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Last active January 14, 2022 22:57
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  • Save cmpute/be92e4dfd694696db0ec0c2c5713b45f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Pin Google Drive File Stream to Explorer Sidebar
# This script only works when Google Drive is mounted at G:\
# Change the encoding to UTF-8-BOM before executing this script
# To run this file: powershell -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file ./PinGoogleDriveFS.ps1 [add/remove]
# Settings
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$clsid = "{81539FE6-33C7-4CE7-90C7-1C7B8F2F2D41}" # CLSID for personal drive namespace
$clsid_i = "{0E5AAE11-A475-4c5b-AB00-C66DE400274E}" # CLSID for personal drive instance
$clsid_g = "{FB9411E2-c3F8-4004-BA95-47D459C219D1}" # CLSID for shared drive namespace
$clsid_g_i = "{1A223FF4-D08D-4B38-A051-5D2391FE655C}" # CLSID for shared drive instance
# Affected keys
$hkey_clsid = "HKCU:\Software\Classes\CLSID\$clsid"
$hkey_clsid64 = "HKCU:\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\$clsid"
$hkey_ns = "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\$clsid"
$hkey_clsid_g = "HKCU:\Software\Classes\CLSID\$clsid_g"
$hkey_clsid_g64 = "HKCU:\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\$clsid_g"
$hkey_ns_g = "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\$clsid_g"
$hkey_panel = "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel"
if (($args.Count -eq 0) -or ($args[0].ToLower() -eq "add"))
trap { "Please run remove first."; break; }
# Find the path and folder
$gexec = (Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\Classes\GoogleDriveFS.gdoc\DefaultIcon).'(default)'
$iconidx = $gexec.Length-2
$drive_icon = $gexec.Remove($iconidx).Insert($iconidx,"16")
$drive_icon_g = $gexec.Remove($iconidx).Insert($iconidx,"18")
switch ([System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name) {
"en-US" { $folder = "My Drive"; $folder_g = "Shared drives" }
"zh-CN" { $folder = "我的云端硬盘" ; $folder_g = "共享云端硬盘" }
"nl-BE" { $folder = "Mijn Drive"; $folder_g = "Gedeelde drives" }
Default { $folder = "My Drive"; $folder_g = "Shared drives" }
# Update Registry for personal drive
New-Item $hkey_clsid -itemType String -value "Google Drive"
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid -name "System.IsPinnedToNamespaceTree" -propertyType DWord -value 1
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid -name "SortOrderIndex" -propertyType DWord -value 0x00000040
New-Item $hkey_clsid\InProcServer32 -itemType ExpandString -value "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\shell32.dll"
New-Item $hkey_clsid\ShellFolder
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid\ShellFolder -name "FolderValueFlags" -propertyType DWord -value 0x00000028
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid\ShellFolder -name "Attributes" -propertyType DWord -value 0xf080004d
New-Item $hkey_clsid\DefaultIcon -itemType String -value $drive_icon
New-Item $hkey_clsid\Instance
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid\Instance -name "CLSID" -propertyType String -value "$clsid_i"
New-Item $hkey_clsid\Instance\InitPropertyBag
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid\Instance\InitPropertyBag -name "Attributes" -propertyType DWord -value 0x00000011
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid\Instance\InitPropertyBag -name "TargetFolderPath" -propertyType String -value "G:\$folder"
New-Item $hkey_clsid64 -itemType String -value "Google Drive"
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid64 -name "System.IsPinnedToNamespaceTree" -propertyType DWord -value 1
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid64 -name "SortOrderIndex" -propertyType DWord -value 0x00000040
New-Item $hkey_clsid64\InProcServer32 -itemType ExpandString -value "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\shell32.dll"
New-Item $hkey_clsid64\ShellFolder
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid64\ShellFolder -name "FolderValueFlags" -propertyType DWord -value 0x00000028
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid64\ShellFolder -name "Attributes" -propertyType DWord -value 0xf080004d
New-Item $hkey_clsid64\DefaultIcon -itemType String -value $drive_icon
New-Item $hkey_clsid64\Instance
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid64\Instance -name "CLSID" -propertyType String -value "$clsid_i"
New-Item $hkey_clsid64\Instance\InitPropertyBag
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid64\Instance\InitPropertyBag -name "Attributes" -propertyType DWord -value 0x00000011
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid64\Instance\InitPropertyBag -name "TargetFolderPath" -propertyType String -value "G:\$folder"
New-ItemProperty $hkey_panel -name $clsid -propertyType DWord -value 1
New-Item $hkey_ns -itemType String -value "Google Drive"
# Update Registry for shared drives
if(Test-Path "G:\$folder_g")
New-Item $hkey_clsid_g -itemType String -value "Google Shared Drives"
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid_g -name "System.IsPinnedToNamespaceTree" -propertyType DWord -value 1
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid_g -name "SortOrderIndex" -propertyType DWord -value 0x00000041
New-Item $hkey_clsid_g\InProcServer32 -itemType ExpandString -value "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\shell32.dll"
New-Item $hkey_clsid_g\ShellFolder
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid_g\ShellFolder -name "FolderValueFlags" -propertyType DWord -value 0x00000028
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid_g\ShellFolder -name "Attributes" -propertyType DWord -value 0xf080004d
New-Item $hkey_clsid_g\DefaultIcon -itemType String -value $drive_icon_g
New-Item $hkey_clsid_g\Instance
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid_g\Instance -name "CLSID" -propertyType String -value "$clsid_g_i"
New-Item $hkey_clsid_g\Instance\InitPropertyBag
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid_g\Instance\InitPropertyBag -name "Attributes" -propertyType DWord -value 0x00000011
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid_g\Instance\InitPropertyBag -name "TargetFolderPath" -propertyType String -value "G:\$folder_g"
New-Item $hkey_clsid_g64 -itemType String -value "Google Shared Drives"
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid_g64 -name "System.IsPinnedToNamespaceTree" -propertyType DWord -value 1
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid_g64 -name "SortOrderIndex" -propertyType DWord -value 0x00000041
New-Item $hkey_clsid_g64\InProcServer32 -itemType ExpandString -value "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\shell32.dll"
New-Item $hkey_clsid_g64\ShellFolder
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid_g64\ShellFolder -name "FolderValueFlags" -propertyType DWord -value 0x00000028
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid_g64\ShellFolder -name "Attributes" -propertyType DWord -value 0xf080004d
New-Item $hkey_clsid_g64\DefaultIcon -itemType String -value $drive_icon_g
New-Item $hkey_clsid_g64\Instance
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid_g64\Instance -name "CLSID" -propertyType String -value "$clsid_g_i"
New-Item $hkey_clsid_g64\Instance\InitPropertyBag
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid_g64\Instance\InitPropertyBag -name "Attributes" -propertyType DWord -value 0x00000011
New-ItemProperty $hkey_clsid_g64\Instance\InitPropertyBag -name "TargetFolderPath" -propertyType String -value "G:\$folder_g"
New-ItemProperty $hkey_panel -name $clsid_g -propertyType DWord -value 1
New-Item $hkey_ns_g -itemType String -value "Google Shared Drives"
Write-Output "Add successfully"
elseif ($args[0].ToLower() -eq "remove")
if (Test-Path $hkey_clsid) { Remove-Item $hkey_clsid -recurse }
if (Test-Path $hkey_clsid64) { Remove-Item $hkey_clsid64 -recurse }
if (Test-Path $hkey_ns) { Remove-Item $hkey_ns -recurse }
if (Test-Path $hkey_clsid_g) { Remove-Item $hkey_clsid_g -recurse }
if (Test-Path $hkey_clsid_g64) { Remove-Item $hkey_clsid_g64 -recurse }
if (Test-Path $hkey_ns_g) { Remove-Item $hkey_ns_g -recurse }
if ((Get-Item $hkey_panel -EA Ignore).Property -contains $clsid) { Remove-ItemProperty $hkey_panel $clsid }
if ((Get-Item $hkey_panel -EA Ignore).Property -contains $clsid_g) { Remove-ItemProperty $hkey_panel $clsid_g }
Write-Output "Remove successfully."
Write-Error "The valid option are 'add' and 'remove'"
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@jotosmurf Did you ever find a solution for the Team Drive ("Shared drives") not working?

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cmpute commented Mar 30, 2020

@jotosmurf @jonaswouters I can reproduce the problem.. Unfortunately I didn't find any solution. I guess there's difference between the implementation of personal drive and shared drive in the filesystem, which may lead to different "Attributes" flags. But I have no idea which flag need to tweaked.

I updated the script for the new description.

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