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Last active April 17, 2019 06:06
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Manual Camera-Lidar Calibrator

This script is a tool to manual calibrate image and lidar point cloud.


numpy, scipy>=1.2.0, cv2 (opencv),


The input is specified by the variable image_in and cloud_in, the value of these two variables have to be either a path to the file, or a path to the folder containing the data. Point cloud should be stored in txt format with points value starting from the second row. (This could be modified in the code) The output contains three translation parameters (x,y,z) and three rotation parameters (roll,pitch,yaw). The calibration output will be printed when the calibration process finishes.


Just directly run the script and a window showing the image and projected point cloud will pop up.

  • a / d rotate point cloud left / right

  • w / s rotate point cloud up / down

  • e / q rotate point cloud clock-wise / counterclock-wise

  • j / l move point cloud left / right

  • i / k move point cloud forward / backward

  • u / o move point cloud up / down

  • esc stop calibration (and print the result)

  • space continue to the next frame (if the input is a folder)

  • - / = adjust the movement speed

  • [ / ] adjust the transparency

  • < / > adjust the point size

import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
image_in = "/home/jacobz/Calibration/working_zone/181202_1s/b5"
cloud_in = "/home/jacobz/Calibration/working_zone/181202_1s/b5"
image_intrinsic = np.array([
[2166.642447, 0.000000, 985.636040 ],
[0.000000, 2171.700780,502.607759 ],
[0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 ],
image_distort = np.array([-0.630460,0.312053,0.001022,-0.005729])
# rt_init = np.array([0,0,0,np.pi/2,-np.pi/2,0]) # [x y z euler_x euler_y euler_z]
rt_init = np.array([-0.10644462,-0.29416358,-1.16898709,-0.77940823,-1.56247815,2.35042207])
def proj(p, h, k, sz):
# project
xyz1 = np.insert(p[:,:3], 3, values=1, axis=1)
proj =
zloc = proj[2,:]
proj =
xloc = proj[0,:] / proj[2,:]
yloc = proj[1,:] / proj[2,:]
# calculate depth error
width, height = sz
mask = (xloc > 0) & (xloc < width) & (yloc > 0) & (yloc < height) & (zloc > 1)
ymask, xmask = yloc[mask].astype(int), xloc[mask].astype(int)
return ymask, xmask, zloc[mask]
def scatter(img, xyz, s=5, a=0.5):
dots = img.copy()
ym, xm, zm = xyz
zmax, zmin = np.max(zm), np.min(zm)
zm = 256*(zm - zmin)/(zmax-zmin)
zm = cv2.applyColorMap(zm.astype('u1'), cv2.COLORMAP_JET)
for x,y,z in zip(xm,ym,zm):
color = tuple([int(c) for c in z[0]])
dots =,(x,y), s, color, -1)
ret = img.copy()
cv2.addWeighted(dots, a, ret, 1-a, 0, ret)
return ret
def get_homo(vec):
HT,HR = vec[:3], vec[3:]
HR = R.from_euler('xyz', HR).as_dcm()
H = np.eye(4)
H[:3,:3] = HR # rotation
H[:3, 3] = HT # translation
return H
if os.path.isfile(image_in):
image_list = [image_in]
cloud_list = [cloud_in]
image_names = sorted(fname[:-4] for fname in os.listdir(image_in) if fname.endswith('.png'))
cloud_names = sorted(fname[:-4] for fname in os.listdir(image_in) if fname.endswith('.pcd'))
assert image_names == cloud_names
image_list = [os.path.join(image_in, fname + '.png') for fname in image_names]
cloud_list = [os.path.join(cloud_in, fname + '.pcd') for fname in cloud_names]
hwindow = "Projected image"
cv2.namedWindow(hwindow, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv2.resizeWindow(hwindow, 1000, 600)
dloc = 0.1
dang = 0.01
alpha = 0.7
size = 4
for image_dir, cloud_dir in zip(image_list, cloud_list):
# read image and cloud
image = cv2.imread(image_dir)
cloud = np.loadtxt(cloud_dir, skiprows=11)
image = cv2.undistort(image, image_intrinsic, image_distort, None, image_intrinsic)
kfix = np.hstack((image_intrinsic, np.zeros((3,1))))
hcur = rt_init
calib_next = True
# main loop
while True:
pimage = scatter(image, proj(cloud, get_homo(hcur), kfix, image.shape[1::-1]), s=size, a=alpha)
cv2.imshow(hwindow, pimage)
key = cv2.waitKeyEx(0)
if key == 27: # Esc key to stop
calib_next = False
elif key == ord(' '): break # next picture
elif key == -1: continue
elif key == ord('j'): hcur[0] += dloc # move left
elif key == ord('l'): hcur[0] -= dloc # move right
elif key == ord('i'): hcur[2] -= dloc # move forward
elif key == ord('k'): hcur[2] += dloc # move backward
elif key == ord('u'): hcur[1] += dloc # move up
elif key == ord('o'): hcur[1] -= dloc # move down
elif key == ord('a'): # rotate left
delta = R.from_euler('y', dang)
newang = delta * R.from_euler('xyz', hcur[3:])
hcur[3:] = newang.as_euler('xyz')
elif key == ord('d'): # rotate right
delta = R.from_euler('y', -dang)
newang = delta * R.from_euler('xyz', hcur[3:])
hcur[3:] = newang.as_euler('xyz')
elif key == ord('w'): # rotate up
delta = R.from_euler('x', -dang)
newang = delta * R.from_euler('xyz', hcur[3:])
hcur[3:] = newang.as_euler('xyz')
elif key == ord('s'): # rotate down
delta = R.from_euler('x', dang)
newang = delta * R.from_euler('xyz', hcur[3:])
hcur[3:] = newang.as_euler('xyz')
elif key == ord('q'): # rotate counter-clock
delta = R.from_euler('z', -dang)
newang = delta * R.from_euler('xyz', hcur[3:])
hcur[3:] = newang.as_euler('xyz')
elif key == ord('e'): # rotate clock
delta = R.from_euler('z', dang)
newang = delta * R.from_euler('xyz', hcur[3:])
hcur[3:] = newang.as_euler('xyz')
elif key == 61: # quicker
dloc *= 1.1
dang *= 1.1
print("Current location delta: %f, Current angular delta: %f" % (dloc, dang))
elif key == 45: # slower
dloc *= 0.9
dang *= 0.9
print("Current location delta: %f, Current angular delta: %f" % (dloc, dang))
elif key == ord('['): alpha -= 0.1 # alpha smaller
elif key == ord(']'): alpha += 0.1 # alpha bigger
elif key == ord(','): size -= 1 # size smaller
elif key == ord('.'): size += 1 # size bigger
else: print("Unrecognized key:", key)
print("Adjusted parameters:", np.array2string(hcur, separator=','))
rt_init = hcur
if not calib_next:
print("Final parameters:", np.array2string(rt_init, separator=','))
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