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Last active April 2, 2023 14:55
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Get PM1 and PP1 tasks from GIMPS
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
FACTOR_PATH = "progress_factor.csv"
MORE_FACTOR_PATH = "more_factors.csv"
def expect_b1(exp, mem):
import math
base = 2.2**math.log2(20000000/exp)*1000000
base *= math.sqrt(16/mem)
digits = math.log10(base)
# round up
shift = int(digits) - 1
return int(math.ceil(base / 10**shift)) * 10**shift
def load_factor_effort(path: Path):
progress = []
with as fin:
for line in fin.readlines()[1:]:
if not line.strip():
exp, tf, b1, b2, ll, prp = line.split(',')
progress.append((int(exp), int(tf), int(b1), int(b2), ""))
progress.sort(key=lambda item: (item[2], item[3]))
return progress
def load_worktodo(path):
progress = []
with as fin:
for line in fin.readlines():
if not line.strip():
# e.g. Pminus1=1,2,40009,-1,6500000000,6500000000,67,"5761297,8296597725135896301239024760071"
line, factors, _ = line.split('"')
pm1, _, exp, _, b1, b2, tf, _ = line.split(',')
progress.append((int(exp), int(tf), int(b1) / 1.3, int(b2) / 1.3, factors))
progress.sort(key=lambda item: (item[2], item[3]))
return progress
def generate_tasks(factor_path, args):
available = []
efforts = load_worktodo(factor_path) if args.exist else load_factor_effort(factor_path)
for exp, tf, b1, b2, factors in efforts:
b1_target = expect_b1(exp, args.memory)
if args.exist and b1 == b2:
# in the pm1 list generated by, the B2's are generated equal to B1, so assume inf here if B1 = B2.
# to use the actual b2, find the value and substitute it into the list
b2 = float('inf')
if b1_target > b1 * 5 or b1_target * 1000 > b2: # only find the ones with enough B1 gap or B2 diff
available.append([exp, tf, b1_target, factors])
def format(item):
exp, tf, b1, factors = item
line = "Pminus1=N/A,1,2,{exp},-1,{b1}".format(exp=exp, b1=b1)
if args.first:
line += ",{}".format(b1)
line += ",0,{}".format(tf)
if factors:
line += ',"{}"'.format(factors)
return line + "\n"
with open("worktodo.add", "w") as fout:
arg_text = []
if args.exist:
if args.split > 1:
arg_text.extend(['-s', str(args.split)])
if args.first:
arg_text.extend(['-m', str(args.memory)])
fout.write("; args: %s\n" % ' '.join(arg_text))
if args.split > 1:
for k in range(args.split):
fout.write("[Worker #%d]\n" % (k + 1))
for (i, item) in enumerate(available):
if i % args.split != k:
for item in available:
print("Write {} tasks".format(len(available)))
USAGE = """
Please follow these steps:
1. First get the factor progress report from the following link into %s{lo}&exp_hi={hi}&txt=1&assigned=-1
2. Then execute this program, which will generate a worktodo.add file with all available P-1 tasks.
Example range: -p 1700000+100000
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=USAGE)
parser.add_argument("-e", "--exist", action="store_true", help="Indicate that the data are for factored exponents, and they should be fetched from into more_factors.csv")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--print", type=str, help="Print the links and exit. The input formart is `lo+range`, e.g. `10000000+10000`.")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--memory", type=float, default=16.0, help="Adjust the B1 based on available memory")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--split", type=int, default=1, help="If bigger than 1, then the work will be split evenly into workers")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--first", action="store_true", help="If the flag is set, the worktodo will limit B1=B2 for single-threaded stage 1, multi-threaded stage 2 setup.")
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
args = parse_args()
if args.print:
lo, span = args.print.split('+')
lo, hi = int(lo), int(lo) + int(span)
print(USAGE.format(lo=lo, hi=hi))
factor_path = Path(MORE_FACTOR_PATH if args.exist else FACTOR_PATH)
if not factor_path.exists():
print("Factor progress report not found!")
generate_tasks(factor_path, args)
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
FACTOR_PATH = "progress_factor.csv"
PP1_PATH = "progress_pp1.txt"
def load_factor_effort(path: Path):
progress = []
with as fin:
for line in fin.readlines()[1:]:
if not line.strip():
exp, tf = line.split(',')
progress.append((int(exp), int(tf)))
return progress
def load_pp1_progress(path: Path):
progress = []
with as fin:
for line in fin.readlines()[1:]:
if not line.strip():
exp, b1, b2, start, date, time = line.split('\t')
if start == "2/7":
n = 1
elif start == "6/5":
n = 2
n = 3
progress.append((int(exp), int(b1), int(b2), n))
return progress
def generate_tasks(factor_path, pp1_path, args):
tf_progress = load_factor_effort(factor_path)
pp1_progress = load_pp1_progress(pp1_path)
available = dict(tf_progress)
for exp, _, _, n in pp1_progress:
if n == args.nth_run and exp in available:
available = sorted(list(available.items()))
with open("worktodo.add", "w") as fout:
for exp, tf in available:
exp=exp, b1=args.b1, b2=args.b2, n=args.nth_run, tf=tf
print("Write {} tasks".format(len(available)))
USAGE = """
Please follow these steps:
1. First get the factor progress report from the following link into %s{lo}&exp_hi={hi}&txt=1&tfonly=1&assigned=-1&pm1=1
2. Then get the p+1 progress report from the following link into %s{lo}&exp_hi={hi}&txt=1
4. Lastly execute this program, which will generate a worktodo.add file with all available P+1 tasks.
Example range: lo=10000000, hi=10010000
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=USAGE)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--print", type=str, help="Print the links and exit. The input formart is `lo+range`, e.g. `10000000+10000`.")
parser.add_argument("-n", "--nth-run", type=int, default=1,
help="The argument nth_run. 1 starts from 2/7, 2 starts from 6/5, 3 starts randomly")
parser.add_argument("--b1", type=int, default= 2000000)
parser.add_argument("--b2", type=int, default=150000000)
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
args = parse_args()
if args.print:
lo, span = args.print.split('+')
lo, hi = int(lo), int(lo) + int(span)
print(USAGE.format(lo=lo, hi=hi))
factor_path = Path(FACTOR_PATH)
if not factor_path.exists():
print("Factor progress report not found!")
pp1_path = Path(PP1_PATH)
if not pp1_path.exists():
print("P+1 progress report not found!")
generate_tasks(factor_path, pp1_path, args)
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