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Last active February 27, 2024 14:45
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Parses /proc/net/dev into a usable python datastructure
from datetime import datetime
class ProcNetDev(object):
"""Parses /proc/net/dev into a usable python datastructure.
By default each time you access the structure, /proc/net/dev is re-read
and parsed so data is always current.
If you want to disable this feature, pass auto_update=False to the constructor.
>>> pnd = ProcNetDev()
>>> pnd['eth0']['receive']['bytes']
def __init__(self, auto_update=True):
"""Opens a handle to /proc/net/dev and sets up the initial object."""
#we don't wrap this in a try as we want to raise an IOError if it's not there
self.proc = open('/proc/net/dev', 'rb')
#we store our data here, this is populated in update() = None
self.updated = None
self.auto_update = auto_update
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Allows accessing the interfaces as self['eth0']"""
if self.auto_update:
def __len__(self):
"""Returns the number of interfaces available."""
return len(
def __contains__(self, key):
"""Implements contains by testing for a KeyError."""
return True
except KeyError:
return False
def __nonzero__(self):
"""Eval to true if we've gottend data"""
if self.updated:
return True
return False
def __del__(self):
"""Ensure our filehandle is closed when we shutdown."""
except AttributeError:
def update(self):
"""Updates the instances internal datastructures."""
#reset our location
#read our first line, and note the character positions, it's important for later
headerline = self.proc.readline()
if not headerline.count('|'):
raise ValueError("Header was not in the expected format")
#we need to find out where all the pipes are
sections = []
position = -1
while position:
last_position = position+1
position = headerline.find('|', last_position)
if position < 0:
position = None
sections.append((last_position, position, headerline[last_position:position].strip().lower()))
#first section is junk "Inter-
#now get the labels
labelline = self.proc.readline().strip("\n")
labels = []
for section in sections:
interfaces = {}
#now get the good stuff
for info in self.proc.readlines():
info = info.strip("\n")
#split the data into interface name and counters
(name, data) = info.split(":", 1)
#clean them up
name = name.strip()
data = data.split()
interfaces[name] = {}
absolute_position = 0
#loop through each section, receive, transmit, etc
for section_number in range(len(sections)):
tmp = {}
#now loop through each label in that section
#they aren't always the same! transmit doesn't have multicast for example
for label_number in range(len(labels[section_number])):
#for each label, we need to associate it with it's data
#we use absolute position since the label_number resets for each section
tmp[labels[section_number][label_number]] = int(data[absolute_position])
absolute_position += 1
#push our data into the final location
#name=eth0, section[i][2] = receive (for example)
interfaces[name][sections[section_number][2]] = tmp
#update the instance level variables. = interfaces
self.updated = datetime.utcnow()
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tcm0116 commented Feb 14, 2019

@cnelson - Are there any usage restrictions associated with this code? I would like to use it in a project, but there is some concern that there is no license associated with it.

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cnelson commented Feb 25, 2019

To anyone interested: considered this code in the Publc Domain / CC0 1.0 Universal ❤️

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futska commented Mar 21, 2019

Thanks again!

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cnelson commented Nov 12, 2019

you should probably be using

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