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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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  • Save cnDelbert/7fcb33b4dd9a38fa8bcc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cnDelbert/7fcb33b4dd9a38fa8bcc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Modify the path to save and the url which obtained, the script can download the pictures and paste them into one. The two files fit different URL formats.
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'Delbert'
# for Python 3.4 and Python 2.7
# Pillow and request module are needed
import requests
import os
import re
from PIL import Image
url = ""
def down_img(folder):
Download images to the folder.
:param folder: path to download.
:return: NULL
print("%s, %s, %s, %s" % (x_begin, x_end, y_begin, y_end))
for x in range(x_begin, x_end + 1):
for y in range(y_begin, y_end + 1):
url_req = url % (x, y)
img_file = requests.get(url_req).content
img = open("./%s/z%02s_x%02d_y%02d.jpg" % (folder, zoom, x, y), "wb")
print("z%02s_x%02d_y%02d.jpg" % (zoom, x, y))
def paste_img(folder):
print("Joining images...")
width = (x_end + 1) * 512
height = (dy_end - dy_begin + 1) * 512
target ="RGBA", (width, height))
for x in range(0, x_end + 1):
for y in range(dy_begin, dy_end + 1):
# print("./%s/z%02s_x%02d_y%02d.jpg" %(folder, z, x, y))
img ="./%s/z%02s_x%02d_y%02d.jpg" % (folder, zoom, x, y))
target.paste(img, (512 * x, 512 * (y - dy_begin), 512 * (x + 1), 512 * (y - dy_begin + 1)))
if folder.endswith('.jpg'):"./%s/%s" % (folder, folder))
else:"./%s/%s.jpg" % (folder, folder))
def check_param(url_address):
x, y, x_max, y_max = 0, 0, 0, 0
print("Checking parameter x ...")
while True:
url_req = url_address % (x, y)
# print(url_req)
code = requests.get(url_req).headers
# print(code["content-type"])
if code["content-type"] == "image/jpeg":
x += 1
x_max = x - 1
print("X-max is %s." % x_max)
x, y = 0, 0
print("Checking parameter y ...")
while True:
url_req = url_address % (x, y)
code = requests.get(url_req).headers
if code["content-type"] == "image/jpeg":
y += 1
y_max = y - 1
print("Y-max is %s." % y_max)
print("Thresholds for x and y are %s and %s." % (x_max, y_max))
return x_max, y_max
# text/html; charset=UTF-8
# image/jpeg; charset=UTF-8
def check_img(folder, y_max):
:param folder: folder to store images
:param y_max: thresthold for y-value
:return:space interval of 512*512 size images.
x = 0
li = []
print("Checking image size...")
for y in range(0, y_max + 1):
img ='./%s/z%02s_x%02d_y%02d.jpg' % (folder, zoom, x, y))
if img.getbbox()[2] == 512:
lg_y_begin = li[0]
print("lg_y_begin is " + str(lg_y_begin))
lg_y_end = li[-1]
print("lg_y_end is " + str(lg_y_end))
return lg_y_begin, lg_y_end
def check_url(url_address):
Parse the URL input.
:param url_address: str
:return: url, path, x.
print("Checking URL ...")
url_to_be_checked = url_address
url_to_be_checked = url_to_be_checked.replace(r'%2B', '+')
url_to_be_checked = url_to_be_checked.replace(r'%20', ' ')
url_to_be_checked = url_to_be_checked.replace(r'%2F', '/')
url_to_be_checked = url_to_be_checked.replace(r'%3F', '?')
new_url = re.sub(r'x\d+-y\d+-z', 'x%s-y%s-z', url_to_be_checked)
if url_to_be_checked.split("/")[-1] == '':
path = url_to_be_checked.split('/')[-2]
path = url_to_be_checked.split('/')[-1]
z ='x\d+-y\d+-z\d'), url_to_be_checked).group()[-1]
print('URL with params is {0}'.format(new_url))
print('All files will be download in {save_folder}'.format(save_folder=path))
print("zoom is %s." % z)
return new_url, path, z
if __name__ == '__main__':
x_begin = 0
x_end = 0
y_begin = 0
y_end = 0
zoom = 0
dy_begin, dy_end = 0, 0
save_path = ""
url, save_path, zoom = check_url(url)
if not os.path.exists('./%s/' % save_path):
os.mkdir('./%s/' % save_path)
(x_end, y_end) = check_param(url)
# print(x_end, y_end)
dy_begin, dy_end = check_img(save_path, y_end)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'Delbert'
# for Python 3.4 and Python 2.7
# Pillow and request module are needed
import requests
import os
from PIL import Image
save_path = "notre-dame-cathed1"
url = ""
def down_img(folder):
print("%s, %s, %s, %s" % (x_begin, x_end, y_begin, y_end))
for x in range(x_begin, x_end + 1):
for y in range(y_begin, y_end + 1):
url_req = url % (x, y)
img_file = requests.get(url_req).content
img = open("./%s/z%02d_x%02d_y%02d.jpg" % (folder, zoom, x, y), "wb")
print("z%02d_x%02d_y%02d.jpg" % (zoom, x, y))
def paste_img(folder):
print("Joining images...")
width = (x_end + 1)*512
height = (dy_end - dy_begin + 1)*512
target ="RGBA", (width, height))
for x in range(0, x_end + 1):
for y in range(dy_begin, dy_end + 1):
#print("./%s/z%02d_x%02d_y%02d.jpg" %(folder, z, x, y))
img ="./%s/z%02d_x%02d_y%02d.jpg" % (folder, zoom, x, y))
target.paste(img, (512*x, 512*(y-dy_begin), 512*(x+1), 512*(y-dy_begin+1)))"./%s/z%02d_all.jpg" % (folder, zoom))
def check_param(url_address):
x, y, x_max, y_max = 0, 0, 0, 0
print("Checking parameter x ...")
while True:
url_req = url_address % (x, y)
code = requests.get(url_req).headers
if code["content-type"] == "image/jpeg; charset=UTF-8":
x += 1
x_max = x-1
x, y = 0, 0
print("Checking parameter y ...")
while True:
url_req = url_address % (x, y)
code = requests.get(url_req).headers
if code["content-type"] == "image/jpeg; charset=UTF-8":
y += 1
y_max = y-1
print("Thresholds for x and y are %s and %s." % (x_end, y_end))
return x_max, y_max
# text/html; charset=UTF-8
# image/jpeg; charset=UTF-8
def check_img(folder, y_max):
:param folder: folder to store images
:param y_max: thresthold for y-value
:return:space interval of 512*512 size images.
x = 0
li = []
print("Checking image size...")
for y in range(0, y_max + 1):
img ='./%s/z%02d_x%02d_y%02d.jpg' % (folder, zoom, x, y))
if img.getbbox()[3] == 512:
lg_y_begin = li[0]
lg_y_end = li[-1]
return lg_y_begin, lg_y_end
def check_url(url_address):
:param url_address: url to be checked
:return: url after check and zoom in int
print("Checking URL ...")
url_to_be_checked = url_address
url_sp = url_to_be_checked.split("&")
new_url = ""
z = 0
for url_item in url_sp:
if url_item.startswith("x="):
url_item = "x=%s"
if url_item.startswith("y="):
url_item = "y=%s"
if url_item.startswith("zoom="):
z = int(url_item[-1])
if new_url == "":
new_url = url_item
new_url = '{0}&{1}'.format(new_url, url_item)
print('URL with params is {0}'.format(new_url))
print("zoom is %d." % z)
return new_url, z
if __name__ == '__main__':
x_begin = 0
x_end = 0
y_begin = 0
y_end = 0
zoom = 0
dy_begin, dy_end = 0, 0
if not os.path.exists('./%s/' % save_path):
os.mkdir('./%s/' % save_path)
url, zoom = check_url(url)
(x_end, y_end) = check_param(url)
#print(x_end, y_end)
dy_begin, dy_end = check_img(save_path, y_end)
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