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Last active April 20, 2023 11:40
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Convert Realsense ROS bag to TUM format image files
import os, sys
import os.path as osp
import cv2
from cv_bridge import CvBridge
import rosbag
import sensor_msgs
import sensor_msgs.point_cloud2 as pc
import zipfile
import tqdm
def convert(filepath):
output = zipfile.ZipFile(filepath[:-4] + ".zip", 'w')
# color_counter = 0
# depth_counter = 0
br = CvBridge()
print("Loading rosbag...")
with rosbag.Bag(filepath, 'r') as bag:
depth_topic = "/device_0/sensor_0/Depth_0/image/data"
depth_timelist = []
color_topic = "/device_0/sensor_1/Color_0/image/data"
color_timelist = []
print("Saving images...")
with tqdm.tqdm(total=bag.get_end_time(), unit="s") as tl:
for topic, data, time in bag.read_messages(topics=[depth_topic, color_topic]):
timestr = "%d.%06d" % (time.secs, int(time.nsecs/1000))
if topic == depth_topic:
ret, buf = cv2.imencode(".png", br.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, desired_encoding="bgr8"))
if ret != True: raise RuntimeError("Error encoding image!")
output.writestr("depth/%s.png" % timestr, buf)
if topic == color_topic:
ret, buf = cv2.imencode(".png", br.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, desired_encoding="bgr8"))
if ret != True: raise RuntimeError("Error encoding image!")
output.writestr("rgb/%s.png" % timestr, buf)
depth_timelist.append("{0} depth/{0}.png".format(timestr))
color_timelist.append("{0} rgb/{0}.png".format(timestr))
tl.n = time.secs + time.nsecs/1e9
timeheader = '''# %s images
# file: '{0}'
# timestamp filename
output.writestr("depth.txt", timeheader % 'depth maps' + '\n'.join(depth_timelist))
output.writestr("rgb.txt", timeheader % 'color images' + '\n'.join(color_timelist))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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