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Last active November 18, 2021 15:52
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This document outlines our branch naming conventions and our work flow with git. This document aims to answer the questions.

  • How do we start work on a new feature
  • How do we start work on a hot fix
  • How do we start work on a bug
  • How do we deploy to our testing/production env
  • How do we release


  • Define branch naming conventions
  • Define static and throw away branches
  • Define how to release
  • Provide examples

Environment Map

Branch Environment
master Production
develop Staging
release Pre-Production

Branch Naming

It is important to have a consistency when naming branches so that they are easily identifiable and we can quickly understand what issue the branch aims to resolve.

Below is a list of the branches their use case

Prefix Use Case Permanent
master Production branch a merge will trigger a deploy to production env true
develop Working branch a merge will trigger a deploy to staging true
feature Feature I'm adding or expanding false
sub Feature subtask false
release Pre-Production branch a push will trigger a deploy to preprod env false
hotfix Hot fix an issue found in production false
bug Bug fix an issue in staging or preprod false


Below are examples of how you would use the branches defined above.

New Feature

When beginning work on a new feature we first need to branch out from develop and create a new feature branch using the grouping prefix.

$ git co develop
$ git co -b feature/0000-loot-goals

Features can require many of file changes which may cause the PR's to be quite large, in order to ensure we keep are PR's small and manageable, we should use the story ticket number as the main feature branch and then continue to branch out of the feature branch to complete the sub-tickets.


Once a sub-ticket is completed, we should create a PR into the the main feature branch feature/0000-loot-goals. Once all sub-tickets are completed we can then create a PR into the the working branch(develop)

Bug Fix

When beginning a bug ticket we should create a new branch using the bug group prefix, from either the develop or release branch depending on which env the bug is related to.


Hot Fix

When beginning a hot fix ticket we should create a new branch using the hot fix group prefix, from the master branch.



When beginning a release we should create a new branch using the release group prefix and the version number, from the develop branch.

$ git co develop
$ git co -b release/2.5.2

Creating this branch will trigger a release to preprod env, and allow QA team to perform regression on all of the changes.

Any bugs that are found can be resolved following the flow for bug fixes above.

Once all of the issues are resolved and QA have given the ok ✅. we can then merge that branch into master and develop, and then create a new release, uploading a copy of the current master


To version our application we follow Semantic Versioning

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