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Example of drag and drop sorting of a category hierarchy
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.urls import re_path
from django.contrib.admin.utils import quote, unquote
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.core.validators import MinLengthValidator
from django.db import models
from django.http import JsonResponse, HttpResponseNotAllowed
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from treebeard.mp_tree import MP_Node
from wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.helpers import ButtonHelper
from wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.options import ModelAdmin
from wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.views import CreateView
from wagtail.admin.edit_handlers import FieldPanel
from wagtail.core import hooks
from wagtail.core.fields import RichTextField
from wagtail.core.models import Site
from wagtail.images.edit_handlers import ImageChooserPanel
from import index
from core.logging import logger
from core.models.utils import limit_to_current_site
from core.utils import (
class PersonCategory(MP_Node, index.Indexed):
"""Represents a single nestable PersonCategory in the taxonomy."""
# editable fields
site = models.ForeignKey(
name = models.CharField(
help_text='Name that will be displayed in navigation and (optionally) on people pages',
url = models.URLField(
help_text='Optional URL to create links from lists of categories to a relevant page.',
description = RichTextField(
help_text='Description that may appear when displaying lists of people in this category'
icon = models.ForeignKey(
verbose_name="Image that may appear next to name when displaying lists of people in this category",
# tree specific fields and attributes
node_child_verbose_name = 'child'
# wagtail specific - simple way to declare which fields are editable
panels = [
FieldPanel('parent'), # virtual field - see TopicForm later
# CNK TODO do we want to add categories to the search index?
search_fields = [
index.SearchField('name', partial_match=True),
index.SearchField('description', partial_match=True),
class Meta:
unique_together = ["site", "name"]
verbose_name = 'Person Category'
verbose_name_plural = 'Person Categories'
def __str__(self):
def format_choices(categories):
I want the nested categories to display indented by their depth so am adding space here. Giant kludge
but I got tired of pursuing how to to override setting the label in django.forms.models.ModelChoiceIterator
choices = []
for category in categories:
padding = ' ' * (category.depth - 2) * 5
choices.append((, mark_safe(f'{padding} {}')))
return choices
def category_choices_for_site():
This needs to be a callable that takes no args so we can use it to define 'choices' in a ChoiceBlock
request = get_current_request2('PersonCategory options list for site')
categories = PersonCategory.objects.filter(site_id=Site.find_for_request(request).id, depth__gt=1).all()
return PersonCategory.format_choices(categories)
def category_types_for_site():
This needs to be a callable that takes no args so we can use it to define 'choices' in a ChoiceBlock
request = get_current_request2('PersonCategory options list for site')
categories = PersonCategory.objects.filter(site_id=Site.find_for_request(request).id, depth=2).all()
return PersonCategory.format_choices(categories)
def delete(self):
"""Prevent users from deleting the root category."""
if self.is_root():
raise PermissionDenied('Cannot delete the root of the category hierarchy.')
#### Adjust a few things in the ModelAdmin interface ####
def listing_queryset(cls, request):
return cls.objects.filter(site=Site.find_for_request(request)).all()
def get_as_listing_header(self):
Build HTML representation of category with title & depth indication.
We subtract 1 from depth because we don't want the root of the tree to be draggable
depth = self.get_depth()
rendered = render_to_string(
'depth': depth - 1,
'is_root': self.is_root(),
return rendered
get_as_listing_header.short_description = 'Name'
get_as_listing_header.admin_order_field = 'name'
def get_parent(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Duplicate of get_parent from treebeard API."""
return super().get_parent(*args, **kwargs)
get_parent.short_description = 'Parent'
class ParentChoiceField(forms.ModelChoiceField):
def label_from_instance(self, obj):
depth_line = ' ' * (obj.get_depth() - 1) * 5
return mark_safe("{} {}".format(depth_line, super().label_from_instance(obj)))
class PersonCategoryForm(SiteSpecificModelForm):
parent = ParentChoiceField(
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
instance = kwargs['instance']
request = get_current_request2('PersonCategoryForm needs to restrict by site')
site = Site.find_for_request(request)
# Ensure this site has a root category
if not PersonCategory.objects.filter(site=site).exists():
PersonCategory.add_root(site=site, name=f'{site.site_name} Root')
if instance.is_root():
# hide and disable the parent field
self.fields['parent'].disabled = True
self.fields['parent'].required = False
self.fields['parent'].empty_label = 'Root Person Category'
self.fields['parent'].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
# update label to indicate this is the root
self.fields['name'].label += ' (Root)'
self.fields['parent'].initial = instance.get_parent()
def save(self, commit=True, *args, **kwargs):
instance = super().save(commit=False)
parent = self.cleaned_data['parent']
if not commit:
# simply return the instance if not actually saving (committing)
return instance
if is None: # creating a new category
if PersonCategory.objects.all().count() == 0: # no categories, creating root
PersonCategory.add_root(instance=instance) # add a NEW root category
else: # categories exist, must be adding categories under a parent
instance = parent.add_child(instance=instance)
else: # editing an existing category # update existing category
if instance.get_parent() != parent:
instance.move(parent, pos='sorted-child')
return instance
PersonCategory.base_form_class = PersonCategoryForm
class PersonCategoryButtonHelper(ButtonHelper):
def delete_button(self, pk, *args, **kwargs):
"""Ensure that the delete button is not shown for the site's root category."""
instance = self.model.objects.get(pk=pk)
if instance.is_root():
return super().delete_button(pk, *args, **kwargs)
def prepare_classnames(self, start=None, add=None, exclude=None):
"""Parse classname sets into final css classess list."""
classnames = start or []
classnames.extend(add or [])
return self.finalise_classname(classnames, exclude or [])
def add_child_button(self, pk, child_verbose_name, **kwargs):
"""Build a add child button, to easily add a child under this category."""
classnames = self.prepare_classnames(
start=self.edit_button_classnames + ['icon', 'icon-plus'],
return {
'classname': classnames,
'label': 'Add %s %s' % (
child_verbose_name, self.verbose_name),
'title': 'Add %s %s under this one' % (
child_verbose_name, self.verbose_name),
'url': self.url_helper.get_action_url('add_child', quote(pk)),
def get_buttons_for_obj(self, obj, exclude=None, *args, **kwargs):
"""Override the getting of buttons, prepending create child button."""
buttons = super().get_buttons_for_obj(obj, *args, **kwargs)
add_child_button = self.add_child_button(
child_verbose_name=getattr(obj, 'node_child_verbose_name'),
return buttons
class AddChildCategoryViewClass(CreateView):
"""View class that can take an additional URL param for parent id."""
parent_pk = None
parent_instance = None
def __init__(self, model_admin, parent_pk):
self.parent_pk = unquote(parent_pk)
object_qs = model_admin.model._default_manager.get_queryset()
object_qs = object_qs.filter(pk=self.parent_pk)
self.parent_instance = get_object_or_404(object_qs)
def get_page_title(self):
""" Generate a title that explains you are adding a child. """
title = super().get_page_title()
return title + ' %s %s for %s' % (
def get_initial(self):
"""Set the selected parent field to the parent_pk."""
return {'parent': self.parent_pk}
def move_category(request, instance_pk):
Moves the specified category beneath the specfied destination, at the specified position. This function is used
to implement drag-and-drop page moving.
RETURNS {"status": "OK"} if everything goes well.
cat = get_object_or_404(PersonCategory, id=instance_pk)
parent = get_object_or_404(PersonCategory, id=request.POST.get('destination_id'))
position = int(request.POST.get('position'))
if request.method != 'POST':
return HttpResponseNotAllowed(
content='{"error": "This API can only be accessed with a POST request."}',
content_type='application/json; charset=utf-8'
logger_extras = {
# We convert the page IDs to int because they come off the DB as longs, which get logged with an unwanted "L".
'category_id': int(,
'parent_id': int(,
'position': position,
# Figure out which of parent's children we're supposed to move this category next to.
children = list(parent.get_children())
# Figure out which category, if any, exists at the specified location.
current_occupant = children[position]
except IndexError:
# No child exists at the specified position, so we insert this category at the end. This covers "category was
# moved from other parent to last of this parent's children" and "parent did not yet have any children".
cat.move(parent, 'last-child')'sitemap.move.last-child', **logger_extras)
# A category already exists at the specified location.
# We convert from long to int, for aethetics in the logs.
logger_extras['sibling_id'] = int(
logger_extras['sibling_name'] =
old_position = children.index(cat)
except ValueError:
# This page was not already a child of its new parent, so we don't need the old_position logic.
# We must simply move the category that's currently at this position out of the way.
cat.move(current_occupant, 'left')'sitemap.move.left-of', **logger_extras)
# This category is being moved within its original sibling set.
if position < old_position:
# If it moved up in the table, the category in the specified position has to be moved out of the way to
# make room for it. So we insert to the left.
cat.move(current_occupant, 'left')'sitemap.move.sibling.left-of', **logger_extras)
elif position > old_position:
# If it moved down in the table, its old position was vacated. To account for that, we
# need to insert to the right, instead.
cat.move(current_occupant, 'right')'sitemap.move.sibling.right-of', **logger_extras)
# The category is being inserted at its current location. So we do nothing.'sitemap.move.noop', **logger_extras)
return JsonResponse({"status": "OK"})
# We removed the Snippets tab so will need to create a ModelAdmin for each model we need users to be able to manage.
class PersonCategoryAdmin(WagtailSubmenuRegisterable, ModelAdmin):
model = PersonCategory
menu_icon = 'snippet' # change as required
menu_order = 750 # all our registered items are in the 700-800 range
# listing view options
list_per_page = 50
list_display = ('get_as_listing_header', 'get_parent')
search_fields = ('name', 'description')
index_view_extra_js = ['caltech_sites/js/tabledrag.js']
# inspect view options
inspect_view_enabled = True
inspect_view_fields = ('name', 'get_parent', 'description', 'id')
button_helper_class = PersonCategoryButtonHelper
def get_queryset(self, request):
qs = super().get_queryset(request)
# Only show authors for current site
return qs.filter(site=Site.find_for_request(request))
def get_extra_attrs_for_row(self, obj, context):
return {"class": "draggable"}
def add_child_view(self, request, instance_pk):
"""Generate a class-based view to provide 'add child' functionality."""
# instance_pk will become the default selected parent_pk
kwargs = {'model_admin': self, 'parent_pk': instance_pk}
view_class = AddChildCategoryViewClass
return view_class.as_view(**kwargs)(request)
def get_admin_urls_for_registration(self):
"""Add the new url for add child page to the registered URLs."""
urls = super().get_admin_urls_for_registration()
add_child_url = re_path(
move_url = re_path(
return urls + (add_child_url, move_url, )
{% load caltech_sites_admin_tags %}
{% if is_root %}
<div style="display: table-cell;">
<strong>{{ name }}</strong>
{% else %}
{% render_indentations depth %}
<div style="display: table-cell;">
{{ name }}
{% endif %}
* Drag and drop table rows with AJAX call to initiate page move. This has been adapted from the sitemap tabledrag.js
* If this js file in included in your ModelAdmin-derived index view using:
* index_view_extra_js = ['caltech_sites/js/tabledrag.js']
* then any table with the classes "listing" and "full-width" will become sortable.
* See people_v2/people_categories PersonCategoryAdmin for an working example
(function($) {
var indentation_markup = '<div class="indentation">&nbsp;</div>';
var g_table_drag = null;
$(document).ready(function() {
var sortable_table = $('table.listing.full-width');
var move_url_name = 'caltech_sites_personcategory_modeladmin_move_category';
g_table_drag = new TableDrag(sortable_table[0], move_url_name);
* Constructor for the tableDrag object. Provides table and field manipulation.
* @param table
* DOM object for the table to be made draggable.
var TableDrag = function(table, move_url_name) {
var self = this;
// Required object variables.
this.table = table;
this.move_url_name = move_url_name;
this.dragObject = null; // Used to hold information about a current drag operation.
this.rowObject = null; // Provides operations for row manipulation.
this.oldRowElement = null; // Remember the previous element.
this.oldY = 0; // Used to determine up or down direction from last mouse move.
this.changed = false; // Whether anything in the entire table has changed.
this.rtl = $(this.table).css('direction') == 'rtl' ? -1 : 1; // Direction of the table.
// Configure the scroll settings.
this.scrollSettings = { amount: 4, interval: 50, trigger: 70 };
this.scrollInterval = null;
this.scrollY = 0;
this.windowHeight = 0;
this.indentCount = 1; // Total width of indents, set in makeDraggable.
// Find the width of indentations to measure mouse movements against.
// Because the table doesn't need to start with any indentations, we
// manually append 2 indentations in the first draggable row, measure
// the offset, then remove.
var testRow = $('<tr/>').addClass('draggable').appendTo(table);
//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
var testCell = $('<td/>').appendTo(testRow).prepend(indentation_markup).prepend(indentation_markup);
this.indentAmount = $('.indentation', testCell).get(1).offsetLeft - $('.indentation', testCell).get(0).offsetLeft;
// Make each applicable row draggable.
// Match immediate children of the parent element to allow nesting.
$('> tr.draggable, > tbody > tr.draggable', table).each(function() { self.makeDraggable(this); });
// Initialize the specified columns (for example, weight or parent columns)
// to show or hide according to user preference. This aids accessibility
// so that, e.g., screen reader users can choose to enter weight values and
// manipulate form elements directly, rather than using drag-and-drop.
// self.initColumns();
// Add mouse bindings to the document. The self variable is passed along
// as event handlers do not have direct access to the tableDrag object.
$(document).bind('mousemove pointermove', function(event) { return self.dragRow(event, self); });
$(document).bind('mouseup pointerup', function(event) { return self.dropRow(event, self); });
$(document).bind('touchmove', function(event) { return self.dragRow(event.originalEvent.touches[0], self); });
$(document).bind('touchend', function(event) { return self.dropRow(event.originalEvent.touches[0], self); });
* Take an item and add event handlers to make it become draggable.
TableDrag.prototype.makeDraggable = function(item) {
var self = this;
// Create the handle.
var handle = $('<a href="#" class="tabledrag-handle"><div class="drag-handle">&nbsp;</div></a>').attr(
'title', 'Drag to re-order'
// Insert the handle after indentations (if any).
if ($('td:first .indentation:last', item).length) {
$('td:first .indentation:last', item).after(handle);
// Update the total width of indentation in this entire table.
self.indentCount = Math.max($('.indentation', item).length, self.indentCount);
// Add hover action for the handle.
handle.hover(function() {
self.dragObject == null ? $(this).addClass('tabledrag-handle-hover') : null;
}, function() {
self.dragObject == null ? $(this).removeClass('tabledrag-handle-hover') : null;
// Add the mousedown action for the handle.
handle.bind('mousedown touchstart pointerdown', function(event) {
if (event.originalEvent.type == "touchstart") {
event = event.originalEvent.touches[0];
// Create a new dragObject recording the event information.
self.dragObject = {};
self.dragObject.initMouseOffset = self.getMouseOffset(item, event);
self.dragObject.initMouseCoords = self.mouseCoords(event);
self.dragObject.indentMousePos = self.dragObject.initMouseCoords;
// If there's a lingering row object from the keyboard, remove its focus.
if (self.rowObject) {
$('a.tabledrag-handle', self.rowObject.element).blur();
// Create a new rowObject for manipulation of this row.
self.rowObject = new self.row(item, 'mouse', true);
// Save the position of the table.
self.table.topY = $(self.table).offset().top;
self.table.bottomY = self.table.topY + self.table.offsetHeight;
// Add classes to the handle and row.
// Set the document to use the move cursor during drag.
if (self.oldRowElement) {
// Hack for Konqueror, prevent the blur handler from firing.
// Konqueror always gives links focus, even after returning false on mousedown.
self.safeBlur = false;
// Call optional placeholder function.
return false;
// Prevent the anchor tag from jumping us to the top of the page. {
return false;
// Similar to the hover event, add a class when the handle is focused.
handle.focus(function() {
self.safeBlur = true;
// Remove the handle class on blur and fire the same function as a mouseup.
handle.blur(function(event) {
if (self.rowObject && self.safeBlur) {
self.dropRow(event, self);
// Add arrow-key support to the handle.
handle.keydown(function(event) {
// If a rowObject doesn't yet exist and this isn't the tab key.
if (event.keyCode != 9 && !self.rowObject) {
self.rowObject = new self.row(item, 'keyboard', true);
var keyChange = false;
switch (event.keyCode) {
case 37: // Left arrow.
case 63234: // Safari left arrow.
keyChange = true;
self.rowObject.indent(-1 * self.rtl);
case 38: // Up arrow.
case 63232: // Safari up arrow.
var previousRow = $(self.rowObject.element).prev('tr').get(0);
while (previousRow && $(previousRow).is(':hidden')) {
previousRow = $(previousRow).prev('tr').get(0);
if (previousRow) {
self.safeBlur = false; // Do not allow the onBlur cleanup.
self.rowObject.direction = 'up';
keyChange = true;
if ($(item).is('.tabledrag-root')) {
// Swap with the previous top-level row.
var groupHeight = 0;
while (previousRow && $('.indentation', previousRow).length) {
previousRow = $(previousRow).prev('tr').get(0);
groupHeight += $(previousRow).is(':hidden') ? 0 : previousRow.offsetHeight;
if (previousRow) {
self.rowObject.swap('before', previousRow);
// No need to check for indentation, 0 is the only valid one.
window.scrollBy(0, -groupHeight);
else if (self.table.tBodies[0].rows[0] != previousRow || $(previousRow).is('.draggable')) {
// Swap with the previous row (unless previous row is the first one
// and undraggable).
self.rowObject.swap('before', previousRow);
self.rowObject.interval = null;
window.scrollBy(0, -parseInt(item.offsetHeight, 10));
handle.get(0).focus(); // Regain focus after the DOM manipulation.
case 39: // Right arrow.
case 63235: // Safari right arrow.
keyChange = true;
self.rowObject.indent(1 * self.rtl);
case 40: // Down arrow.
case 63233: // Safari down arrow.
var nextRow = $(':last').next('tr').get(0);
while (nextRow && $(nextRow).is(':hidden')) {
nextRow = $(nextRow).next('tr').get(0);
if (nextRow) {
self.safeBlur = false; // Do not allow the onBlur cleanup.
self.rowObject.direction = 'down';
keyChange = true;
if ($(item).is('.tabledrag-root')) {
// Swap with the next group (necessarily a top-level one).
var groupHeight = 0;
var nextGroup = new self.row(nextRow, 'keyboard', true);
if (nextGroup) {
$( {
groupHeight += $(this).is(':hidden') ? 0 : this.offsetHeight;
var nextGroupRow = $(':last').get(0);
self.rowObject.swap('after', nextGroupRow);
// No need to check for indentation, 0 is the only valid one.
window.scrollBy(0, parseInt(groupHeight, 10));
else {
// Swap with the next row.
self.rowObject.swap('after', nextRow);
self.rowObject.interval = null;
window.scrollBy(0, parseInt(item.offsetHeight, 10));
handle.get(0).focus(); // Regain focus after the DOM manipulation.
if (self.rowObject && self.rowObject.changed == true) {
if (self.oldRowElement) {
self.oldRowElement = item;
// Returning false if we have an arrow key to prevent scrolling.
if (keyChange) {
return false;
// Compatibility addition, return false on keypress to prevent unwanted scrolling.
// IE and Safari will suppress scrolling on keydown, but all other browsers
// need to return false on keypress.
handle.keypress(function(event) {
switch (event.keyCode) {
case 37: // Left arrow.
case 38: // Up arrow.
case 39: // Right arrow.
case 40: // Down arrow.
return false;
* Mousemove event handler, bound to document.
TableDrag.prototype.dragRow = function(event, self) {
if (self.dragObject) {
self.currentMouseCoords = self.mouseCoords(event);
var y = self.currentMouseCoords.y - self.dragObject.initMouseOffset.y;
var x = self.currentMouseCoords.x - self.dragObject.initMouseOffset.x;
// Check for row swapping and vertical scrolling.
if (y != self.oldY) {
self.rowObject.direction = y > self.oldY ? 'down' : 'up';
self.oldY = y; // Update the old value.
// Check if the window should be scrolled (and how fast).
var scrollAmount = self.checkScroll(self.currentMouseCoords.y);
// Stop any current scrolling.
// Continue scrolling if the mouse has moved in the scroll direction.
if (scrollAmount > 0 && self.rowObject.direction == 'down' ||
scrollAmount < 0 && self.rowObject.direction == 'up') {
// If we have a valid target, perform the swap and restripe the table.
var currentRow = self.findDropTargetRow(x, y);
if (currentRow) {
if (self.rowObject.direction == 'down') {
self.rowObject.swap('after', currentRow, self);
else {
self.rowObject.swap('before', currentRow, self);
// Similar to row swapping, handle indentations.
var xDiff = self.currentMouseCoords.x - self.dragObject.indentMousePos.x;
// Set the number of indentations the mouse has been moved left or right.
var indentDiff = Math.round(xDiff / self.indentAmount);
// Indent the row with our estimated diff, which may be further
// restricted according to the rows around this row.
var indentChange = self.rowObject.indent(indentDiff);
// Update table and mouse indentations.
self.dragObject.indentMousePos.x += self.indentAmount * indentChange * self.rtl;
self.indentCount = Math.max(self.indentCount, self.rowObject.indents);
return false;
* Mouseup event handler, bound to document.
* Blur event handler, bound to drag handle for keyboard support.
TableDrag.prototype.dropRow = function(event, self) {
// Drop row functionality shared between mouseup and blur events.
if (self.rowObject != null) {
var droppedRow = self.rowObject.element;
// The row is already in the right place so we just release it.
if (self.rowObject.changed == true) {
if (self.oldRowElement) {
self.oldRowElement = droppedRow;
self.rowObject = null;
// Functionality specific only to mouseup event.
if (self.dragObject != null) {
$('.tabledrag-handle', droppedRow).removeClass('tabledrag-handle-hover');
self.dragObject = null;
* Get the mouse coordinates from the event (allowing for browser differences).
TableDrag.prototype.mouseCoords = function(event) {
if (event.pageX || event.pageY) {
return { x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY };
return {
x: event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft,
y: event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop - document.body.clientTop
* Given a target element and a mouse event, get the mouse offset from that
* element. To do this we need the element's position and the mouse position.
TableDrag.prototype.getMouseOffset = function(target, event) {
var docPos = $(target).offset();
var mousePos = this.mouseCoords(event);
return { x: mousePos.x - docPos.left, y: mousePos.y - };
* Find the row the mouse is currently over. This row is then taken and swapped
* with the one being dragged.
* @param x
* The x coordinate of the mouse on the page (not the screen).
* @param y
* The y coordinate of the mouse on the page (not the screen).
TableDrag.prototype.findDropTargetRow = function(x, y) {
var rows = $(this.table.tBodies[0].rows).not(':hidden');
for (var n = 0; n < rows.length; n++) {
var row = rows[n];
var rowY = $(row).offset().top;
// Because Safari does not report offsetHeight on table rows, but does on
// table cells, grab the firstChild of the row and use that instead.
if (row.offsetHeight == 0) {
var rowHeight = parseInt(row.firstChild.offsetHeight, 10) / 2;
// Other browsers.
else {
var rowHeight = parseInt(row.offsetHeight, 10) / 2;
// Because we always insert before, we need to offset the height a bit.
if ((y > (rowY - rowHeight)) && (y < (rowY + rowHeight))) {
// Check that this row is not a child of the row being dragged.
for (var n in {
if ([n] == row) {
return null;
// Check that swapping with this row is allowed.
if (!this.rowObject.isValidSwap(row)) {
return null;
// We may have found the row the mouse just passed over, but it doesn't
// take into account hidden rows. Skip backwards until we find a draggable
// row.
while ($(row).is(':hidden') && $(row).prev('tr').is(':hidden')) {
row = $(row).prev('tr').get(0);
return row;
return null;
* After the row is dropped, update the dropped Page's path based on where it was dropped in the table.
* @param changed_row
* DOM object for the row that was just dropped.
TableDrag.prototype.updatePath = function(changed_row) {
var changed_row_id = $(changed_row).data('object-pk');
var row_obj = this.rowObject;
var parent_row = $(changed_row).prev('tr');
// Search up the table for this row's new parent: the first one with less indentations than this row now has.
// Ignore the homepage, since it's the ultimate parent.
while (parent_row.length && $('.indentation', parent_row).length >= this.rowObject.indents &&
!parent_row.hasClass('homepage')) {
parent_row = parent_row.prev('tr');
var parent_page_id = $(parent_row).data('object-pk');
// Figure out the page's position within its new sibling list by adding 1 to the start value of position for each row
// down it is from its parent.
var current_row ='tr');
var position = 0;
while (current_row[0] != changed_row) {
// If this row has the same number of indents as our changed row, it's a sibling, so add to position.
if ($('.indentation', current_row).length == this.rowObject.indents) {
position += 1;
current_row ='tr');
//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
var move_url = URLs[this.move_url_name](changed_row_id);
// Perform the POST that executes the page move.
$.post(move_url, {'csrfmiddlewaretoken': getCookieValue('csrftoken'),
'destination_id': parent_page_id,
'position': position})
.done(function(data) {
// 'data' is a dict keying two Page IDs to the replacement HTML contents for their More menus.
// It also may contain a 'message' key which should be dsplayed to the user.
for (var key in data) {
// We need to only replace the c-dropdown__menu element because replacing the entire More menu would break
// the event listeners.
if (key == 'message') {
var message_markup = '<div class="popup">' +
'This page\'s slug had to be changed because a sibling page already had the same slug. ' +
'If you wish to change this auto-generated slug, click <a href="' + data[key] + '">here</a> to edit the page.</div>';
var popup = $(message_markup);
$('td.title', current_row).append(popup);
setTimeout(function() {
popup.fadeOut(function() {
}, 7000);
else {
var more_menu = $(data[key]).find('ul.c-dropdown__menu');
var old_menu = $('tr[data-object-pk="' + key + '"] ul.c-dropdown__menu');
.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// rrollins 2017-05-18: This probably won't ever happen. I ran into this situation when I was developing
// the NewsIndexPage, and I wanted to put something in place to help developers of future similar functionality
// notice the problem that my original mechanism of page creation prevention was causing.
"We're sorry, but this drag action returned the following error:\n\"" + errorThrown + '"' + "\n\n" +
"The page will now reload to synchronize the correct state of the model."
TableDrag.prototype.checkScroll = function(cursorY) {
var de = document.documentElement;
var b = document.body;
var windowHeight = this.windowHeight = window.innerHeight || (
de.clientHeight && de.clientWidth != 0 ? de.clientHeight : b.offsetHeight
var scrollY = this.scrollY = (document.all ? (!de.scrollTop ? b.scrollTop : de.scrollTop) : (
window.pageYOffset ? window.pageYOffset : window.scrollY
var trigger = this.scrollSettings.trigger;
var delta = 0;
// Return a scroll speed relative to the edge of the screen.
if (cursorY - scrollY > windowHeight - trigger) {
delta = trigger / (windowHeight + scrollY - cursorY);
delta = (delta > 0 && delta < trigger) ? delta : trigger;
return delta * this.scrollSettings.amount;
else if (cursorY - scrollY < trigger) {
delta = trigger / (cursorY - scrollY);
delta = (delta > 0 && delta < trigger) ? delta : trigger;
return -delta * this.scrollSettings.amount;
TableDrag.prototype.setScroll = function(scrollAmount) {
var self = this;
this.scrollInterval = setInterval(function() {
// Update the scroll values stored in the object.
var aboveTable = self.scrollY > self.table.topY;
var belowTable = self.scrollY + self.windowHeight < self.table.bottomY;
if (scrollAmount > 0 && belowTable || scrollAmount < 0 && aboveTable) {
window.scrollBy(0, scrollAmount);
}, this.scrollSettings.interval);
TableDrag.prototype.restripeTable = function() {
// :even and :odd are reversed because jQuery counts from 0 and
// we count from 1, so we're out of sync.
// Match immediate children of the parent element to allow nesting.
$('> tbody > tr.draggable:visible, > tr.draggable:visible', this.table)
.removeClass('odd even')
* Stub function. Allows a custom handler when a row begins dragging.
TableDrag.prototype.onDrag = function() {
return null;
* Stub function. Allows a custom handler when a row is dropped.
TableDrag.prototype.onDrop = function() {
return null;
* Constructor to make a new object to manipulate a table row.
* @param tableRow
* The DOM element for the table row we will be manipulating.
* @param method
* The method in which this row is being moved. Either 'keyboard' or 'mouse'.
* @param addClasses
* Whether we want to add classes to this row to indicate child relationships.
TableDrag.prototype.row = function(tableRow, method, addClasses) {
this.element = tableRow;
this.method = method; = [tableRow];
this.groupDepth = $('.indentation', tableRow).length;
this.changed = false;
this.table = $(tableRow).closest('table').get(0);
this.direction = ''; // Direction the row is being moved.
this.indents = $('.indentation', tableRow).length;
this.children = this.findChildren(addClasses); = $.merge(, this.children);
// Find the depth of this entire group.
for (var n = 0; n <; n++) {
this.groupDepth = Math.max($('.indentation',[n]).length, this.groupDepth);
* Find all children of rowObject by indentation.
* @param addClasses
* Whether we want to add classes to this row to indicate child relationships.
TableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.findChildren = function(addClasses) {
var parentIndentation = this.indents;
var currentRow = $(this.element, this.table).next('tr.draggable');
var rows = [];
var child = 0;
while (currentRow.length) {
var rowIndentation = $('.indentation', currentRow).length;
// A greater indentation indicates this is a child.
if (rowIndentation > parentIndentation) {
if (addClasses) {
$('.indentation', currentRow).each(function(indentNum) {
if (child == 1 && (indentNum == parentIndentation)) {
if (indentNum == parentIndentation) {
else if (indentNum > parentIndentation) {
else {
currentRow ='tr.draggable');
if (addClasses && rows.length) {
$('.indentation:nth-child(' + (parentIndentation + 1) + ')', rows[rows.length - 1]).addClass('tree-child-last');
return rows;
* Ensure that two rows are allowed to be swapped.
* @param row
* DOM object for the row being considered for swapping.
TableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.isValidSwap = function(row) {
var prevRow, nextRow;
if (this.direction == 'down') {
prevRow = row;
nextRow = $(row).next('tr').get(0);
else {
prevRow = $(row).prev('tr').get(0);
nextRow = row;
this.interval = this.validIndentInterval(prevRow, nextRow);
// We have an invalid swap if the valid indentations interval is empty.
if (this.interval.min > this.interval.max) {
return false;
// Do not let an un-draggable first row have anything put before it.
return !(this.table.tBodies[0].rows[0] == row && $(row).is(':not(.draggable)'));
* Perform the swap between two rows.
* @param position
* Whether the swap will occur 'before' or 'after' the given row.
* @param row
* DOM element what will be swapped with the row group.
TableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.swap = function(position, row) {
// Drupal.detachBehaviors(, Drupal.settings, 'move');
// Drupal.attachBehaviors(, Drupal.settings);
this.changed = true;
* Determine the valid indentations interval for the row at a given position
* in the table.
* @param prevRow
* DOM object for the row before the tested position
* (or null for first position in the table).
* @param nextRow
* DOM object for the row after the tested position
* (or null for last position in the table).
TableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.validIndentInterval = function(prevRow, nextRow) {
var minIndent, maxIndent;
// Minimum indentation:
// Do not orphan the next row.
minIndent = nextRow ? $('.indentation', nextRow).length : 0;
// Maximum indentation:
if (!prevRow || $(prevRow).is(':not(.draggable)') || $(this.element).is('.tabledrag-root')) {
// Do not indent:
// - the first row in the table,
// - rows dragged below a non-draggable row,
// - 'root' rows.
maxIndent = 0;
else {
// Do not go deeper than as a child of the previous row.
maxIndent = $('.indentation', prevRow).length + ($(prevRow).is('.tabledrag-leaf') ? 0 : 1);
return { 'min': minIndent, 'max': maxIndent };
* Indent a row within the legal bounds of the table.
* @param indentDiff
* The number of additional indentations proposed for the row (can be
* positive or negative). This number will be adjusted to nearest valid
* indentation level for the row.
TableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.indent = function(indentDiff) {
// Determine the valid indentations interval if not available yet.
if (!this.interval) {
var prevRow = $(this.element).prev('tr').get(0);
var nextRow = $(':last').next('tr').get(0);
this.interval = this.validIndentInterval(prevRow, nextRow);
// Adjust to the nearest valid indentation.
var indent = this.indents + indentDiff;
indent = Math.max(indent, this.interval.min);
indent = Math.min(indent, this.interval.max);
indentDiff = indent - this.indents;
for (var n = 1; n <= Math.abs(indentDiff); n++) {
// Add or remove indentations.
if (indentDiff < 0) {
else {
if (indentDiff) {
// Update indentation for this row.
this.changed = true;
this.groupDepth += indentDiff;
return indentDiff;
* Remove indentation helper classes from the current row group.
TableDrag.prototype.row.prototype.removeIndentClasses = function() {
for (var n in this.children) {
$('.indentation', this.children[n])
// Utility function used by TableDrag.updatePath() to retrieve the CSFR Token.
function getCookieValue(name) {
var matches = document.cookie.match('(^|;)\\s*' + name + '\\s*=\\s*([^;]+)');
return matches ? matches.pop() : '';
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