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Last active December 5, 2019 10:29
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Implementing switch-case in python


What happens when you run Python code?

It sorta feels like this


Let’s be honest, we’ve all felt like this…

However it can sometime feel like this


Python is so dynamic that we sometimes don’t know what anything is


How do we better understand Python so we can be more free?

Exploring Python Internals


What better way to explore than adding a new feature?

What is Python?

  • A fun programming language
  • Interpreted, Object oriented, and high-level language
  • Simple and easy to learn syntax
  • Productive on day 1
  • Python is a language specification
    • Multiple different implementation
      • {{{color(green, CPython)}}}
      • Jython
      • PyPy
      • Cython

What is switch-case

A language statement allowing for multiway conditional branches.

switch (n)
    case 1: // code to be executed if n = 1;
    case 2: // code to be executed if n = 2;
    default: // code to be executed if n doesn't match any cases

An alternative to if/elif/else (from python) to execute different sections of code

Why isn’t this already in python?

  • Python core does not include switch-case statements
  • This is because of PEP-0275 and PEP-3103 which reject the inclusion of such statements.
  • All you need to know about possible syntax, implementation methods, and an example are in the PEPS
  • Fun Fact: The cause for this decision was from a poll in a 2007 PyCon keynote

Is it possible?


Is it easy?

What is CPython

  • The magic snake that lives your computer
  • CPython is the python binary you probably have on your system right now
  • The “C” implementation of the language
  • Interprets Compiled .py code and “executes” it on your machine
    1. {{{color(green, Parse Tree Generation)}}}
    2. {{{color(green, AST Generation)}}}
    3. {{{color(green, Bytecode Generation)}}}
    4. Bytecode Optimization
    5. Code Object Generation
    6. Code Object Execution




  • Python uses Extend Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) grammer to describe all statements through rules
if_stmt: 'if' namedexpr_test ':' suite ('elif' namedexpr_test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite]
while_stmt: 'while' namedexpr_test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
for_stmt: 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist ':' [TYPE_COMMENT] suite ['else' ':' suite]

All these rules are used to generate tokens which will verify our python code

Some cpython tokens

Parsing 1

import parser, pprint
code_str = """def hello():
                  return "hello!"
st = parser.suite(code_str)

Parsing 2


  • This raw parse tree (ST) is an intermediate representation which ensures syntactic correctness
  • Now we need to clean up this tree removing unnecessary tokens such as NEWLINE or COLON
  • This is where we construct the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
  • The AST will start represent a form we will recognize
FunctionDef(identifier name, arguments args,
            stmt* body, expr* decorator_list, expr? returns,
            string? type_comment)

Parsing 3

import subprocess;['pip', 'install', 'astpretty', '--user'])
import ast
import astpretty
code_str = """def hello():
                  return "hello!"
node = ast.parse(code_str, mode="exec")


Parsing 4


  • Despite what you think, python is compiled
  • The AST gets transformed into opcodes / bytecode
  • opcodes are then fed into the python virtual machine
  • A group of opcodes is called a block
  • An opcode in a block can jump to other block
  • Later python will interpret a block


The python built in module dis can show us compiled opcode output from python code

import dis
def hello():
    print("i'm in the function")
    return "hello!"
  3           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (print)
              2 LOAD_CONST               1 ("i'm in the function")
              4 CALL_FUNCTION            1
              6 POP_TOP


  4           8 LOAD_CONST               2 ('hello!')
             10 RETURN_VALUE
 |           | |                        | |
	|      	    | |                        | |
	      |           | +---------o Opcode name  | |
	      |           |                          | +----o human interpretation
	      |           +-----o Bytecode Address   |
	      |                                      |
	      +--------o Line number                 +--o Argument (if any)


After all the parsing and compiling we finally get the output we are looking for

def hello():
    return "hello!"

Implementing Switch Case

What does switch-case look like?

There are several paths and looks we can take when implementing switch-case.

I chose a syntax that looks most familiar to other languages

a = 0
switch a:
    case 1:
    case 2:

Step 1: Modify the grammar


'switch' namedexpr_test ':' NEWLINE
INDENT ('case' namedexpr_test ':' suite)*
       ['else' ':' suite]

Step 2: Modify the ASDL (AST definition)

Switch(expr test, casehandler* cases, stmt* orelse)
casehandler = CaseHandler(expr test, stmt* body)
              attributes (int lineno, int col_offset, int? end_lineno, int? end_col_offset)

With these definitions in place (Grammer + ASDL), CPython generates C code for us.

We can use that C code to implemente switch case logic

Step 3: Modify the AST

static stmt_ty
ast_for_switch_stmt(struct compiling *c, const node *n)
    /* This function builds the ast for the 'switch' 'case' statements
       (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

       switch_stmt: 'switch' namedexpr_test ':'
       ('case' namedexpr_test  (',' namedexpr_test)*  ':' suite)+
       ['else' : suite]
  • Update Python/ast.c to parse switch-case
  • Very similar to manipulating an array of AST nodes
  • But we still can’t execute it. :(

Step 4: Modify the Compiler

static int
compiler_switch(struct compiler *c, stmt_ty s)

In this function we turn our switch-case AST into bytecode

Bytecode output

import dis
def onomatopoeia():
    switch "woohoo":
        case "whippie":
            print("whippie case")
3           0 LOAD_CONST               1 ('woohoo')

4           2 DUP_TOP
            4 LOAD_CONST               2 ('whippie')
            6 COMPARE_OP               2 (==)
            8 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE       22
           10 POP_TOP

5          12 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (print)
           14 LOAD_CONST               3 ('whippie case')
           16 CALL_FUNCTION            1
           18 POP_TOP
           20 JUMP_FORWARD             4 (to 26)
      >>   22 POP_TOP
           24 JUMP_FORWARD             0 (to 26)

6     >>   26 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
           28 RETURN_VALUE

Sample code

a = "woop"
switch type(a):
    case float:
        print("it's a float")
    case int:
        print("it's a int")
    case str:
        print("it's a str")
        print("it's a something ... ")
it's a str



  • CPython is VERY hackable
  • Building your own super language requires very little code
  • Appreciate the dynamic and flexible nature of python

Useful links

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