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Last active November 30, 2019 09:30
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  • Save cmplstofB/de7caa107334abb0e997e85b33aa1037 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cmplstofB/de7caa107334abb0e997e85b33aa1037 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
_METADATA='@prefix : <>. <> a :Script;
:一行説明 """マイクロソフト社が既定する低明度基調の名称と色符号
:作成日 "2019-11-30";
:公開版 [:版 "0.1.1"; :作成日 "2019-11-30"];
:作成者 "cmplstofB";
:権利 "ⓒ 2019 cmplstofB";
:ライセンス <>;
:依存関係 "curl(1), xmllint(1)".'
main() {
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o noclobber
umask 0022
export PATH="$(command -p getconf PATH)${PATH:+:$PATH}"
curl \
--header 'Accept-Language: en, *:q=0.5' \
--user-agent 'Mozilla/5.0' \
-o "$LSRC" \
i=1; while [ $i -le $(xmllint --xpath 'count(//div[contains(@class, "color-item")]//h4)' \
--html "$LSRC") ]; do
printf '%s_%s: %s;\n' \
'--color' \
"$(xmllint --xpath '//div[contains(@class, "color-item")]['$i']//h4/text()' \
--html $LSRC | sed -e 's/^$app-//;s/-darktheme$//;y/-/_/')" \
"$(xmllint --xpath '//div[contains(@class, "color-item")]['$i']//h4/following-sibling::span/text()' \
--html $LSRC | sed -e 's/.*(\(#[[:xdigit:]]\{6\}\)).*/\1/1;')"
i=$((i + 1))
main "$@"
--color_white: #F3F2F1;
--color_gray_02: #BEBBB8;
--color_gray_03: #A19F9D;
--color_gray_04: #8A8886;
--color_gray_06: #484644;
--color_gray_08: #3B3A39;
--color_gray_12: #201F1E;
--color_black: #11100F;
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