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Rust benchmark of Binary GCD algorithms
//! Benchmarking GCD algorithms on primitive integers
//! Time consumption with my test (on a 64bit system):
//! u32 : gcd_bin < gcd_bin_bfree < gcd_bin_compact < gcd_euclid; gcd_euclid_ext < gcd_bin_ext;
//! u64 : gcd_bin_compact < gcd_bin_bfree < gcd_bin < gcd_euclid; gcd_euclid_ext < gcd_bin_ext;
//! u128: gcd_bin_compact < gcd_bin_bfree < gcd_bin < gcd_euclid; gcd_euclid_ext < gcd_bin_ext;
extern crate criterion;
use criterion::Criterion;
use rand::random;
type utarget = u64;
type itarget = i64;
fn gcd_euclid(mut a: utarget, mut b: utarget) -> utarget {
let mut r = a % b;
while r > 0 {
a = b % r;
b = r;
r = a;
fn gcd_euclid_ext(a: utarget, b: utarget) -> (utarget, itarget, itarget) {
let (mut last_r, mut r) = (a, b);
let (mut last_s, mut s) = (1, 0);
let (mut last_t, mut t) = (0, 1);
while r > 0 {
let quo = last_r / r;
let new_r = last_r - quo*r;
last_r = std::mem::replace(&mut r, new_r);
let new_s = last_s - quo as itarget*s;
last_s = std::mem::replace(&mut s, new_s);
let new_t = last_t - quo as itarget*t;
last_t = std::mem::replace(&mut t, new_t);
(last_r, last_s, last_t)
// Use Stein's algorithm
fn gcd_bin(mut m: utarget, mut n: utarget) -> utarget {
if m == 0 || n == 0 {
return m | n;
// find common factors of 2
let shift = (m | n).trailing_zeros();
m >>= m.trailing_zeros();
n >>= n.trailing_zeros();
while m != n {
if m > n {
m -= n;
m >>= m.trailing_zeros();
} else {
n -= m;
n >>= n.trailing_zeros();
m << shift
// Use Stein's algorithm
fn gcd_bin_compact(mut m: utarget, mut n: utarget) -> utarget {
if m == 0 || n == 0 {
return m | n;
// find common factors of 2
let shift = (m | n).trailing_zeros();
// divide n and m by 2 until odd
// m inside loop
n >>= n.trailing_zeros();
while m != 0 {
m >>= m.trailing_zeros();
if n > m {
std::mem::swap(&mut n, &mut m)
m -= n;
n << shift
// Branch free version
fn gcd_bin_bfree(m: utarget, mut n: utarget) -> utarget {
if m == 0 || n == 0 {
return m | n;
// find common factors of 2
let shift = (m | n).trailing_zeros();
// divide n and m by 2 until odd
// m inside loop
n >>= n.trailing_zeros();
// In this loop, we represent the odd numbers u and v
// without the redundant least significant one bit. This reduction
// in size by one bit ensures that the high bit of t, below, is set
// if and only if v > u.
let mut u = (m >> 1) as itarget;
let mut v = (n >> 1) as itarget;
while u != v {
let t = u - v;
let vgtu = t >> (utarget::BITS - 1);
/* v <-- min (u, v) */
v += vgtu & t;
/* u <-- |u - v| */
u = (t ^ vgtu) - vgtu;
u = u >> (t.trailing_zeros() + 1);
let g = ((u << 1) + 1) as utarget;
g << shift
// Extended Binary GCD, From GMP
fn gcd_bin_ext(mut u: utarget, mut v: utarget) -> (utarget, itarget, itarget) {
if u == 0 {
return (v, 0, 1);
if v == 0 {
return (u, 1, 0);
let (mut s0, mut s1) = (1 as itarget, 0);
let (mut t0, mut t1) = (0, 1 as itarget);
// fivd common factors of 2
let zeros = (u | v).trailing_zeros();
// divide v and u by 2 until odd
u >>= zeros;
v >>= zeros;
let mut shift;
if (u & 1) == 0 {
shift = u.trailing_zeros();
u >>= shift;
t1 <<= shift;
else if (v & 1) == 0 {
shift = v.trailing_zeros();
v >>= shift;
s0 <<= shift;
else {
shift = 0
// main loop
while u != v {
let count;
if u > v {
u -= v;
count = u.trailing_zeros();
u >>= count;
t0 += t1; t1 <<= count;
s0 += s1; s1 <<= count;
} else {
v -= u;
count = v.trailing_zeros();
v >>= count;
t1 += t0; t0 <<= count;
s1 += s0; s0 <<= count;
shift += count;
// now u = v = g = gcd (u,v). Compute U/g and V/g
let ug = t0 + t1;
let vg = s0 + s1;
// now 2^{shift} g = s0 U - t0 V. Get rid of the power of two, using
// s0 U - t0 V = (s0 + V/g) U - (t0 + U/g) V.
for _ in 0..shift {
if (s0 | t0) & 1 > 0 {
s0 += vg;
t0 += ug;
s0 /= 2;
t0 /= 2;
if s0 > vg - s0 {
s0 -= vg;
t0 -= ug;
(u << zeros, s0, -t0)
fn bench_gcd(c: &mut Criterion) {
let mut group = c.benchmark_group("gcd");
const N: usize = 200;
let mut lhs: [utarget; N] = [0; N];
let mut rhs: [utarget; N] = [0; N];
for i in 0..N {
lhs[i] = random();
rhs[i] = random();
assert_eq!(gcd_euclid(5, 2), 1);
assert_eq!(gcd_euclid(10, 4), 2);
group.bench_function("euclid", |b| {
b.iter(|| {
.map(|(&a, &b)| gcd_euclid(a, b))
.reduce(|a, b| a.wrapping_add(b))
assert_eq!(gcd_bin_compact(5, 2), 1);
assert_eq!(gcd_bin_compact(10, 4), 2);
group.bench_function("binary (compact)", |b| {
b.iter(|| {
.map(|(&a, &b)| gcd_bin_compact(a, b))
.reduce(|a, b| a.wrapping_add(b))
assert_eq!(gcd_bin(5, 2), 1);
assert_eq!(gcd_bin(10, 4), 2);
group.bench_function("binary", |b| {
b.iter(|| {
.map(|(&a, &b)| gcd_bin(a, b))
.reduce(|a, b| a.wrapping_add(b))
assert_eq!(gcd_bin_bfree(5, 2), 1);
assert_eq!(gcd_bin_bfree(10, 4), 2);
group.bench_function("binary (branch free)", |b| {
b.iter(|| {
.map(|(&a, &b)| gcd_bin_bfree(a, b))
.reduce(|a, b| a.wrapping_add(b))
let mut group = c.benchmark_group("extended gcd");
assert_eq!(gcd_euclid_ext(5, 2), (1, 1, -2));
assert_eq!(gcd_euclid_ext(10, 4), (2, 1, -2));
group.bench_function("euclid", |b| {
b.iter(|| {
.map(|(&a, &b)| gcd_euclid_ext(a, b))
.reduce(|a, b| (a.0.wrapping_add(b.0), a.1.wrapping_add(b.1), a.2.wrapping_add(b.2)))
assert_eq!(gcd_bin_ext(5, 2), (1, 1, -2));
assert_eq!(gcd_bin_ext(10, 4), (2, 1, -2));
group.bench_function("binary", |b| {
b.iter(|| {
.map(|(&a, &b)| gcd_bin_ext(a, b))
.reduce(|a, b| (a.0.wrapping_add(b.0), a.1.wrapping_add(b.1), a.2.wrapping_add(b.2)))
criterion_group!(benches, bench_gcd);
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