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Created June 10, 2016 16:25
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Save cmoore4/75192bf59396ad888195489c1ca26da1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A method, using Angular's promise notify functionality, to immediately restore previous page contents on renavigating to the same page, while simultaneously getting new data and updating the cache.
// These two resources helped me out:
module.factory('httpCacher', ['localStorageService', '$q', '$timeout', '$injector', function(localStorageService, $q, $timeout, $injector) {
var cachePrefix = 'ng_http_cache_';
var cacheExpire = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 8; // 8 Hour Expirey
// This will be the key, along with cachePrefix above for our localstorage key:value pair,
// hashing the request object
String.prototype.hashCode = function() {
var hash = 0;
if (this.length === 0) return hash;
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
var char = this.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + char;
hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer
return hash;
var cache = {
get: function(key) {
var val = localStorageService.get(key);
if (val) {
return val;
} else {
return {};
set: function(key, value, config) {
// Clear existing cache expirations for this key
var expires = window.expires || {};
if (expires[key]) {
// Set a new cache expiration for the key
var expire = setTimeout(function() {
}, cacheExpire);
expires[key] = expire;
return localStorageService.set(
key, {
data: value,
time: new Date().getTime(),
request: config
var cacheInjector = {
request: function(request) {
// Only get cache idempotent actions
if (['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'].indexOf(request.method) === -1) {
return request;
var key = cachePrefix + JSON.stringify(request).hashCode();
var val = cache.get(key);
if ( {
var $http = $injector.get('$http'),
defer = $q.defer();
$timeout(function() {
}, 10, false);
return defer.promise;
return request;
response: function(response) {
if (['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'].indexOf(response.config.method) === -1) {
return response;
var key = cachePrefix + JSON.stringify(response.config).hashCode();
var val =;
cache.set(key, val, response.config);
return response;
return cacheInjector;
module.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
// Using this file as example:
'use strict';
angular.module('', ['ngRoute', 'lbServices'])
.controller('companyController', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$location', 'Company', 'Job', 'localStorageService', '$routeParams',
function($scope, $rootScope, $location, Company, Job, localStorageService, $routeParams) {
$ = {};
$ = [];
$rootScope.pageTitle = 'Company';
$rootScope.isLoading = true;
// This will be called by both cache hits and server responses
$scope.setCompany = function(company) {
$ = company;
localStorageService.set('company', company);
filter: {
where: {
id: $
// Success callback
function(data) {
console.log('[company#Company.find] Success');
// Eror callback
function(err) {
console.error('[company#Company.find] Error', err);
// The third promise callback argument executes everytime $q.notify is called.
// We send back the cached value on notify as the request is sent to the server.
function(cache) {
// We turn off the main loading indicator, and load a smaller "updating" spinner in the corner
$rootScope.isLoading = false;
$rootScope.backgroundLoading = true;
// Finally *always* executes after success or failure, and here we make sure we always toggle off the
// loading indicators
}).finally(function() {
$rootScope.isLoading = false;
$rootScope.backgroundLoading = false;
// ... cut remaining code for demo purposes
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