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Last active October 18, 2019 21:11
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org is super kool

This is a really cool and simple org document to be able to interactively compute ascii results from an isolated installation of easygraph && graphviz within docker using org mode SRC blocks.

The point of this is much broader though because any text based output tool like plantuml, easygraph, or other can be used interactively in org without installing either tool and purely using docker for isolation

Setup of languages

  '((sh . t)))

Sample graph viz graph

digraph G {
	graph [rankdir = LR];

	Bar[label="Yeet | <a>a|<b>b|<c>c", height=2];
	Foo[label="Yoot | <d>d|<e>e|<f>f", height=2];

	Bar -> Foo [label="asdf"];

	Bar:a  -> Foo:d;
	Bar:c  -> Foo:f [dir="both"];
echo $x | docker run --rm -i ge --from graphviz --ascii

Some gosh darn pretty output

| Yeet  |  a | b |  c |
  |        |        ^
  |        |        |
  | asdf   |        |
  v        v        v
| Yoot  |  d | e |  f |
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