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Last active February 25, 2020 15:52
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import SwiftyDropbox
class DropboxManager {
var delegate: Dropboxable?
private var cursor: UInt64 = 0
init() {
// Completed assumptions:
// - setupWithAppKey
// - authorizeFromController
func sendFile(localFileUrl: NSURL, remoteFileUrl: NSURL) {
cursor = 0
let client = Dropbox.authorizedClient
guard let _ = client else {
print("Failed to authorize Dropbox user")
guard case let localFile = NSFileManager.defaultManager().fileExistsAtPath(localFileUrl.path!) where localFile == true else {
print("File does not exist at localPath: \(localFileUrl)")
guard let fileData = NSData(contentsOfFile: localFileUrl.path!) else {
print("File does not exist at localPath: \(localFileUrl)")
// Partition into 1MB chunks
let dataChunks = fileData.partitionBy(DataPartition.oneMB)
client!.files.uploadSessionStart(body: NSData()).response() { (responseData, error) in
if let sessionId = responseData?.sessionId {
self.appendChunksToFile(dataChunks, index: 0, remoteFileUrlPath: remoteFileUrl.path!, sessionId: sessionId, totalLength: UInt64(fileData.length))
func appendChunksToFile(dataChunks: [(data: NSData, offset: UInt64)],
index: Int,
remoteFileUrlPath: String,
sessionId: String,
totalLength: UInt64) {
let client = Dropbox.authorizedClient
if index < dataChunks.count {
let chunk = dataChunks[index]
client!.files.uploadSessionAppend(sessionId: sessionId, offset: UInt64(chunk.offset), body:{ (responseData, error) in
print("Cursor Offset: \(self.cursor)")
print("Chunk Offset: \(chunk.offset)")
print("Error: \(error)")
if error == nil {
// Chunk successfully uploaded, load next one
self.cursor += UInt64(
// Recurse to end
self.appendChunksToFile(dataChunks, index: index + 1, remoteFileUrlPath: remoteFileUrlPath, sessionId: sessionId, totalLength: totalLength)
print("Successfully uploaded chunk at offset: \(chunk.offset) with chunk size: \(")
} else {
// Chunk failed to upload, throw error
print("Failed to upload file chunk")
} else {
let sessionCursor = Files.UploadSessionCursor(sessionId: sessionId, offset: cursor)
let commitInfo = Files.CommitInfo(path: remoteFileUrlPath, mode: .Overwrite, autorename: true, clientModified: nil, mute: false)
client!.files.uploadSessionFinish(cursor: sessionCursor, commit: commitInfo, body: NSData()).response({ (responseData, error) in
print("Finished Cursor Offset: \(self.cursor)")
print("Finished Data: \(responseData?.clientModified)")
print("Finished Error: \(error)")
if error == nil {
print("Successfully created file at path: \(remoteFileUrlPath)")
} else {
print("Failed to finish file upload")
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