict
arglists "([x y])")
compare-and-set! (dict
arglists "([atom oldval newval])")
compile (dict
arglists "([lib])")
complement (dict
arglists "([f])")
completing (dict
arglists "([f] [f cf])")
concat (dict
arglists "([] [x] [x y] [x y & zs])")
cond (dict
arglists "([& clauses])"
macro "true")
cond-> (dict
arglists "([expr & clauses])"
macro "true")
cond->> (dict
arglists "([expr & clauses])"
macro "true")
condp (dict
arglists "([pred expr & clauses])"
macro "true")
conj (dict
arglists "([coll x] [coll x & xs])")
conj! (dict
arglists "([] [coll] [coll x])")
cons (dict
arglists "([x seq])")
constantly (dict
arglists "([x])")
construct-proxy (dict
arglists "([c & ctor-args])")
contains? (dict
arglists "([coll key])")
count (dict
arglists "([coll])")
counted? (dict
arglists "([coll])")
create-ns (dict
arglists "([sym])")
create-struct (dict
arglists "([& keys])")
ctor-sigs (dict
arglists "([super])")
cycle (dict
arglists "([coll])")
data-reader-urls (dict
arglists "([])")
data-reader-var (dict
arglists "([sym])")
dec (dict
arglists "([x])")
dec' (dict
arglists "([x])")
decimal? (dict
arglists "([n])")
declare (dict
arglists "([& names])"
macro "true")
dedupe (dict
arglists "([] [coll])")
def-aset (dict
arglists "([name method coerce])"
macro "true")
default-data-readers (dict)
definline (dict
arglists "([name & decl])"
macro "true")
definterface (dict
arglists "([name & sigs])"
macro "true")
defmacro (dict
arglists "([name doc-string? attr-map? [params*] body] [name doc-string? attr-map? ([params*] body) + attr-map?])"
macro "true")
defmethod (dict
arglists "([multifn dispatch-val & fn-tail])"
macro "true")
defmulti (dict
arglists "([name docstring? attr-map? dispatch-fn & options])"
macro "true")
defn (dict
arglists "([name doc-string? attr-map? [params*] prepost-map? body] [name doc-string? attr-map? ([params*] prepost-map? body) + attr-map?])"
macro "true")
defn- (dict
arglists "([name & decls])"
macro "true")
defonce (dict
arglists "([name expr])"
macro "true")
defprotocol (dict
arglists "([name & opts+sigs])"
macro "true")
defrecord (dict
arglists "([name [& fields] & opts+specs])"
macro "true")
defstruct (dict
arglists "([name & keys])"
macro "true")
deftype (dict
arglists "([name [& fields] & opts+specs])"
macro "true")
delay (dict
arglists "([& body])"
macro "true")
delay? (dict
arglists "([x])")
deliver (dict
arglists "([promise val])")
denominator (dict
arglists "([r])")
deref (dict
arglists "([ref] [ref timeout-ms timeout-val])")
deref-as-map (dict
arglists "([o])")
deref-future (dict
arglists "([fut] [fut timeout-ms timeout-val])")
derive (dict
arglists "([tag parent] [h tag parent])")
descendants (dict
arglists "([tag] [h tag])")
descriptor (dict
arglists "([c])")
destructure (dict
arglists "([bindings])")
disj (dict
arglists "([set] [set key] [set key & ks])")
disj! (dict
arglists "([set] [set key] [set key & ks])")
dissoc (dict
arglists "([map] [map key] [map key & ks])")
dissoc! (dict
arglists "([map key] [map key & ks])")
distinct (dict
arglists "([] [coll])")
distinct? (dict
arglists "([x] [x y] [x y & more])")
doall (dict
arglists "([coll] [n coll])")
dorun (dict
arglists "([coll] [n coll])")
doseq (dict
arglists "([seq-exprs & body])"
macro "true")
dosync (dict
arglists "([& exprs])"
macro "true")
dotimes (dict
arglists "([bindings & body])"
macro "true")
doto (dict
arglists "([x & forms])"
macro "true")
double (dict
arglists "([x])")
double-array (dict
arglists "([size-or-seq] [size init-val-or-seq])")
doubles (dict
arglists "([xs])")
drop (dict
arglists "([n] [n coll])")
drop-last (dict
arglists "([s] [n s])")
drop-while (dict
arglists "([pred] [pred coll])")
eduction (dict
arglists "([xform* coll])")
emit-defrecord (dict
arglists "([tagname name fields interfaces methods])")
emit-deftype* (dict
arglists "([tagname name fields interfaces methods])")
emit-extend-protocol (dict
arglists "([p specs])")
emit-extend-type (dict
arglists "([c specs])")
emit-hinted-impl (dict
arglists "([c [p fs]])")
emit-impl (dict
arglists "([[p fs]])")
emit-method-builder (dict
arglists "([on-interface method on-method arglists])")
emit-protocol (dict
arglists "([name opts+sigs])")
empty (dict
arglists "([coll])")
empty? (dict
arglists "([coll])")
ensure (dict
arglists "([ref])")
ensure-reduced (dict
arglists "([x])")
enumeration-seq (dict
arglists "([e])")
error-handler (dict
arglists "([a])")
error-mode (dict
arglists "([a])")
escape-class-name (dict
arglists "([c])")
eval (dict
arglists "([form])")
even? (dict
arglists "([n])")
every-pred (dict
arglists "([p] [p1 p2] [p1 p2 p3] [p1 p2 p3 & ps])")
every? (dict
arglists "([pred coll])")
ex-data (dict
arglists "([ex])")
ex-info (dict
arglists "([msg map] [msg map cause])")
expand-method-impl-cache (dict
arglists "([cache c f])")
extend (dict
arglists "([atype & proto+mmaps])")
extend-protocol (dict
arglists "([p & specs])"
macro "true")
extend-type (dict
arglists "([t & specs])"
macro "true")
extenders (dict
arglists "([protocol])")
extends? (dict
arglists "([protocol atype])")
false? (dict
arglists "([x])")
ffirst (dict
arglists "([x])")
file-seq (dict
arglists "([dir])")
filter (dict
arglists "([pred] [pred coll])")
filter-key (dict
arglists "([keyfn pred amap])")
filter-methods (dict
arglists "([c invalid-method?])")
filterv (dict
arglists "([pred coll])")
find (dict
arglists "([map key])")
find-field (dict
arglists "([c f])")
find-keyword (dict
arglists "([name] [ns name])")
find-ns (dict
arglists "([sym])")
find-protocol-impl (dict
arglists "([protocol x])")
find-protocol-method (dict
arglists "([protocol methodk x])")
find-var (dict
arglists "([sym])")
first (dict
arglists "([coll])")
fits-table? (dict
arglists "([ints])")
flatten (dict
arglists "([x])")
float (dict
arglists "([x])")
float-array (dict
arglists "([size-or-seq] [size init-val-or-seq])")
float? (dict
arglists "([n])")
floats (dict
arglists "([xs])")
flush (dict
arglists "([])")
fn (dict
arglists "([& sigs])"
macro "true")
fn? (dict
arglists "([x])")
fnext (dict
arglists "([x])")
fnil (dict
arglists "([f x] [f x y] [f x y z])")
for (dict
arglists "([seq-exprs body-expr])"
macro "true")
force (dict
arglists "([x])")
format (dict
arglists "([fmt & args])")
frequencies (dict
arglists "([coll])")
future (dict
arglists "([& body])"
macro "true")
future-call (dict
arglists "([f])")
future-cancel (dict
arglists "([f])")
future-cancelled? (dict
arglists "([f])")
future-done? (dict
arglists "([f])")
future? (dict
arglists "([x])")
gen-class (dict
arglists "([& options])"
macro "true")
gen-interface (dict
arglists "([& options])"
macro "true")
generate-class (dict
arglists "([options-map])")
generate-interface (dict
arglists "([{:keys [name extends methods]}])")
generate-proxy (dict
arglists "([super interfaces])")
gensym (dict
arglists "([] [prefix-string])")
get (dict
arglists "([map key] [map key not-found])")
get-in (dict
arglists "([m ks] [m ks not-found])")
get-method (dict
arglists "([multifn dispatch-val])")
get-proxy-class (dict
arglists "([& bases])")
get-super-and-interfaces (dict
arglists "([bases])")
get-thread-bindings (dict
arglists "([])")
get-validator (dict
arglists "([iref])")
global-hierarchy (dict)
group-by (dict
arglists "([f coll])")
group-by-sig (dict
arglists "([coll])")
hash (dict
arglists "([x])")
hash-combine (dict
arglists "([x y])")
hash-map (dict
arglists "([] [& keyvals])")
hash-ordered-coll (dict
arglists "([coll])")
hash-set (dict
arglists "([] [& keys])")
hash-unordered-coll (dict
arglists "([coll])")
identical? (dict
arglists "([x y])")
identity (dict
arglists "([x])")
if-let (dict
arglists "([bindings then] [bindings then else & oldform])"
macro "true")
if-not (dict
arglists "([test then] [test then else])"
macro "true")
if-some (dict
arglists "([bindings then] [bindings then else & oldform])"
macro "true")
ifn? (dict
arglists "([x])")
imap-cons (dict
arglists "([this o])")
implements? (dict
arglists "([protocol atype])")
import (dict
arglists "([& import-symbols-or-lists])"
macro "true")
in-ns (dict
arglists "([name])")
inc (dict
arglists "([x])")
inc' (dict
arglists "([x])")
init-proxy (dict
arglists "([proxy mappings])")
instance? (dict
arglists "([c x])")
int (dict
arglists "([x])")
int-array (dict
arglists "([size-or-seq] [size init-val-or-seq])")
integer? (dict
arglists "([n])")
interleave (dict
arglists "([] [c1] [c1 c2] [c1 c2 & colls])")
intern (dict
arglists "([ns name] [ns name val])")
interpose (dict
arglists "([sep] [sep coll])")
into (dict
arglists "([to from] [to xform from])")
into-array (dict
arglists "([aseq] [type aseq])")
into1 (dict
arglists "([to from])")
ints (dict
arglists "([xs])")
io! (dict
arglists "([& body])"
macro "true")
is-annotation? (dict
arglists "([c])")
is-runtime-annotation? (dict
arglists "([c])")
isa? (dict
arglists "([child parent] [h child parent])")
iterate (dict
arglists "([f x])")
iterator-seq (dict
arglists "([iter])")
juxt (dict
arglists "([f] [f g] [f g h] [f g h & fs])")
keep (dict
arglists "([f] [f coll])")
keep-indexed (dict
arglists "([f] [f coll])")
key (dict
arglists "([e])")
keys (dict
arglists "([map])")
keyword (dict
arglists "([name] [ns name])")
keyword? (dict
arglists "([x])")
last (dict
arglists "([coll])")
lazy-cat (dict
arglists "([& colls])"
macro "true")
lazy-seq (dict
arglists "([& body])"
macro "true")
let (dict
arglists "([bindings & body])"
macro "true")
letfn (dict
arglists "([fnspecs & body])"
macro "true")
libspec? (dict
arglists "([x])")
line-seq (dict
arglists "([rdr])")
list (dict
arglists "([& items])")
list* (dict
arglists "([args] [a args] [a b args] [a b c args] [a b c d & more])")
list? (dict
arglists "([x])")
load (dict
arglists "([& paths])")
load-all (dict
arglists "([lib need-ns require])")
load-data-reader-file (dict
arglists "([mappings url])")
load-data-readers (dict
arglists "([])")
load-file (dict
arglists "([name])")
load-lib (dict
arglists "([prefix lib & options])")
load-libs (dict
arglists "([& args])")
load-one (dict
arglists "([lib need-ns require])")
load-reader (dict
arglists "([rdr])")
load-string (dict
arglists "([s])")
loaded-libs (dict
arglists "([])")
locking (dict
arglists "([x & body])"
macro "true")
long (dict
arglists "([x])")
long-array (dict
arglists "([size-or-seq] [size init-val-or-seq])")
longs (dict
arglists "([xs])")
loop (dict
arglists "([bindings & body])"
macro "true")
macroexpand (dict
arglists "([form])")
macroexpand-1 (dict
arglists "([form])")
make-array (dict
arglists "([type len] [type dim & more-dims])")
make-hierarchy (dict
arglists "([])")
map (dict
arglists "([f] [f coll] [f c1 c2] [f c1 c2 c3] [f c1 c2 c3 & colls])")
map-indexed (dict
arglists "([f] [f coll])")
map? (dict
arglists "([x])")
mapcat (dict
arglists "([f] [f & colls])")
mapv (dict
arglists "([f coll] [f c1 c2] [f c1 c2 c3] [f c1 c2 c3 & colls])")
max (dict
arglists "([x] [x y] [x y & more])")
max-key (dict
arglists "([k x] [k x y] [k x y & more])")
max-mask-bits (dict)
max-switch-table-size (dict)
maybe-destructured (dict
arglists "([params body])")
maybe-min-hash (dict
arglists "([hashes])")
memfn (dict
arglists "([name & args])"
macro "true")
memoize (dict
arglists "([f])")
merge (dict
arglists "([& maps])")
merge-hash-collisions (dict
arglists "([expr-sym default tests thens])")
merge-with (dict
arglists "([f & maps])")
meta (dict
arglists "([obj])")
method-sig (dict
arglists "([meth])")
methods (dict
arglists "([multifn])")
min (dict
arglists "([x] [x y] [x y & more])")
min-key (dict
arglists "([k x] [k x y] [k x y & more])")
mix-collection-hash (dict
arglists "([hash-basis count])")
mk-am (dict
arglists "([t])"
macro "true")
mk-bound-fn (dict
arglists "([sc test key])")
mod (dict
arglists "([num div])")
most-specific (dict
arglists "([rtypes])")
munge (dict
arglists "([s])")
name (dict
arglists "([x])")
namespace (dict
arglists "([x])")
namespace-munge (dict
arglists "([ns])")
nary-inline (dict
arglists "([op] [op unchecked-op])")
neg? (dict
arglists "([x])")
newline (dict
arglists "([])")
next (dict
arglists "([coll])")
nfirst (dict
arglists "([x])")
nil? (dict
arglists "([x])")
nnext (dict
arglists "([x])")
non-private-methods (dict
arglists "([c])")
normalize-slurp-opts (dict
arglists "([opts])")
not (dict
arglists "([x])")
not-any? (dict
arglists "([pred coll])")
not-empty (dict
arglists "([coll])")
not-every? (dict
arglists "([pred coll])")
not= (dict
arglists "([x] [x y] [x y & more])")
ns (dict
arglists "([name docstring? attr-map? references*])"
macro "true")
ns-aliases (dict
arglists "([ns])")
ns-imports (dict
arglists "([ns])")
ns-interns (dict
arglists "([ns])")
ns-map (dict
arglists "([ns])")
ns-name (dict
arglists "([ns])")
ns-publics (dict
arglists "([ns])")
ns-refers (dict
arglists "([ns])")
ns-resolve (dict
arglists "([ns sym] [ns env sym])")
ns-unalias (dict
arglists "([ns sym])")
ns-unmap (dict
arglists "([ns sym])")
nth (dict
arglists "([coll index] [coll index not-found])")
nthnext (dict
arglists "([coll n])")
nthrest (dict
arglists "([coll n])")
num (dict
arglists "([x])")
number? (dict
arglists "([x])")
numerator (dict
arglists "([r])")
object-array (dict
arglists "([size-or-seq])")
odd? (dict
arglists "([n])")
or (dict
arglists "([] [x] [x & next])"
macro "true")
overload-name (dict
arglists "([mname pclasses])")
parents (dict
arglists "([tag] [h tag])")
parse-impls (dict
arglists "([specs])")
parse-opts (dict
arglists "([s])")
parse-opts+specs (dict
arglists "([opts+specs])")
partial (dict
arglists "([f] [f arg1] [f arg1 arg2] [f arg1 arg2 arg3] [f arg1 arg2 arg3 & more])")
partition (dict
arglists "([n coll] [n step coll] [n step pad coll])")
partition-all (dict
arglists "([n] [n coll] [n step coll])")
partition-by (dict
arglists "([f] [f coll])")
pcalls (dict
arglists "([& fns])")
peek (dict
arglists "([coll])")
persistent! (dict
arglists "([coll])")
pmap (dict
arglists "([f coll] [f coll & colls])")
pop (dict
arglists "([coll])")
pop! (dict
arglists "([coll])")
pop-thread-bindings (dict
arglists "([])")
pos? (dict
arglists "([x])")
pr (dict
arglists "([] [x] [x & more])")
pr-on (dict
arglists "([x w])")
pr-str (dict
arglists "([& xs])")
pref (dict
arglists "([] [a] [a b])")
prefer-method (dict
arglists "([multifn dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y])")
prefers (dict
arglists "([multifn])")
prep-hashes (dict
arglists "([expr-sym default tests thens])")
prep-ints (dict
arglists "([tests thens])")
prependss (dict
arglists "([x coll])")
preserving-reduced (dict
arglists "([rf])")
prim->class (dict)
primitives-classnames (dict)
print (dict
arglists "([& more])")
print-ctor (dict
arglists "([o print-args w])")
print-dup (dict)
print-initialized (dict)
print-map (dict
arglists "([m print-one w])")
print-meta (dict
arglists "([o w])")
print-method (dict)
print-object (dict
arglists "([o w])")
print-sequential (dict
arglists "([begin print-one sep end sequence w])")
print-simple (dict
arglists "([o w])")
print-str (dict
arglists "([& xs])")
print-tagged-object (dict
arglists "([o rep w])")
print-throwable (dict
arglists "([o w])")
printf (dict
arglists "([fmt & args])")
println (dict
arglists "([& more])")
println-str (dict
arglists "([& xs])")
prn (dict
arglists "([& more])")
prn-str (dict
arglists "([& xs])")
process-annotation (dict
arglists "([av v])")
promise (dict
arglists "([])")
protected-final-methods (dict
arglists "([c])")
protocol? (dict
arglists "([maybe-p])")
proxy (dict
arglists "([class-and-interfaces args & fs])"
macro "true")
proxy-call-with-super (dict
arglists "([call this meth])")
proxy-mappings (dict
arglists "([proxy])")
proxy-name (dict
arglists "([super interfaces])")
proxy-super (dict
arglists "([meth & args])"
macro "true")
push-thread-bindings (dict
arglists "([bindings])")
pvalues (dict
arglists "([& exprs])"
macro "true")
quot (dict
arglists "([num div])")
rand (dict
arglists "([] [n])")
rand-int (dict
arglists "([n])")
rand-nth (dict
arglists "([coll])")
random-sample (dict
arglists "([prob] [prob coll])")
range (dict
arglists "([] [end] [start end] [start end step])")
ratio? (dict
arglists "([n])")
rational? (dict
arglists "([n])")
rationalize (dict
arglists "([num])")
re-find (dict
arglists "([m] [re s])")
re-groups (dict
arglists "([m])")
re-matcher (dict
arglists "([re s])")
re-matches (dict
arglists "([re s])")
re-pattern (dict
arglists "([s])")
re-seq (dict
arglists "([re s])")
read (dict
arglists "([] [stream] [stream eof-error? eof-value] [stream eof-error? eof-value recursive?] [opts stream])")
read-line (dict
arglists "([])")
read-string (dict
arglists "([s] [opts s])")
reader-conditional (dict
arglists "([form splicing?])")
reader-conditional? (dict
arglists "([value])")
realized? (dict
arglists "([x])")
record? (dict
arglists "([x])")
reduce (dict
arglists "([f coll] [f val coll])")
reduce-kv (dict
arglists "([f init coll])")
reduce1 (dict
arglists "([f coll] [f val coll])")
reduced (dict
arglists "([x])")
reduced? (dict
arglists "([x])")
reductions (dict
arglists "([f coll] [f init coll])")
ref (dict
arglists "([x] [x & options])")
ref-history-count (dict
arglists "([ref])")
ref-max-history (dict
arglists "([ref] [ref n])")
ref-min-history (dict
arglists "([ref] [ref n])")
ref-set (dict
arglists "([ref val])")
refer (dict
arglists "([ns-sym & filters])")
refer-clojure (dict
arglists "([& filters])"
macro "true")
reify (dict
arglists "([& opts+specs])"
macro "true")
release-pending-sends (dict
arglists "([])")
rem (dict
arglists "([num div])")
remove (dict
arglists "([pred] [pred coll])")
remove-all-methods (dict
arglists "([multifn])")
remove-method (dict
arglists "([multifn dispatch-val])")
remove-ns (dict
arglists "([sym])")
remove-watch (dict
arglists "([reference key])")
repeat (dict
arglists "([x] [n x])")
repeatedly (dict
arglists "([f] [n f])")
replace (dict
arglists "([smap] [smap coll])")
replicate (dict
arglists "([n x])")
require (dict
arglists "([& args])")
reset! (dict
arglists "([atom newval])")
reset-meta! (dict
arglists "([iref metadata-map])")
resolve (dict
arglists "([sym] [env sym])")
rest (dict
arglists "([coll])")
restart-agent (dict
arglists "([a new-state & options])")
resultset-seq (dict
arglists "([rs])")
reverse (dict
arglists "([coll])")
reversible? (dict
arglists "([coll])")
root-directory (dict
arglists "([lib])")
root-resource (dict
arglists "([lib])")
rseq (dict
arglists "([rev])")
rsubseq (dict
arglists "([sc test key] [sc start-test start-key end-test end-key])")
run! (dict
arglists "([proc coll])")
satisfies? (dict
arglists "([protocol x])")
second (dict
arglists "([x])")
select-keys (dict
arglists "([map keyseq])")
send (dict
arglists "([a f & args])")
send-off (dict
arglists "([a f & args])")
send-via (dict
arglists "([executor a f & args])")
seq (dict
arglists "([coll])")
seq? (dict
arglists "([x])")
seque (dict
arglists "([s] [n-or-q s])")
sequence (dict
arglists "([coll] [xform coll] [xform coll & colls])")
sequential? (dict
arglists "([coll])")
set (dict
arglists "([coll])")
set-agent-send-executor! (dict
arglists "([executor])")
set-agent-send-off-executor! (dict
arglists "([executor])")
set-error-handler! (dict
arglists "([a handler-fn])")
set-error-mode! (dict
arglists "([a mode-keyword])")
set-validator! (dict
arglists "([iref validator-fn])")
set? (dict
arglists "([x])")
setup-reference (dict
arglists "([r options])")
shift-mask (dict
arglists "([shift mask x])")
short (dict
arglists "([x])")
short-array (dict
arglists "([size-or-seq] [size init-val-or-seq])")
shorts (dict
arglists "([xs])")
shuffle (dict
arglists "([coll])")
shutdown-agents (dict
arglists "([])")
sigs (dict)
slurp (dict
arglists "([f & opts])")
some (dict
arglists "([pred coll])")
some-> (dict
arglists "([expr & forms])"
macro "true")
some->> (dict
arglists "([expr & forms])"
macro "true")
some-fn (dict
arglists "([p] [p1 p2] [p1 p2 p3] [p1 p2 p3 & ps])")
some? (dict
arglists "([x])")
sort (dict
arglists "([coll] [comp coll])")
sort-by (dict
arglists "([keyfn coll] [keyfn comp coll])")
sorted-map (dict
arglists "([& keyvals])")
sorted-map-by (dict
arglists "([comparator & keyvals])")
sorted-set (dict
arglists "([& keys])")
sorted-set-by (dict
arglists "([comparator & keys])")
sorted? (dict
arglists "([coll])")
special-symbol? (dict
arglists "([s])")
spit (dict
arglists "([f content & options])")
split-at (dict
arglists "([n coll])")
split-with (dict
arglists "([pred coll])")
spread (dict
arglists "([arglist])")
str (dict
arglists "([] [x] [x & ys])")
string? (dict
arglists "([x])")
struct (dict
arglists "([s & vals])")
struct-map (dict
arglists "([s & inits])")
subs (dict
arglists "([s start] [s start end])")
subseq (dict
arglists "([sc test key] [sc start-test start-key end-test end-key])")
subvec (dict
arglists "([v start] [v start end])")
super-chain (dict
arglists "([c])")
supers (dict
arglists "([class])")
swap! (dict
arglists "([atom f] [atom f x] [atom f x y] [atom f x y & args])")
symbol (dict
arglists "([name] [ns name])")
symbol? (dict
arglists "([x])")
sync (dict
arglists "([flags-ignored-for-now & body])"
macro "true")
system-newline (dict)
tagged-literal (dict
arglists "([tag form])")
tagged-literal? (dict
arglists "([value])")
take (dict
arglists "([n] [n coll])")
take-last (dict
arglists "([n coll])")
take-nth (dict
arglists "([n] [n coll])")
take-while (dict
arglists "([pred] [pred coll])")
test (dict
arglists "([v])")
the-class (dict
arglists "([x])")
the-ns (dict
arglists "([x])")
thread-bound? (dict
arglists "([& vars])")
throw-if (dict
arglists "([pred fmt & args])")
time (dict
arglists "([expr])"
macro "true")
to-array (dict
arglists "([coll])")
to-array-2d (dict
arglists "([coll])")
trampoline (dict
arglists "([f] [f & args])")
transduce (dict
arglists "([xform f coll] [xform f init coll])")
transient (dict
arglists "([coll])")
tree-seq (dict
arglists "([branch? children root])")
true? (dict
arglists "([x])")
type (dict
arglists "([x])")
unchecked-add (dict
arglists "([x y])")
unchecked-add-int (dict
arglists "([x y])")
unchecked-byte (dict
arglists "([x])")
unchecked-char (dict
arglists "([x])")
unchecked-dec (dict
arglists "([x])")
unchecked-dec-int (dict
arglists "([x])")
unchecked-divide-int (dict
arglists "([x y])")
unchecked-double (dict
arglists "([x])")
unchecked-float (dict
arglists "([x])")
unchecked-inc (dict
arglists "([x])")
unchecked-inc-int (dict
arglists "([x])")
unchecked-int (dict
arglists "([x])")
unchecked-long (dict
arglists "([x])")
unchecked-multiply (dict
arglists "([x y])")
unchecked-multiply-int (dict
arglists "([x y])")
unchecked-negate (dict
arglists "([x])")
unchecked-negate-int (dict
arglists "([x])")
unchecked-remainder-int (dict
arglists "([x y])")
unchecked-short (dict
arglists "([x])")
unchecked-subtract (dict
arglists "([x y])")
unchecked-subtract-int (dict
arglists "([x y])")
underive (dict
arglists "([tag parent] [h tag parent])")
unquote (dict)
unquote-splicing (dict)
unreduced (dict
arglists "([x])")
unsigned-bit-shift-right (dict
arglists "([x n])")
update (dict
arglists "([m k f] [m k f x] [m k f x y] [m k f x y z] [m k f x y z & more])")
update-in (dict
arglists "([m [k & ks] f & args])")
update-proxy (dict
arglists "([proxy mappings])")
use (dict
arglists "([& args])")
val (dict
arglists "([e])")
valid-java-method-name (dict
arglists "([s])")
validate-fields (dict
arglists "([fields name])")
validate-generate-class-options (dict
arglists "([{:keys [methods]}])")
vals (dict
arglists "([map])")
var-get (dict
arglists "([x])")
var-set (dict
arglists "([x val])")
var? (dict
arglists "([v])")
vary-meta (dict
arglists "([obj f & args])")
vec (dict
arglists "([coll])")
vector (dict
arglists "([] [a] [a b] [a b c] [a b c d] [a b c d & args])")
vector-of (dict
arglists "([t] [t & elements])")
vector? (dict
arglists "([x])")
volatile! (dict
arglists "([val])")
volatile? (dict
arglists "([x])")
vreset! (dict
arglists "([vol newval])")
vswap! (dict
arglists "([vol f & args])"
macro "true")
when (dict
arglists "([test & body])"
macro "true")
when-first (dict
arglists "([bindings & body])"
macro "true")
when-let (dict
arglists "([bindings & body])"
macro "true")
when-not (dict
arglists "([test & body])"
macro "true")
when-some (dict
arglists "([bindings & body])"
macro "true")
while (dict
arglists "([test & body])"
macro "true")
with-bindings (dict
arglists "([binding-map & body])"
macro "true")
with-bindings* (dict
arglists "([binding-map f & args])")
with-in-str (dict
arglists "([s & body])"
macro "true")
with-loading-context (dict
arglists "([& body])"
macro "true")
with-local-vars (dict
arglists "([name-vals-vec & body])"
macro "true")
with-meta (dict
arglists "([obj m])")
with-open (dict
arglists "([bindings & body])"
macro "true")
with-out-str (dict
arglists "([& body])"
macro "true")
with-precision (dict
arglists "([precision & exprs])"
macro "true")
with-redefs (dict
arglists "([bindings & body])"
macro "true")
with-redefs-fn (dict
arglists "([binding-map func])")
xml-seq (dict
arglists "([root])")
zero? (dict
arglists "([x])")
zipmap (dict
arglists "([keys vals])")))
promotable.core (dict
aliases (dict)
interns (dict
->InputChoice (dict
arglists "([value to-string])")
->SelectWith (dict
arglists "([widget])")
-main (dict
arglists "([& args])")
ConfigAction (dict)
ConfigIcon (dict)
ConfigModel (dict)
ConfigText (dict)
LayoutOrientationConfig (dict)
SelectionModeConfig (dict)
Showable (dict)
abstract-panel (dict
arglists "([panel layout opts] [layout opts])")
action (dict)
action-option (dict)
add! (dict
arglists "([container subject & more])")
alert (dict
arglists "([& args])")
all-frames (dict
arglists "([])")
apropos (dict
arglists "([str-or-pattern])")
assert-ui-thread (dict
arglists "([message])")
base-resource-options (dict)
border-panel (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
border-panel-options (dict)
box-panel (dict
arglists "([dir & opts])")
box-panel-options (dict)
button (dict
arglists "([& args])")
button-group (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
button-group-options (dict)
button-options (dict)
canvas (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
canvas-options (dict)
card-panel (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
card-panel-options (dict)
checkbox (dict
arglists "([& args])")
checkbox-menu-item (dict
arglists "([& args])")
checkbox-menu-item-options (dict)
checkbox-options (dict)
combobox (dict
arglists "([& args])")
combobox-options (dict)
config (dict)
config! (dict)
confirm (dict
arglists "([& args])")
construct (dict
arglists "([factory-class & opts])"
macro "true")
custom-dialog (dict
arglists "([& {:keys [width height visible? modal? on-close size], :or {width 100, height 100, visible? false}, :as opts}])")
custom-dialog-options (dict)
default-options (dict)
dialog (dict
arglists "([& {:as opts}])")
dir (dict
arglists "([nsname])"
macro "true")
dispose! (dict
arglists "([targets])")
doc (dict
arglists "([name])"
macro "true")
editor-pane (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
editor-pane-options (dict)
find-doc (dict
arglists "([re-string-or-pattern])")
flow-panel (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
flow-panel-options (dict)
form-panel (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
form-panel-options (dict)
frame (dict
arglists "([& {:keys [width height visible? size], :as opts}])")
frame-options (dict)
full-screen! (dict
arglists "([device window] [window])")
full-screen-window (dict
arglists "([device] [])")
full-screen? (dict
arglists "([device window] [window])")
get-action* (dict
arglists "([this])")
get-drag-enabled (dict
arglists "([this])")
get-icon* (dict
arglists "([this])")
get-layout-orientation* (dict
arglists "([this])")
get-model* (dict
arglists "([this])")
get-selection-mode* (dict
arglists "([this])")
get-text* (dict
arglists "([this])")
grid-bag-panel (dict)
grid-panel (dict
arglists "([& {:keys [rows columns], :as opts}])")
grid-panel-options (dict)
group-by-id (dict
arglists "([root])")
height (dict
arglists "([w])")
hide! (dict
arglists "([targets])")
horizontal-panel (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
horizontal-panel-options (dict)
icon (dict)
id-for (dict)
id-of (dict
arglists "([w])")
input (dict
arglists "([& args])")
invoke-later (dict
arglists "([& args])"
macro "true")
invoke-now (dict
arglists "([& args])"
macro "true")
invoke-soon (dict
arglists "([& args])"
macro "true")
javadoc (dict
arglists "([class-or-object])")
label (dict
arglists "([& args])")
label-options (dict)
left-right-split (dict
arglists "([left right & args])")
left-right-split-options (dict)
listbox (dict
arglists "([& args])")
listbox-options (dict)
listen (dict)
make-widget (dict
arglists "([v])")
map->InputChoice (dict
arglists "([m__6289__auto__])")
map->SelectWith (dict
arglists "([m__6289__auto__])")
menu (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
menu-item (dict
arglists "([& args])")
menu-item-options (dict)
menu-options (dict)
menubar (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
menubar-options (dict)
model-option (dict)
move! (dict
arglists "([target how & [loc]])")
move-by! (dict
arglists "([this dx dy])")
move-to! (dict
arglists "([this x y])")
move-to-back! (dict
arglists "([this])")
move-to-front! (dict
arglists "([this])")
native! (dict
arglists "([])")
pack! (dict
arglists "([targets])")
paintable (dict
arglists "([cls & opts])"
macro "true")
password (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
password-options (dict)
popup (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
popup-options (dict)
pp (dict
arglists "([])"
macro "true")
pprint (dict
arglists "([object] [object writer])")
progress-bar (dict
arglists "([& {:keys [orientation value min max], :as opts}])")
progress-bar-options (dict)
promotable.core.proxy$java.lang.Object$SignalHandler$d8c00ec7 (dict)
pst (dict
arglists "([] [e-or-depth] [e depth])")
radio (dict
arglists "([& args])")
radio-menu-item (dict
arglists "([& args])")
radio-menu-item-options (dict)
radio-options (dict)
remove! (dict
arglists "([container subject & more])")
repaint! (dict
arglists "([targets])")
replace! (dict
arglists "([container old-widget new-widget])")
request-focus! (dict
arglists "([target])")
return-from-dialog (dict
arglists "([dlg result])")
scroll! (dict
arglists "([target modifier arg])")
scrollable (dict
arglists "([target & opts])")
scrollable-options (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter$ff19274a (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JButton$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JCheckBox$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JComboBox$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JDialog$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JEditorPane$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JFrame$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JLabel$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JList$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JMenu$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JMenuBar$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JPanel$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JPasswordField$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JPopupMenu$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JProgressBar$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JRadioButton$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JScrollPane$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JSeparator$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JSlider$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JSpinner$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JSplitPane$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JTabbedPane$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JTable$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JTextArea$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JTextField$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JTextPane$ff19274a (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JToggleButton$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JToolBar$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JTree$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
seesaw.core.proxy$javax.swing.JWindow$Tag$fd407141 (dict)
select (dict
arglists "([root selector])")
select-with (dict
arglists "([target])")
selection (dict
arglists "([target] [target options])")
selection! (dict
arglists "([target new-selection] [target opts new-selection])")
separator (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
separator-options (dict)
set-action* (dict
arglists "([this v])")
set-drag-enabled (dict
arglists "([this v])")
set-icon* (dict
arglists "([this v])")
set-layout-orientation* (dict
arglists "([this v])")
set-model* (dict
arglists "([this m])")
set-selection-mode* (dict
arglists "([this v])")
set-text* (dict
arglists "([this v])")
show! (dict
arglists "([targets])")
show-card! (dict
arglists "([panel id])")
slider (dict
arglists "([& {:keys [orientation value min max minor-tick-spacing major-tick-spacing snap-to-ticks? paint-ticks? paint-labels? paint-track? inverted?], :as kw}])")
slider-options (dict)
source (dict
arglists "([n])"
macro "true")
spinner (dict
arglists "([& args])")
spinner-model (dict
arglists "([v & {:keys [from to by]}])")
spinner-options (dict)
splitter (dict
arglists "([dir left right & opts])")
splitter-options (dict)
style-text! (dict
arglists "([target id start length])")
styled-text (dict
arglists "([& args])")
styled-text-options (dict)
tabbed-panel (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
tabbed-panel-options (dict)
table (dict
arglists "([& args])")
table-options (dict)
text (dict
arglists "([& args])")
text! (dict
arglists "([targets value])")
text-area-options (dict)
text-field-options (dict)
text-options (dict)
timer (dict)
to-document (dict
arglists "([v])")
to-frame (dict)
to-root (dict
arglists "([w])")
to-widget (dict
arglists "([v])")
toggle (dict
arglists "([& args])")
toggle-full-screen! (dict
arglists "([device window] [window])")
toggle-options (dict)
toolbar (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
toolbar-options (dict)
top-bottom-split (dict
arglists "([top bottom & args])")
top-bottom-split-options (dict)
tree (dict
arglists "([& args])")
tree-options (dict)
user-data (dict
arglists "([w])")
value (dict
arglists "([target])")
value! (dict
arglists "([target v])")
vertical-panel (dict
arglists "([& opts])")
vertical-panel-options (dict)
visible! (dict
arglists "([this v])")
visible? (dict
arglists "([this])")
width (dict
arglists "([w])")
window (dict
arglists "([& {:keys [width height visible? size], :as opts}])")
window-options (dict)
with-password* (dict
arglists "([field handler])")
with-widgets (dict
arglists "([widgets & body])"
macro "true")
xyz-panel (dict
arglists "([& opts])")))
reply.exports (dict
aliases (dict)
interns (dict
apropos-better (dict
arglists "([str-or-pattern])")
call-with-ns-and-name (dict
arglists "([f v])")
clojuredocs-available? (dict)
handle-fns-etc (dict
arglists "([name fn])"
macro "true")
help (dict
arglists "([])")
intern-with-meta (dict
arglists "([ns sym value-var])")
lazy-clojuredocs (dict
arglists "([v] [ns-str var-str])"
macro "true")
original-ns (dict)
resolve-class (dict)
unresolve (dict
arglists "([var])")))
user (dict
aliases (dict)
interns (dict
apropos-better (dict
arglists "([str-or-pattern])")
cdoc (dict
arglists "([v] [ns-str var-str])"
macro "true")
clojuredocs (dict
arglists "([v] [ns-str var-str])"
macro "true")
find-name (dict
arglists "([str-or-pattern])")
help (dict
arglists "([])"))))
id "22"
repl-type "clj"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
status ("state")
id "24"
ns "promotable.core"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
value "\"0.10.0-snapshot\""
id "24"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
status ("done")
changed-namespaces (dict)
id "23"
repl-type "clj"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
status ("state")
changed-namespaces (dict)
id "24"
repl-type "clj"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
status ("state")
ns "promotable.core"
op "eval"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
code "(-main)\n"
id "26"
id "26"
ns "promotable.core"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
value "nil"
id "26"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
status ("done")
changed-namespaces (dict)
id "26"
repl-type "clj"
session "c82858e6-6033-4cc4-b07d-00abc3f86355"
status ("state")
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