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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Function to verify if an email exists inside a Google Spreadsheet
* Verify that the provided email is well recognized by the MX server.
* @param {string} token : The API token bought at
* @param {string} email : The email to verify
* @return Boolean as 1/0 if it exists or an error code (starting with "ERR-{code}")
* @customfunction
function VN_VERIFY_EMAIL(token, email) {
if (!token) return "Please provide a token.";
if (!email) return "Please provide an email.";
var request = UrlFetchApp.fetch("", {
'method': 'post',
'muteHttpExceptions': true,
'payload': {
'token': token,
'email': email
var objRequest = Utilities.jsonParse(request.getContentText()),
response = null;
switch(request.getResponseCode()) {
case 204:
response = "1";
case 404:
response = "0";
if (objRequest.code) {
response = 'ERR-' + objRequest.code + ' : ' + objRequest.error;
response = 'ERR-' + objRequest.error;
return response;
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