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Created July 18, 2020 16:20
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namespace N98\Magento\Command\Database;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use N98\Magento\Command\Database\Compressor\Compressor;
use N98\Util\Console\Enabler;
use N98\Util\Console\Helper\DatabaseHelper;
use N98\Util\Exec;
use N98\Util\VerifyOrDie;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\QuestionHelper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\Question;
* Class DumpCommand
* @package N98\Magento\Command\Database
class DumpCommand extends AbstractDatabaseCommand
* @var array
protected $tableDefinitions = null;
* @var array
protected $commandConfig = null;
protected function configure()
->addArgument('filename', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Dump filename')
'Append or prepend a timestamp to filename if a filename is provided. ' .
'Possible values are "suffix", "prefix" or "no".',
'Compress the dump file using one of the supported algorithms'
'Print only mysqldump command. Do not execute'
'Execute and prints no output except the dump filename'
'Do everything but the actual dump'
'Do not use single-transaction (not recommended, this is blocking)'
'Use a single insert with column names per row. Useful to track database differences. Use db:import ' .
'--optimize for speeding up the import.'
'Use one insert statement, but with line breaks instead of separate insert statements. Similar to --human-readable, but you wont need to use --optimize to speed up the import.'
'Include stored routines in dump (procedures & functions)'
'Dump to stdout'
'Tables to strip (dump only structure of those tables)'
'Tables to exclude entirely from the dump (including structure)'
'Do not prompt if all options are defined'
->setDescription('Dumps database with mysqldump cli client');
$help = <<<HELP
Dumps configured magento database with `mysqldump`. You must have installed
the MySQL client tools.
On debian systems run `apt-get install mysql-client` to do that.
The command reads app/etc/env.php to find the correct settings.
See it in action:
- If you like to prepend a timestamp to the dump name the --add-time option
can be used.
- The command comes with a compression function. Add i.e. `--compression=gz`
to dump directly in gzip compressed file.
* @return array
* @deprecated Use database helper
private function getTableDefinitions()
$this->commandConfig = $this->getCommandConfig();
if ($this->tableDefinitions === null) {
/* @var $dbHelper DatabaseHelper */
$dbHelper = $this->getHelper('database');
$this->tableDefinitions = $dbHelper->getTableDefinitions($this->commandConfig);
return $this->tableDefinitions;
* Generate help for table definitions
* @return string
public function getTableDefinitionHelp()
$messages = PHP_EOL;
$this->commandConfig = $this->getCommandConfig();
$messages .= <<<HELP
<comment>Strip option</comment>
If you like to skip data of some tables you can use the --strip option.
The strip option creates only the structure of the defined tables and
forces `mysqldump` to skip the data.
Separate each table to strip by a space.
You can use wildcards like * and ? in the table names to strip multiple
tables. In addition you can specify pre-defined table groups, that start
with an
Example: "dataflow_batch_export unimportant_module_* @log
$ n98-magerun2.phar db:dump --strip="@stripped"
<comment>Available Table Groups</comment>
$definitions = $this->getTableDefinitions();
$list = [];
$maxNameLen = 0;
foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) {
$name = '@' . $id;
$description = isset($definition['description']) ? $definition['description'] . '.' : '';
$nameLen = strlen($name);
if ($nameLen > $maxNameLen) {
$maxNameLen = $nameLen;
$list[] = [$name, $description];
$decrSize = 78 - $maxNameLen - 3;
foreach ($list as $entry) {
list($name, $description) = $entry;
$delta = max(0, $maxNameLen - strlen($name));
$spacer = $delta ? str_repeat(' ', $delta) : '';
$buffer = wordwrap($description, $decrSize);
$buffer = strtr($buffer, ["\n" => "\n" . str_repeat(' ', 3 + $maxNameLen)]);
$messages .= sprintf(" <info>%s</info>%s %s\n", $name, $spacer, $buffer);
$messages .= <<<HELP
return $messages;
public function getHelp()
parent::getHelp() . PHP_EOL
. $this->getCompressionHelp() . PHP_EOL
. $this->getTableDefinitionHelp();
* @param InputInterface $input
* @param OutputInterface $output
* @return int|void
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\FileSystemException
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
// communicate early what is required for this command to run (is enabled)
$enabler = new Enabler($this);
if ($this->nonCommandOutput($input)) {
$this->writeSection($output, 'Dump MySQL Database');
$execs = $this->createExecs($input, $output);
$this->runExecs($execs, $input, $output);
* @param InputInterface $input
* @param OutputInterface $output
* @return Execs
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\FileSystemException
private function createExecs(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$execs = new Execs('mysqldump');
$execs->setFileName($this->getFileName($input, $output, $execs->getCompressor()));
if (!$input->getOption('no-single-transaction')) {
$execs->addOptions('--single-transaction --quick');
if ($input->getOption('human-readable')) {
$execs->addOptions('--complete-insert --skip-extended-insert ');
if ($input->getOption('add-routines')) {
$execs->addOptions('--routines ');
$postDumpGitFriendlyPipeCommands = '';
if ($input->getOption('git-friendly')) {
$postDumpGitFriendlyPipeCommands = ' | sed \'s$VALUES ($VALUES\n($g\' | sed \'s$),($),\n($g\'';
/* @var $database DatabaseHelper */
$database = $this->getDatabaseHelper();
$mysqlClientToolConnectionString = $database->getMysqlClientToolConnectionString();
$excludeTables = $this->excludeTables($input, $output);
$stripTables = array_diff($this->stripTables($input, $output), $excludeTables);
if ($stripTables) {
// dump structure for strip-tables
'--no-data ' . $mysqlClientToolConnectionString .
' ' . implode(' ', $stripTables) . $this->postDumpPipeCommands()
// dump data for all other tables
$ignore = '';
foreach (array_merge($excludeTables, $stripTables) as $ignoreTable) {
$ignore .= '--ignore-table=' . $this->dbSettings['dbname'] . '.' . $ignoreTable . ' ';
$execs->add($ignore . $mysqlClientToolConnectionString . $postDumpGitFriendlyPipeCommands . $this->postDumpPipeCommands());
return $execs;
* @param Execs $execs
* @param InputInterface $input
* @param OutputInterface $output
private function runExecs(Execs $execs, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
if ($input->getOption('only-command') && !$input->getOption('print-only-filename')) {
foreach ($execs->getCommands() as $command) {
} else {
if ($this->nonCommandOutput($input)) {
'<comment>Start dumping database <info>' . $this->dbSettings['dbname'] .
'</info> to file <info>' . $execs->getFileName() . '</info>'
$commands = $input->getOption('dry-run') ? [] : $execs->getCommands();
foreach ($commands as $command) {
if (!$this->runExec($command, $input, $output)) {
if (!$input->getOption('stdout') && !$input->getOption('print-only-filename')) {
if ($input->getOption('print-only-filename')) {
* @param string $command
* @param InputInterface $input
* @param OutputInterface $output
* @return bool
private function runExec($command, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$commandOutput = '';
if ($input->getOption('stdout')) {
passthru($command, $returnCode);
} else {
Exec::run($command, $commandOutput, $returnCode);
if ($returnCode > 0) {
$output->writeln('<error>' . $commandOutput . '</error>');
$output->writeln('<error>Return Code: ' . $returnCode . '. ABORTED.</error>');
return false;
return true;
* @param InputInterface $input
* @param OutputInterface $output
* @return array
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\FileSystemException
private function stripTables(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
if (!$input->getOption('strip')) {
return [];
$stripTables = $this->resolveDatabaseTables($input->getOption('strip'));
if ($this->nonCommandOutput($input)) {
sprintf('<comment>No-data export for: <info>%s</info></comment>', implode(' ', $stripTables))
return $stripTables;
* @param InputInterface $input
* @param OutputInterface $output
* @return array
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\FileSystemException
private function excludeTables(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
if (!$input->getOption('exclude')) {
return [];
$excludeTables = $this->resolveDatabaseTables($input->getOption('exclude'));
if ($this->nonCommandOutput($input)) {
sprintf('<comment>Excluded: <info>%s</info></comment>', implode(' ', $excludeTables))
return $excludeTables;
* @param string $list space separated list of tables
* @return array
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\FileSystemException
private function resolveDatabaseTables($list)
$database = $this->getDatabaseHelper();
return $database->resolveTables(
explode(' ', $list),
* Commands which filter mysql data. Piped to mysqldump command
* @return string
protected function postDumpPipeCommands()
return ' | LANG=C LC_CTYPE=C LC_ALL=C sed -e ' . escapeshellarg('s/DEFINER[ ]*=[ ]*[^*]*\*/\*/');
* Command which makes the dump git friendly. Piped to mysqldump command.
* @return string
protected function postDumpGitFriendlyPipeCommands()
return ' | sed \'s$VALUES ($VALUES\n($g\' | sed \'s$),($),\n($g\'';
* @param InputInterface $input
* @param OutputInterface $output
* @param Compressor $compressor
* @return string
protected function getFileName(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, Compressor $compressor)
$nameExtension = '.sql';
$optionAddTime = 'no';
if ($input->getOption('add-time')) {
$optionAddTime = $input->getOption('add-time');
if (empty($optionAddTime)) {
$optionAddTime = 'suffix';
list($namePrefix, $nameSuffix) = $this->getFileNamePrefixSuffix($optionAddTime);
if (
($fileName = $input->getArgument('filename')) === null
|| ($isDir = is_dir($fileName))
&& !$input->getOption('stdout')
) {
$defaultName = VerifyOrDie::filename(
$namePrefix . $this->dbSettings['dbname'] . $nameSuffix . $nameExtension
if (isset($isDir) && $isDir) {
$defaultName = rtrim($fileName, '/') . '/' . $defaultName;
if (!$input->getOption('force')) {
$question = new Question(
'<question>Filename for SQL dump:</question> [<comment>' . $defaultName . '</comment>]',
/** @var QuestionHelper $questionHelper */
$questionHelper = $this->getHelper('question');
$fileName = $questionHelper->ask(
} else {
$fileName = $defaultName;
} elseif ($optionAddTime && $fileName !== null) {
$pathParts = pathinfo($fileName);
$fileName = ($pathParts['dirname'] === '.' ? '' : $pathParts['dirname'] . '/')
. $namePrefix
. (isset($pathParts['filename']) ? $pathParts['filename'] : '')
. $nameSuffix
. (isset($pathParts['extension']) ? ('.' . $pathParts['extension']) : '');
$fileName = $compressor->getFileName($fileName);
return $fileName;
* @param null|bool|string $optionAddTime [optional] true for default "suffix", other string values: "prefix", "no"
* @return array
private function getFileNamePrefixSuffix($optionAddTime = null)
$namePrefix = '';
$nameSuffix = '';
if ($optionAddTime === null) {
return [$namePrefix, $nameSuffix];
$timeStamp = date('Y-m-d_His');
if (in_array($optionAddTime, ['suffix', true], true)) {
$nameSuffix = '_' . $timeStamp;
} elseif ($optionAddTime === 'prefix') {
$namePrefix = $timeStamp . '_';
} elseif ($optionAddTime !== 'no') {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Invalid --add-time value %s, possible values are none (for) "suffix", "prefix" or "no"',
var_export($optionAddTime, true)
return [$namePrefix, $nameSuffix];
* @param InputInterface $input
* @return bool
private function nonCommandOutput(InputInterface $input)
&& !$input->getOption('only-command')
&& !$input->getOption('print-only-filename');
* Check if column statistics are enabled -> default on for MySQL 8
* @param \N98\Magento\Command\Database\Execs $execs
* @return void
private function handleColumnStatistics(Execs $execs)
Exec::run('mysqldump --help | grep -q column-statistics', $output, $returnCode);
if ($returnCode === 0) {
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