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Last active December 19, 2015 14:29
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Our Maze Jam from Lambda Jam 2013
#lang racket
(require json)
(define (get-maze-cell maze x y)
(list-ref maze y)
(define (neighbors x y)
(list (list x (sub1 y))
(list (add1 x) y)
(list x (add1 y))
(list (sub1 x) y)))
(define (remove-carved maze coords)
(filter (lambda (coord)
(= 0 (apply get-maze-cell maze coord)))
(define (remove-oob coords width height)
(filter (lambda (coord)
(and (>= (car coord) 0)
(< (car coord) width)
(>= (cadr coord) 0)
(< (cadr coord) height)))
(define (uncarved-neighbors maze x y)
(let ((width (length (car maze)))
(height (length maze)))
(remove-oob (neighbors x y) width height))))
(define (random-uncarved-neighbor maze x y)
(let ((uncarved-neighbors (uncarved-neighbors maze x y)))
(if (null? uncarved-neighbors)
(list-ref uncarved-neighbors
(random (length uncarved-neighbors))))))
(define (direction from-coords to-coords)
(let ((diff (list (- (car to-coords)
(car from-coords))
(- (cadr to-coords)
(cadr from-coords)))))
(case diff
[((0 -1)) 'n]
[((0 1)) 's]
[((-1 0)) 'w]
[((1 0)) 'e]
[else 'wtf])))
(define (update-list lis idx val)
(letrec ((upd (lambda (lis idx val cur)
((null? lis) '())
((= cur idx) (cons val (cdr lis)))
(else (cons
(car lis)
(upd (cdr lis) idx val (add1 cur))))))))
(upd lis idx val 0)))
(define (update-maze maze coord val)
(let* ((x (car coord))
(y (cadr coord))
(new-row (update-list (list-ref maze y)
(+ (get-maze-cell maze x y)
(update-list maze y new-row)))
(define carve-masks '((n 1) (s 2) (e 4) (w 8)))
(define (dir-inverse dir)
(let ((dirs '((n s) (s n) (w e) (e w))))
(cadr (assoc dir dirs))))
(define (carve-mask dir)
(cadr (assoc dir carve-masks)))
(define (carve-cell maze from-coord to-coord)
(letrec ((dir (direction from-coord to-coord))
(carve-cells (lambda (dir)
(update-maze maze from-coord (carve-mask dir))
to-coord (carve-mask (dir-inverse dir))))))
(carve-cells dir)))
(define (carve-maze maze)
(letrec ((carve-maze* (lambda (maze work)
(if (null? work)
(let* ((coord (car work))
(x (car coord))
(y (cadr coord))
(neighbor (random-uncarved-neighbor maze x y)))
(if (null? neighbor)
(carve-maze* maze (cdr work))
(carve-maze* (carve-cell maze coord neighbor) (cons neighbor work))))))))
(carve-maze* maze '((0 0)))))
(define (build-maze width height)
(lambda _
(lambda _ 0)))))
(define (generate-maze width height)
(carve-maze (build-maze width height)))
(define (write-maze x y)
(generate-maze x y)))
(write-maze 5 5)
; "[[4,10,6,12,10],[2,3,3,2,3],[3,3,3,3,3],[3,3,3,7,9],[5,13,9,5,8]]"
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