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Last active May 12, 2022 18:47
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convert biogeobears output for plotting revgadgets
bgb_to_revgadgets <- function(results_path, geo_data_path, tree_path, area_names = NULL) {
# load biogeobears results object
# change data directories in results object
res[["inputs"]]$geogfn <- geo_data_path
res[["inputs"]]$trfn <- tree_path
##### Process data for plotting #####
# read in tree separately
tree <- RevGadgets::readTrees(paths = res[["inputs"]]$trfn)
states <- res$inputs$all_geog_states_list_usually_inferred_from_areas_maxareas
# create a dataframe with results in revgadgets compliant format
rev_data <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = nrow(res$relative_probs_of_each_state_at_branch_bottom_below_node_UPPASS),
ncol = 15))
colnames(rev_data) <- c("end_state_1", "end_state_2", "end_state_3",
"end_state_1_pp", "end_state_2_pp", "end_state_3_pp",
"start_state_1", "start_state_2", "start_state_3",
"start_state_1_pp", "start_state_2_pp", "start_state_3_pp",
# get end states
for (i in 1:nrow(res$ML_marginal_prob_each_state_at_branch_top_AT_node)) {
row <- res$ML_marginal_prob_each_state_at_branch_top_AT_node[i,]
rev_data[i, 1] <- order(row,decreasing=T)[1]
rev_data[i, 2] <- order(row,decreasing=T)[2]
rev_data[i, 3] <- order(row,decreasing=T)[3]
rev_data[i, 4] <- row[order(row,decreasing=T)[1]]
rev_data[i, 5] <- row[order(row,decreasing=T)[2]]
rev_data[i, 6] <- row[order(row,decreasing=T)[3]]
rev_data[i, 7] <- sum(row[order(row,decreasing=T)[4:length(row)]])
# get start states
for (i in 1:nrow(res$ML_marginal_prob_each_state_at_branch_bottom_below_node)) {
row <- res$ML_marginal_prob_each_state_at_branch_bottom_below_node[i,]
rev_data[i, 8] <- order(row,decreasing=T)[1]
rev_data[i, 9] <- order(row,decreasing=T)[2]
rev_data[i, 10] <- order(row,decreasing=T)[3]
rev_data[i, 11] <- row[order(row,decreasing=T)[1]]
rev_data[i, 12] <- row[order(row,decreasing=T)[2]]
rev_data[i, 13] <- row[order(row,decreasing=T)[3]]
rev_data[i, 14] <- sum(row[order(row,decreasing=T)[4:length(row)]])
rev_data$node <- 1:nrow(res$ML_marginal_prob_each_state_at_branch_bottom_below_node)
# make better labels
tipranges <- getranges_from_LagrangePHYLIP(res[["inputs"]]$geogfn)
geo <- res$inputs$all_geog_states_list_usually_inferred_from_areas_maxareas
geo_num <- unlist(lapply(lapply(geo, as.character), paste0, collapse ="_"))
if (is.null(area_names)) {
area_names <- colnames(tipranges@df)
if (length(area_names) != length(colnames(tipranges@df))) stop("Number of specified area names is incorrect. Check your geo data file.")
number_codes <- 0:(length(area_names)-1)
geo_letters <- geo_num
recodes <- paste0(paste0(number_codes, " = '", area_names, "'"), collapse = "; ")
for (i in 1:length(geo_letters)) {
code <- geo_letters[i]
code_split <- unlist(strsplit(code, "_"))
geo_letters[i] <- paste0(car::recode(code_split, recodes), collapse = "")
#area_names <- rev(area_names)
label_dict <- data.frame(lab_num_short = 1:length(geo),
lab_num_long = geo_num,
lab_letters = geo_letters)
# replace short number codes with letters
not_state_cols <- c(grep("_pp", colnames(rev_data)),
grep("node", colnames(rev_data)))
state_cols <- c(1:ncol(rev_data))[!c(1:ncol(rev_data)) %in% not_state_cols]
for (i in state_cols) { # loop through by column indices for the state columns
col <- as.character(rev_data[,i])
for (j in 1:length(col)) { # loop through each item in the column and replace with letters
col[j] <- label_dict$lab_letters[which(label_dict$lab_num_short == col[j])]
rev_data[,i] <- col
#change "NA" to NA
rev_data %>%
naniar::replace_with_na_all(condition = ~.x == "NA") -> rev_data
# change any NAs in PP columns to 0
pp_cols <- grep("_pp", colnames(rev_data))
for (p in pp_cols) { rev_data[ ,p][[ ,p])] <- 0 }
# make treedata object (combine data and tree)
tibble::as_tibble(tree[[1]][[1]]) %>%
full_join(rev_data, by = 'node') %>%
as.treedata() -> rev_treedata
#add list of states
attributes(rev_treedata)$state_labels <- as.character(na.omit(unique(unlist(rev_data[,c(1:3, 8:10)]))))
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