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Created March 29, 2013 03:36
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This script requires Python 2.7 or greater,
as it uses the subproces.check_output, which is availablen in Python >= 2.7
It is run using crotab, every 30 minutes, using the following entry in /etc/crontab, on the machine
*/30 * * * * gramvaani cd ~/monitoring && ~/.localpython_273/bin/python2.7
Path to this script on
It logs it's output in (appends to the following file, after every 30 minutes) :
This script runs on, on a machine inside the iit n/w, every 30 minutes.
It performs 2 main tasks :
1. It pings & checks if a response is received.
If not, it sends an email to the admins
2. This script opens an http connection to
opens http connection to, & requests the head element for url vapp/ ) &
checks the http response code.
If it is other than 200 (OK), it send an email to the admins
import os
#import smtplib
import commands
import httplib
import sys
#import send_email # to use the send_email(sub,body,to_list) function to send emails defined in
from datetime import datetime
import subprocess
import socket
import commands # to determine ip address
#from email.mime.text import MIMEText
#def send_email(sub, body, to_list, from_email=''):
# msg = MIMEText(body)
# msg['Subject'] = sub
# username = 'gramvaani'
# password = 'junoongv'
# server = smtplib.SMTP('')
# server.starttls()
# server.login(username,password)
# from_email = ''
# server.sendmail(from_email, to_list, msg.as_string())
monitor_logfile = open('monitor.log', 'a')
except IOError:
print "\n Error opening monitor log file"
def call_send_email(sub, body):
passes it's arguments( sub & body) to the send_email function on
the machine specified by remote_ip
#login_string = 'ssh zahirk@ python email_subject email_body'
user = 'zahirk'
remote_ip = ''
cmd = 'python "%s" "%s"' % (sub, body)
before_ssh_msg = '\n' + str( +' \n Trying to ssh to remote m/c w/ ip '+ remote_ip +' to send email '
print before_ssh_msg
#monitor_logfile.write('\n' + str( +'\n Trying to ssh to remote m/c ' + remote_ip + ' to send email')
out = subprocess.check_output(['ssh', '%s@%s' % (user, remote_ip), cmd])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
monitor_logfile.write('\n'+ str(' \n Error in ssh-ing to ' + remote_ip + ' to send email '+str(e) )
print >>sys.stderr, str(e) # handle/log the error, retry
after_ssh_msg = '\n' + str( +' \n successfully ssh-ed to remote m/c w/ ip ' +remote_ip + ' & sent email to admins'
print after_ssh_msg
#monitor_logfile.write('\n' + str( +' \n successfully ssh-ed to remote m/c & sent email to admins')
def get_ipadd_machinename():
returns ip add. & hostname of machine where this monitoring script runs
return {'ipadd':commands.getoutput("/sbin/ifconfig").split("\n")[1].split()[1][5:] ,
'hostname':commands.getoutput("/bin/hostname") }
#dest_emails = ['', '']
hostname = "" #ip address of production server, whose n/w status we want to test with ping
response = os.system("ping -c 1 " + hostname)
ipadd_machinename = get_ipadd_machinename()
if(response == 0):
print ('\n'+ str(' \n ping to server w/ ip '+ hostname +' SUCCESS \n')
monitor_logfile.write('\n'+ str(' \n ping to server w/ ip '+ hostname +' SUCCESS \n')
print (str( + '\n ping to server w/ ip '+ hostname +' FAILED')
#send_email.send_email('ping to server w/ ip '+hostname+ ' FAILED', 'str( \n ping to'+ hostname +' #FAILED', dest_emails)
e_sub = 'ping to server w/ ip '+hostname+ ' FAILED at ' + str(
e_body = str( + '\n ping to server w/ ip '+ hostname +' FAILED'
e_body += '\n \n monitoring script ran on host named \'' + ipadd_machinename['hostname'] + ' with ip add ' + \
print e_body
call_send_email(e_sub, e_body)
#os.system("ssh zahirk@ python ")
#ssh_string = login_string + '\''+ str(e_sub) + '\' \'' + str(e_body) + '\''
#ssh_status = os.system("ssh zahirk@ python \'" + str(e_sub) + "\' \'"+str(e_body) +"\'")
#if ssh_status:
# monitor_logfile.write('\n ssh to remote email server FAILED')
# expands to "python 'ping to server w/ ip FAILED' '2012-09-17 18:29:42.818401 \n ping to server w/ ip FAILED'"
monitor_logfile.write('\n'+ str(' \n ping to server w/ ip '+ hostname +
'FAILED, sent email to monitor admin \n')
#gv_webname = ''
gv_webname = ''
url = '/vapp/'
print('\n Trying to open a connection to '+ gv_webname)
monitor_logfile.write('\n' + str( +' \n Trying to open http connection to '+ gv_webname)
c = httplib.HTTPConnection(gv_webname, timeout = 60)
print('\n' + str( +' \n Trying to fetch url '+ url +' on host '+ gv_webname)
monitor_logfile.write('\n' + str( +' \n Trying to fetch url '+ url +' on host '+ gv_webname)
http_fetch_msg ='\n' + str( +' \n Trying to get status & HTTP response code for the HEAD element, for url '\
+ url +' on host ' +gv_webname
print http_fetch_msg
#print('\n' + str( +' \n Trying to get status & HTTP response code for the HEAD element')
c.request ("HEAD", url)
http_response_code = c.getresponse().status
except Exception as e:
#monitor_logfile.write('\n' + str( +' \n Error opening http connection to '+ gv_webname+url)
#print('\n' + str( +' \n Error opening http connection to '+ gv_webname+url + '\n Error is ' +str(e))
esub = '\n' + str( +' \n Error opening http connection to '+ gv_webname+url
ebody = '\n' + str( + '\n Error opening http connection to '+ gv_webname+url + ' from machine \'' + ipadd_machinename['hostname'] +'\' with ip add ' + ipadd_machinename['ipadd']+'\n Error is ' +str(e)
print ebody
call_send_email(esub, ebody)
monitor_logfile.write('\n' + str( +'\n Sent email to admins, as there was an error opening an http connection to '+ gv_webname+url )
print('\n' + str( +'\n Sent email to admins & logged that, there was an error opening an http connection to '+gv_webname+url )
exit_msg = '\n' + str( + 'Exiting now'
print exit_msg
print http_response_code # should print 200 if everything is FINE
if(http_response_code == 200):
success_msg = '\n' + str( +' \n Successfully opened http connection & got HTTP response for the HEAD ' + \
'element of '+ gv_webname+url+ ' \n response code was ' + str(http_response_code) + ' ; SUCCESS \n'
print (success_msg)
#print('\n' + str( +' \n opening http connection to '+ gv_webname+url+ \
#' \n response code was ' + str(http_response_code) + ' ; SUCCESS \n')
#send_email.send_email('http to failed', 'str( \n http connection to '+ gv_webname+url+ '\n FAILED with status ' + str(http_response_code), dest_emails)
e_sub1 = ' http connection to '+ gv_webname+url+ ' FAILED '
e_body1 = ' http connection to '+ gv_webname+url+ '\n FAILED with status ' + str(http_response_code)
e_body1 += '\n' + str( +' monitoring script ran on host named \'' + ipadd_machinename['hostname'] + ' with ip add ' + ipadd_machinename['ipadd']
call_send_email(e_sub1, e_body1)
#os.system("ssh zahirk@ python \'" + str(e_sub) + "\' \'"+str(e_body) +"\'" )
monitor_logfile.write('\n'+ str(' \n http connection to '+ gv_webname+url+\
'\n FAILED with status ' + str(http_response_code) + '\n')
print('\n'+ str(' \n http connection to '+ gv_webname+url+\
'\n FAILED with status ' + str(http_response_code) + '\n')
#process = subprocess.Popen(['ssh','zahirk@'], shell=False, )
#make sure we eventually close the monitor log file
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