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Last active June 21, 2022 20:33
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TypeScript component encapsulating a StaticWebsite
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
interface StaticWebsiteArgs {
domainName: string;
defaultDocument?: string;
* The StaticWebsite component provisions a cloud storage bucket
* and a content-delivery network for it. Exposes the name of
* the storage bucket and the CDN origin URL.
export class StaticWebsite extends pulumi.ComponentResource {
private bucket: aws.s3.Bucket;
private cdn: aws.cloudfront.Distribution;
public bucketName: pulumi.Output<string>;
public originURL: pulumi.Output<string>;
constructor(name: string, args: StaticWebsiteArgs, opts?: pulumi.ComponentResourceOptions) {
super("acmecorp:index:StaticWebsite", name, args, opts);
if (!args.defaultDocument) {
args.defaultDocument = "index.html";
// Create a storage bucket.
this.bucket = new aws.s3.Bucket("website-bucket", {
bucket: args.domainName,
website: {
indexDocument: args.defaultDocument
}, { parent: this });
// Create a CloudFront CDN.
this.cdn = new aws.cloudfront.Distribution("website-cdn", {
enabled: true,
origins: [
originId: this.bucket.arn,
domainName: this.bucket.bucketRegionalDomainName
defaultRootObject: "index.html",
defaultCacheBehavior: {
targetOriginId: this.bucket.arn,
allowedMethods: ["HEAD", "GET"],
cachedMethods: ["HEAD", "GET"],
viewerProtocolPolicy: "redirect-to-https",
forwardedValues: {
cookies: { forward: "none" },
queryString: false
restrictions: {
geoRestriction: {
restrictionType: "none"
viewerCertificate: {
cloudfrontDefaultCertificate: true
}, { parent: this });
// Expose the bucket name and origin URL so consumers can use them.
this.bucketName = this.bucket.bucket;
this.originURL = pulumi.interpolate`https://${this.cdn.domainName}`;
// Register public properties as Pulumi outputs.
bucketName: this.bucketName,
originURL: this.originURL
// Consumers of your API can provide and use only the properties they care about.
export const { bucketName, originURL } = new StaticWebsite("my-website", {
domainName: ""
$ pulumi up
Updating (dev)
View Live:
Type Name Status
+ pulumi:pulumi:Stack terraform-migrate-examples-dev created
+ └─ acmecorp:index:StaticWebsite my-website created
+ ├─ aws:s3:Bucket website-bucket created
+ └─ aws:cloudfront:Distribution website-cdn created
bucketName : ""
originURL : ""
+ 4 created
Duration: 3m20s
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