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Last active July 18, 2024 21:17
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How to make a monitor overlay in OpenVR in C
// Battery Watcher for OpenVR (make an overlay with the battery left for all connected devices on your left hand)
// Compile with:
// tcc battery_monitor_overlay.c -o bmo.exe -luser32 -lgdi32 -lkernel32 -lopengl32 C:\windows\system32\msvcrt.dll openvr_api.dll
// System headers for any extra stuff we need.
#include <stdbool.h>
// Include CNFG (rawdraw) for generating a window and/or OpenGL context.
#define CNFGOGL
#include "rawdraw_sf.h"
// Include OpenVR header so we can interact with VR stuff.
#undef EXTERN_C
#include "openvr_capi.h"
// OpenVR Doesn't define these for some reason (I don't remmeber why) so we define the functions here. They are copy-pasted from the bottom of openvr_capi.h
intptr_t VR_InitInternal( EVRInitError *peError, EVRApplicationType eType );
void VR_ShutdownInternal();
bool VR_IsHmdPresent();
intptr_t VR_GetGenericInterface( const char *pchInterfaceVersion, EVRInitError *peError );
bool VR_IsRuntimeInstalled();
const char * VR_GetVRInitErrorAsSymbol( EVRInitError error );
const char * VR_GetVRInitErrorAsEnglishDescription( EVRInitError error );
// These are functions that rawdraw calls back into.
void HandleKey( int keycode, int bDown ) { }
void HandleButton( int x, int y, int button, int bDown ) { }
void HandleMotion( int x, int y, int mask ) { }
void HandleDestroy() { }
// This function was copy-pasted from cnovr.
void * CNOVRGetOpenVRFunctionTable( const char * interfacename )
EVRInitError e;
char fnTableName[128];
int result1 = snprintf( fnTableName, 128, "FnTable:%s", interfacename );
void * ret = (void *)VR_GetGenericInterface( fnTableName, &e );
printf( "Getting System FnTable: %s = %p (%d)\n", fnTableName, ret, e );
if( !ret )
exit( 1 );
return ret;
// These are interfaces into OpenVR, they are basically function call tables.
struct VR_IVRSystem_FnTable * oSystem;
struct VR_IVROverlay_FnTable * oOverlay;
// The OpenVR Overlay handle.
VROverlayHandle_t overlayID;
// Was the overlay assocated or not?
int overlayAssociated;
// The width/height of the overlay.
#define WIDTH 128
#define HEIGHT 128
int main()
// Create the window, needed for making an OpenGL context, but also
// gives us a framebuffer we can draw into. Minus signs in front of
// width/height hint to rawdrawthat we want a hidden window.
CNFGSetup( "Example App", -WIDTH, -HEIGHT );
// We put this in a codeblock because it's logically together.
// no reason to keep the token around.
EVRInitError ierr;
uint32_t token = VR_InitInternal( &ierr, EVRApplicationType_VRApplication_Overlay );
if( !token )
printf( "Error!!!! Could not initialize OpenVR\n" );
return -5;
// Get the system and overlay interfaces. We pass in the version of these
// interfaces that we wish to use, in case the runtime is newer, we can still
// get the interfaces we expect.
oSystem = CNOVRGetOpenVRFunctionTable( IVRSystem_Version );
oOverlay = CNOVRGetOpenVRFunctionTable( IVROverlay_Version );
// Generate the overlay.
oOverlay->CreateOverlay( "batterymonitoroverlay-overlay", "Battery Monitor Overlay", &overlayID );
oOverlay->SetOverlayWidthInMeters( overlayID, .1 );
oOverlay->SetOverlayColor( overlayID, 1., .8, .7 );
// Control texture bounds to control the way the texture is mapped to the overlay.
VRTextureBounds_t bounds;
bounds.uMin = 1;
bounds.uMax = 0;
bounds.vMin = 0;
bounds.vMax = 1;
oOverlay->SetOverlayTextureBounds( overlayID, &bounds );
// Actually show the overlay.
oOverlay->ShowOverlay( overlayID );
GLuint overlaytexture;
// Initialize the texture with junk data.
uint8_t * myjunkdata = malloc( 128 * 128 * 4 );
int x, y;
for( y = 0; y < 128; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < 128; x++ )
myjunkdata[ ( x + y * 128 ) * 4 + 0 ] = x * 2;
myjunkdata[ ( x + y * 128 ) * 4 + 1 ] = y * 2;
myjunkdata[ ( x + y * 128 ) * 4 + 2 ] = 0;
myjunkdata[ ( x + y * 128 ) * 4 + 3 ] = 255;
// We aren't doing it, but we could write directly into the overlay.
//err = oOverlay->SetOverlayRaw( overlayID, myjunkdata, 128, 128, 4 );
// Generate the texture.
glGenTextures( 1, &overlaytexture );
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, overlaytexture );
// It is required to setup the min and mag filter of the texture.
// Load the texture with our dummy data. Optionally we could pass 0 in where we are
// passing in myjunkdata. That would allocate the RAM on the GPU but not do anything with it.
int framenumber;
while( true )
CNFGBGColor = 0x00000000; //Black Transparent Background
// Process any window events and call callbacks.
// Setup draw color.
CNFGColor( 0xffffffff );
// Setup where "CNFGDrawText" will draw.
CNFGPenX = 1;
CNFGPenY = 1;
// Scratch buffer for us to write text into.
char str[256];
sprintf( str, "%d\n", framenumber );
// Actually draw the string.
CNFGDrawText( str, 2 );
// Iterate over the list of all devices.
int i;
int devices = 0;
for( i = 0; i < k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount; i++ )
// See if this device has a battery charge.
ETrackedDeviceProperty prop;
ETrackedPropertyError err;
float battery = oSystem->GetFloatTrackedDeviceProperty( i, ETrackedDeviceProperty_Prop_DeviceBatteryPercentage_Float, &err );
// No error? Proceed.
if( err == 0 )
// Get the device name
char ctrlname[128];
oSystem->GetStringTrackedDeviceProperty( i, ETrackedDeviceProperty_Prop_ModelNumber_String, ctrlname, 128, &err );
// If the device name is nonempty...
if( strlen( ctrlname ) )
// Write into the scratch string.
// Set the draw location, and draw that string.
sprintf( str, "%4.0f %s", battery * 100., ctrlname );
CNFGPenX = 1;
CNFGPenY = devices * 12 + 13;
CNFGDrawText( str, 2 );
// If the overlay is unassociated, associate it with the left controller.
if( !overlayAssociated )
TrackedDeviceIndex_t index;
index = oSystem->GetTrackedDeviceIndexForControllerRole( ETrackedControllerRole_TrackedControllerRole_LeftHand );
if( index == k_unTrackedDeviceIndexInvalid || index == k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd )
printf( "Couldn't find your controller to attach our overlay to (%d)\n", index );
// We have a ETrackedControllerRole_TrackedControllerRole_LeftHand. Associate it.
EVROverlayError err;
// Transform that puts the text somewhere reasonable.
HmdMatrix34_t transform = { 0 };
transform.m[1][1] = 1;
transform.m[0][2] = 1;
transform.m[2][0] = 1;
// Apply the transform and attach the overlay to that tracked device object.
err = oOverlay->SetOverlayTransformTrackedDeviceRelative( overlayID, index, &transform );
// Notify the terminal that this was associated.
printf( "Successfully associated your battery status window to the tracked device (%d %d %08x).\n",
err, index, overlayID );
overlayAssociated = true;
// Finish rendering any pending draw operations.
// Bind the texture we will be sending to OpenVR.
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, overlaytexture );
// Copy the current framebuffer into that texture.
glCopyTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0 );
// Setup a Texture_t object to send in the texture.
struct Texture_t tex;
tex.eColorSpace = EColorSpace_ColorSpace_Auto;
tex.eType = ETextureType_TextureType_OpenGL;
tex.handle = (void*)(intptr_t)overlaytexture;
// Send texture into OpenVR as the overlay.
oOverlay->SetOverlayTexture( overlayID, &tex );
// We have to process through texture events.
struct VREvent_t nEvent;
if( overlayAssociated )
while( oOverlay->PollNextOverlayEvent( overlayID, &nEvent, sizeof( nEvent ) ) );
// Display the image and wait for time to display next frame.
// Don't go at 1,000+ FPS, wait til next frame sync from scene app.
oOverlay->WaitFrameSync( 100 );
return 0;
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cnlohr commented Jul 18, 2024

This example has been superseded by this project:

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