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/* ========================================================================
$File: tools/ctime/ctime.c $
$Date: 2016/05/08 04:16:55PM $
$Revision: 7 $
$Creator: Casey Muratori $
The author of this software MAKES NO WARRANTY as to the RELIABILITY,
This is a simple timing utility. It is in the public domain.
Anyone can use it, modify it, roll'n'smoke hardcopies of the source
code, sell it to the terrorists, etc.
But the author makes absolutely no warranty as to the reliability,
suitability, or usability of the software. There might be bad bugs
in here. It could delete all your files. It could format your
hard drive. I have no idea. If you lose all your files from using
it, it is your fault.
ctime is a simple utility that helps you keep track of how much time
you spend building your projects. You use it the same way you would
use a begin/end block profiler in your normal code, only instead of
profiling your code, you profile your build.
On the very first line of your build script, you do something like this:
ctime -begin timings_file_for_this_build.ctm
and then on the very last line of your build script, you do
ctime -end timings_file_for_this_build.ctm
That's all there is to it! ctime will keep track of every build you
do, when you did it, and how long it took. Later, when you'd like to
get a feel for how your build times have evolved, you can type
ctime -stats timings_file_for_this_build.ctm
and it will tell you a number of useful statistics!
ctime has the ability to track the difference between _failed_ builds
and _successful_ builds. If you would like it to do so, you can capture
the error status in your build script at whatever point you want,
for example:
set LastError=%ERRORLEVEL%
and then when you eventually call ctime to end the profiling, you simply
pass that error code to it:
ctime -end timings_file_for_this_build.ctm %LastError%
ctime can also dump all timings from a timing file into a textual
format for use in other types of tools. To get a CSV you can import
into a graphing program or database, use:
ctime -csv timings_file_for_this_build.ctm
Also, you may want to do things like timing multiple builds separately,
or timing builds based on what compiler flags are active. To do this,
you can use separate timing files for each configuration by using
the shell variables for the build at the filename, eg.:
ctime -begin timings_for_%BUILD_NAME%.ctm
ctime -end timings_for_%BUILD_NAME%.ctm
======================================================================== */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#pragma pack(push,1)
#define MAGIC_VALUE 0xCA5E713F
typedef struct timing_file_header
int unsigned MagicValue;
} timing_file_header;
typedef struct timing_file_date
int unsigned E[2];
} timing_file_date;
enum timing_file_entry_flag
TFEF_Complete = 0x1,
TFEF_NoErrors = 0x2,
typedef struct timing_file_entry
timing_file_date StartDate;
int unsigned Flags;
int unsigned MillisecondsElapsed;
} timing_file_entry;
#pragma pack(pop)
typedef struct timing_entry_array
int EntryCount;
timing_file_entry *Entries;
} timing_entry_array;
// TODO(casey): More platforms? Sadly, ANSI C doesn't support high-resolution timing across runs of a process AFAICT :(
#include <windows.h>
static int unsigned
if(sizeof(int unsigned) != sizeof(DWORD))
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unexpected integer size - timing will not work on this platform!\n");
static timing_file_date
timing_file_date Result = {0};
Result.E[0] = FileTime.dwLowDateTime;
Result.E[1] = FileTime.dwHighDateTime;
static void
PrintDate(timing_file_date Date)
FileTime.dwLowDateTime = Date.E[0];
FileTime.dwHighDateTime = Date.E[1];
FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&FileTime, &FileTime);
FileTimeToSystemTime(&FileTime, &SystemTime);
fprintf(stdout, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d.%02d",
SystemTime.wYear, SystemTime.wMonth, SystemTime.wDay,
SystemTime.wHour, SystemTime.wMinute, SystemTime.wSecond);
static double
MillisecondDifference(timing_file_date A, timing_file_date B)
A64.LowPart = A.E[0];
A64.HighPart = A.E[1];
B64.LowPart = B.E[0];
B64.HighPart = B.E[1];
// NOTE(casey): FILETIME is in 100-nanosecond ticks, so there's a
// coefficient to convert to milliseconds.
return((double)(A64.QuadPart - B64.QuadPart) * 0.0001);
static int unsigned
DayIndex(timing_file_date A)
double AD;
#if 0
A64.LowPart = A.E[0];
A64.HighPart = A.E[1];
// NOTE(casey): To help keeps things aligned with the user's local conception
// of "day", we have the operating system floor to real local days here.
FileTime.dwLowDateTime = A.E[0];
FileTime.dwHighDateTime = A.E[1];
FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&FileTime, &FileTime);
FileTimeToSystemTime(&FileTime, &SystemTime);
SystemTime.wHour = 0;
SystemTime.wMinute = 0;
SystemTime.wSecond = 0;
SystemTimeToFileTime(&SystemTime, &FileTime);
A64.LowPart = FileTime.dwLowDateTime;
A64.HighPart = FileTime.dwHighDateTime;
AD = ((double)A64.QuadPart * (0.0001)) / (1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0);
return((int unsigned)AD);
static void
fprintf(stderr, "CTime v1.0 by Casey Muratori\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " ctime -begin <timing file>\n");
fprintf(stderr, " ctime -end <timing file> [error level]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " ctime -stats <timing file>\n");
fprintf(stderr, " ctime -csv <timing file>\n");
static timing_entry_array
ReadAllEntries(int Handle)
timing_entry_array Result = {0};
long EntriesBegin = sizeof(timing_file_header);
long FileSize = _lseek(Handle, 0, SEEK_END);
if(FileSize > 0)
long EntriesSize = FileSize - EntriesBegin;
Result.Entries = (timing_file_entry *)malloc(EntriesSize);
long TestPos = _lseek(Handle, EntriesBegin, SEEK_SET);
long ReadSize = _read(Handle, Result.Entries, EntriesSize);
if(ReadSize == EntriesSize)
Result.EntryCount = EntriesSize / sizeof(timing_file_entry);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to read timing entries from file.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to allocate %d for storing timing entries.\n", EntriesSize);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to determine file size of timing file.\n");
static void
FreeAllEntries(timing_entry_array Array)
Array.EntryCount = 0;
Array.Entries = 0;
static void
CSV(timing_entry_array Array, char *TimingFileName)
int EntryIndex;
timing_file_entry *Entry = Array.Entries;
fprintf(stdout, "%s Timings\n", TimingFileName);
fprintf(stdout, "ordinal, date, duration, status\n");
{for(EntryIndex = 0;
EntryIndex < Array.EntryCount;
++EntryIndex, ++Entry)
fprintf(stdout, "%d, ", EntryIndex);
if(Entry->Flags & TFEF_Complete)
fprintf(stdout, ", %0.3fs, %s", (double)Entry->MillisecondsElapsed / 1000.0,
(Entry->Flags & TFEF_NoErrors) ? "succeeded" : "failed");
fprintf(stdout, ", (never completed), failed");
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
typedef struct time_part
char *Name;
double MillisecondsPer;
} time_part;
static void
PrintTime(double Milliseconds)
double MillisecondsPerSecond = 1000;
double MillisecondsPerMinute = 60*MillisecondsPerSecond;
double MillisecondsPerHour = 60*MillisecondsPerMinute;
double MillisecondsPerDay = 24*MillisecondsPerHour;
double MillisecondsPerWeek = 7*MillisecondsPerDay;
time_part Parts[] =
{"week", MillisecondsPerWeek},
{"day", MillisecondsPerDay},
{"hour", MillisecondsPerHour},
{"minute", MillisecondsPerMinute},
int unsigned PartIndex;
double Q = Milliseconds;
for(PartIndex = 0;
PartIndex < (sizeof(Parts)/sizeof(Parts[0]));
double MsPer = Parts[PartIndex].MillisecondsPer;
double This = (double)(int)(Q / MsPer);
if(This > 0)
fprintf(stdout, "%d %s%s, ", (int)This, Parts[PartIndex].Name,
(This != 1) ? "s" : "");
Q -= This*MsPer;
fprintf(stdout, "%0.3f seconds", (double)Q / 1000.0);
static void
PrintTimeStat(char *Name, int unsigned Milliseconds)
fprintf(stdout, "%s: ", Name);
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
typedef struct stat_group
int unsigned Count;
int unsigned SlowestMs;
int unsigned FastestMs;
double TotalMs;
} stat_group;
#define GRAPH_HEIGHT 10
#define GRAPH_WIDTH 30
typedef struct graph
stat_group Buckets[GRAPH_WIDTH];
} graph;
static void
PrintStatGroup(char *Title, stat_group *Group)
int unsigned AverageMs = 0;
if(Group->Count >= 1)
AverageMs = (int unsigned)(Group->TotalMs / (double)Group->Count);
if(Group->Count > 0)
fprintf(stdout, "%s (%d):\n", Title, Group->Count);
PrintTimeStat(" Slowest", Group->SlowestMs);
PrintTimeStat(" Fastest", Group->FastestMs);
PrintTimeStat(" Average", AverageMs);
PrintTimeStat(" Total", Group->TotalMs);
static void
UpdateStatGroup(stat_group *Group, timing_file_entry *Entry)
if(Group->SlowestMs < Entry->MillisecondsElapsed)
Group->SlowestMs = Entry->MillisecondsElapsed;
if(Group->FastestMs > Entry->MillisecondsElapsed)
Group->FastestMs = Entry->MillisecondsElapsed;
Group->TotalMs += (double)Entry->MillisecondsElapsed;
static int
MapToDiscrete(double Value, double InMax, double OutMax)
int Result;
if(InMax == 0)
InMax = 1;
Result = (int)((Value / InMax) * OutMax);
static void
PrintGraph(char *Title, double DaySpan, graph *Graph)
int BucketIndex;
int LineIndex;
int MaxCountInBucket = 0;
int unsigned SlowestMs = 0;
double DPB = DaySpan / (double)GRAPH_WIDTH;
for(BucketIndex = 0;
BucketIndex < GRAPH_WIDTH;
stat_group *Group = Graph->Buckets + BucketIndex;
// double AverageMs = Group->TotalMs / (double)Group->Count;
if(MaxCountInBucket < Group->Count)
MaxCountInBucket = Group->Count;
if(SlowestMs < Group->SlowestMs)
SlowestMs = Group->SlowestMs;
fprintf(stdout, "\n%s (%f day%s/bucket):\n", Title, DPB, (DPB == 1) ? "" : "s");
for(LineIndex = GRAPH_HEIGHT - 1;
LineIndex >= 0;
fputc('|', stdout);
for(BucketIndex = 0;
BucketIndex < GRAPH_WIDTH;
stat_group *Group = Graph->Buckets + BucketIndex;
int This = -1;
// double AverageMs = Group->TotalMs / (double)Group->Count;
This = MapToDiscrete(Group->SlowestMs, SlowestMs, GRAPH_HEIGHT - 1);
fputc((This >= LineIndex) ? '*' : ' ', stdout);
if(LineIndex == (GRAPH_HEIGHT - 1))
fputc(' ', stdout);
fputc('\n', stdout);
fputc('+', stdout);
for(BucketIndex = 0; BucketIndex < GRAPH_WIDTH; ++BucketIndex) {fputc('-', stdout);}
fputc(' ', stdout);
fputc('\n', stdout);
fputc('\n', stdout);
for(LineIndex = GRAPH_HEIGHT - 1;
LineIndex >= 0;
fputc('|', stdout);
for(BucketIndex = 0;
BucketIndex < GRAPH_WIDTH;
stat_group *Group = Graph->Buckets + BucketIndex;
int This = -1;
This = MapToDiscrete(Group->Count, MaxCountInBucket, GRAPH_HEIGHT - 1);
fputc((This >= LineIndex) ? '*' : ' ', stdout);
if(LineIndex == (GRAPH_HEIGHT - 1))
fprintf(stdout, " %d", MaxCountInBucket);
fputc('\n', stdout);
fputc('+', stdout);
for(BucketIndex = 0; BucketIndex < GRAPH_WIDTH; ++BucketIndex) {fputc('-', stdout);}
fprintf(stdout, " 0\n");
static void
Stats(timing_entry_array Array, char *TimingFileName)
stat_group WithErrors = {0};
stat_group NoErrors = {0};
stat_group AllStats = {0};
int unsigned IncompleteCount = 0;
int unsigned DaysWithTimingCount = 0;
int unsigned DaySpanCount = 0;
int EntryIndex;
timing_file_entry *Entry = Array.Entries;
int unsigned LastDayIndex = 0;
double AllMs = 0;
int unsigned FirstRecentEntry = 0;
double FirstDayAt = 0;
double LastDayAt = 0;
double DaySpan = 0;
graph TotalGraph = {0};
graph RecentGraph = {0};
WithErrors.FastestMs = 0xFFFFFFFF;
NoErrors.FastestMs = 0xFFFFFFFF;
if(Array.EntryCount >= 2)
double MilliD = MillisecondDifference(Array.Entries[Array.EntryCount - 1].StartDate, Array.Entries[0].StartDate);
DaySpanCount = (int unsigned)(MilliD / (1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0));
FirstDayAt = (double)DayIndex(Array.Entries[0].StartDate);
LastDayAt = (double)DayIndex(Array.Entries[Array.EntryCount - 1].StartDate);
DaySpan = (LastDayAt - FirstDayAt);
DaySpan += 1;
for(EntryIndex = 0;
EntryIndex < Array.EntryCount;
++EntryIndex, ++Entry)
if(Entry->Flags & TFEF_Complete)
stat_group *Group = (Entry->Flags & TFEF_NoErrors) ? &NoErrors : &WithErrors;
int unsigned ThisDayIndex = DayIndex(Entry->StartDate);
if(LastDayIndex != ThisDayIndex)
LastDayIndex = ThisDayIndex;
UpdateStatGroup(Group, Entry);
UpdateStatGroup(&AllStats, Entry);
AllMs += (double)Entry->MillisecondsElapsed;
int GraphIndex = (int)(((double)(ThisDayIndex-FirstDayAt)/DaySpan)*(double)GRAPH_WIDTH);
UpdateStatGroup(TotalGraph.Buckets + GraphIndex, Entry);
int GraphIndex = ThisDayIndex - (LastDayAt - GRAPH_WIDTH + 1);
if(GraphIndex >= 0)
UpdateStatGroup(RecentGraph.Buckets + GraphIndex, Entry);
fprintf(stdout, "\n%s Statistics\n\n", TimingFileName);
fprintf(stdout, "Total complete timings: %d\n", WithErrors.Count + NoErrors.Count);
fprintf(stdout, "Total incomplete timings: %d\n", IncompleteCount);
fprintf(stdout, "Days with timings: %d\n", DaysWithTimingCount);
fprintf(stdout, "Days between first and last timing: %d\n", DaySpanCount);
PrintStatGroup("Timings marked successful", &NoErrors);
PrintStatGroup("Timings marked failed", &WithErrors);
PrintGraph("All", (LastDayAt - FirstDayAt), &TotalGraph);
PrintGraph("Recent", GRAPH_WIDTH, &RecentGraph);
fprintf(stdout, "\nTotal time spent: ");
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
main(int ArgCount, char **Args)
// TODO(casey): It would be nice if this supported 64-bit file sizes, but I can't really
// tell right now if "ANSI C" supports this. I feel like it should by now, but the
// MSVC docs seem to suggest you have to use __int64 to do 64-bit stuff with the CRT
// low-level IO routines, and I'm pretty sure that isn't a portable type :(
// NOTE(casey): We snap the clock time right on entry, to minimize any overhead on
// "end" times that might occur from opening the file.
int unsigned EntryClock = GetClock();
if((ArgCount == 3) || (ArgCount == 4))
char *Mode = Args[1];
int ModeIsBegin = (strcmp(Mode, "-begin") == 0);
char *TimingFileName = Args[2];
timing_file_header Header = {0};
int Handle = _open(TimingFileName, _O_RDWR|_O_BINARY, _S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE);
if(Handle != -1)
// NOTE(casey): The file exists - check the magic value
_read(Handle, &Header, sizeof(Header));
if(Header.MagicValue == MAGIC_VALUE)
// NOTE(casey): The file is at least nominally valid.
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to verify that \"%s\" is actually a ctime-compatible file.\n", TimingFileName);
Handle = -1;
else if(ModeIsBegin)
// NOTE(casey): The file doesn't exist and we're starting a new timing, so create it.
Handle = _open(TimingFileName, _O_RDWR|_O_CREAT|_O_BINARY, _S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE);
if(Handle != -1)
Header.MagicValue = MAGIC_VALUE;
if(_write(Handle, &Header, sizeof(Header)) == sizeof(Header))
// NOTE(casey): File creation was (presumably) successful.
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to write header to \"%s\".\n", TimingFileName);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to create timing file \"%s\".\n", TimingFileName);
if(Handle != -1)
timing_file_entry NewEntry = {0};
NewEntry.StartDate = GetDate();
NewEntry.MillisecondsElapsed = GetClock();
if((_lseek(Handle, 0, SEEK_END) >= 0) &&
(_write(Handle, &NewEntry, sizeof(NewEntry)) == sizeof(NewEntry)))
// NOTE(casey): Timer begin entry was written successfully.
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to append new entry to file \"%s\".\n", TimingFileName);
else if(strcmp(Mode, "-end") == 0)
timing_file_entry LastEntry = {0};
if((_lseek(Handle, -sizeof(timing_file_entry), SEEK_END) >= 0) &&
(_read(Handle, &LastEntry, sizeof(LastEntry)) == sizeof(LastEntry)))
if(!(LastEntry.Flags & TFEF_Complete))
int unsigned StartClockD = LastEntry.MillisecondsElapsed;
int unsigned EndClockD = EntryClock;
LastEntry.Flags |= TFEF_Complete;
LastEntry.MillisecondsElapsed = 0;
if(StartClockD < EndClockD)
LastEntry.MillisecondsElapsed = (EndClockD - StartClockD);
if((ArgCount == 3) ||
((ArgCount == 4) && (atoi(Args[3]) == 0)))
LastEntry.Flags |= TFEF_NoErrors;
if((_lseek(Handle, -sizeof(timing_file_entry), SEEK_END) >= 0) &&
(_write(Handle, &LastEntry, sizeof(LastEntry)) == sizeof(LastEntry)))
fprintf(stdout, "CTIME: ");
fprintf(stdout, " (%s)\n", TimingFileName);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to rewrite last entry to file \"%s\".\n", TimingFileName);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Last entry in file \"%s\" is already closed - unbalanced/overlapped calls?\n", TimingFileName);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to read last entry from file \"%s\".\n", TimingFileName);
else if(strcmp(Mode, "-stats") == 0)
timing_entry_array Array = ReadAllEntries(Handle);
Stats(Array, TimingFileName);
else if(strcmp(Mode, "-csv") == 0)
timing_entry_array Array = ReadAllEntries(Handle);
CSV(Array, TimingFileName);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unrecognized command \"%s\".\n", Mode);
Handle = -1;
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Cannnot open file \"%s\".\n", TimingFileName);
@echo off
REM Debug build:
REM cl -Zi ctime.c /link winmm.lib
REM Release build:
cl -O2 ctime.c /link winmm.lib
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This is a public domain release of my timing utility, as shown on the Handmade Hero live stream on 2016-05-08. The current version of ctime.c and exe will always be available as part of the Handmade Hero source code as well (see for details)

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Smilex commented May 9, 2016

I ported it to Linux. Hopefully it Just Works

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I improved Smilex port to Linux:
It fixes at least one bug (puts function puts newline at end of string and corrupts CSV output).

My code uses stdio for file API, because read/write on Linux needs additional error checks (checking errno for EINTR), and code gets messy. Using fread/fwrite makes code the same for Linux and Windows.

I unified GetDate, PrintDate, MillisecondDifference and DayIndex functions between Windows and Linux. Only platform specific function left is GetClock.

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No biggie but you get a crash when trying ctime -stats on a file with less than 2 entries.

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No biggie but you get a crash when trying ctime -stats on a file with less than 2 entries.

it seems that the problem is in the 1st if condition in function Stats(timing_entry_array Array, char *TimingFileName):

if(Array.EntryCount >= 2)

i changed it to >= 1 and it seems to work fine now. Haven't test much thou.

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dgollub commented May 20, 2016

I converted ctime to D:

It builds on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.


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uucidl commented Jan 26, 2017

This tool crashes when trying -stats when you have data that crosses a year boundary, as the number of days wraps around.

static void
Stats(timing_entry_array Array, char *TimingFileName)
   FirstDayAt = (double)DayIndex(Array.Entries[0].StartDate);
   LastDayAt = (double)DayIndex(Array.Entries[Array.EntryCount - 1].StartDate);
   if (LastDayAt < FirstDayAt) {
        LastDayAt += 365; // TODO(uucidl): does not handle bisextile years. Also, what if our stats last more than one year?

This almost fixes it until you collect more than a year worth data in which case the wrap-around won't work anymore

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