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How to Make a Classic Mojito

Drink recipes are subjective. Experimentation is a lot of fun, and quite frankly encouraged. However, you really should know what the fuck you're doing before you go all willy nilly throwing everything in your kitchen into a glass and calling it a cocktail. This is the classic Mojito. It's damn fine on it's own. In fact, this is the only way I drink them. Once you've mastered this technique, feel free to experiment with other stuff like mangoes or pineapple or whatever. Just, please, don't call your franken-drink a Mojito.


cnix / pitch.txt
Created November 12, 2011 06:49
Start Norfolk 2011 Pitch for JibeSet
My name is Claude Nix. I race sailboats, and have done extensive work as an
event organizer and race official. I love the web and have been working for
seven years to improve participation in the sport of sailboat racing through it.
Tonight, I'm excited to tell you about my dream project, JibeSet.
Traditionally, regatta information has been distributed through printed
documents and word of mouth. The web has always been an afterthought. Event
registration happens with a pen and a checkbook and a stamp. This is BULLSHIT.
Scoring is done with desktop software that is difficult to use and often out of
date. Results are posted on a board at a club and may never see a digital
a, a:visited, a:hover {color:#6F1B7A}
body {background:#555;color:#F3702C}
div#sub_header {text-align:center;}
div#tagline, div#community_participation {display:none;}
cnix / gist:660749
Created November 3, 2010 02:55
Punch Recipe
750ml Meyer's Dark Rum
750ml Meyer's Light Rum
46oz Pineapple Juice
32oz Orange Juice
32oz Mango Juice
cnix / gist:633115
Created October 18, 2010 21:34
diff awesomeness
redirect diff output from file A to file B
diff <(./a) <(./b)
# check for unmerged commits
for b in `git branch $@ | grep -v -E '^[* ]*(demo|master)$'`; do echo "$b"; git cherry -v master "$b"; done
"Obama's health care plan will be written by a committee whose head, John Conyers, says he doesn't
understand it. It'll be passed by Congress that has not read it, signed by a president who smokes,
funded by a Treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, overseen by a Surgeon General who is obese,
and financed by a country that's nearly broke. What could possibly go wrong?" -Rush
[16:34][claude@seadated:~/work/tybee500(master)]$ git push heroku master
Internal server error
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Corned Beef Brisket
From Tyloo
· 9 lb.+ brisket of beef
DO FIRST: Cut brisket in half; rinse off brisket and put in pot and cover with cold water; bring to boil and cook 15 minutes. THROW WATER AWAY. Make garni bag, use cheescloth and tie with string:
· 2 TBL pickling spice (and add spice that comes with brisket too)
· 10 whole peppercorns
· 7 whole cloves
· 3 bay leaves crumbled
· parsley chopped
Tie bag. Put brisket back into pot, add:
A Simple Guide to Understanding San Francisco Weather
Most places have four seasons - spring, summer, fall and winter. People will tell you that San
Francisco also has four seasons, but this is not entirely true. Sure, it might be warmer in
October than it is in April, but only by about five degrees. We're just pussies. The bottom line
is that San Francisco really only has two seasons - Winter and Not Winter.
In Winter, it rains sometimes, and is a bit chilly. Winter generally occurs some time between
December and February.