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Created May 24, 2013 09:48
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  • Save cnsoft/5642477 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cnsoft/5642477 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
export rev files only.. used to create hot fix..
#!/usr/bin/env python
#svn log -v -r 20146:20150 svn://
#Author cnsoft 2011-09
svncmd = "svn log -v -r %d:%d %s"
svnurl = "svn://"
outputpath = "d:\\packagetools"
svnbin = "svn"
import os
def getChangeFileList(r1,r2):
_cmdstr = svncmd%(r1,r2,svnurl)
changelist = os.popen(_cmdstr).readlines()
fullchangelist = []
foundchangepath = False
for line in changelist:
print "Process >>",line
if line.find('Changed paths:')>=0:
foundchangepath = True
#print 'check paths',foundchangepath
elif line =='\n':
foundchangepath = False
elif line.find('-----------------------------------')>=0:
foundchangepath = False
if foundchangepath:
#if not line.find('Changed paths:'):
tmplist = line.split(' ')
if len(tmplist) >=3:
#print 'got>>',tmplist
changetype = tmplist[3]
changefile = tmplist[4]
print fullchangelist
return fullchangelist
def checkchangedfile(r2,ifile,outputdir=""):
#svn export -r 20150 svn:// c:\xxx.chunk"
outputdir = outputdir.replace("\\/","//")
ifile = ifile.replace('\n','')
path1 = svnurl + ifile
filename = ifile[ifile.rfind("/")+1:]
filepath = ifile[0:ifile.rfind("/")]
#create folder first.
#export the file in changelist.
outputdir = outputdir+'/r'+str(r2)+"/" + filepath +"/"
outputfile = outputdir + filename
#Posix Only
if not os.path.exists(outputdir):
r = os.makedirs(outputdir)
if r:
print 'Folder created'
print 'Folder created failed'
cmdstr = "svn export -r %d %s %s"%(r2,path1,outputfile)
#print 'Todo exec cmdstr'
if r:
print 'Export ok'
print 'Export error %s'%cmdstr
def test():
global svnurl
svnurl = "svn://"#/steam_packCB1_111011/"
outputpath = "D:\\Development\\xx4\\steam_hot_fix\\hotfix_19712"
r2 = 19712
r1 = 19711
fulllist = getChangeFileList(r1,r2)
print 'end...',fulllist
for el in fulllist:
if el[1].rfind('.') < 0:#if is folder ignore.
#os.system("svn export -r 20149 svn:// \
# d:/packageTools/r20149/fffd0004o.chunk")
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